Jean Hill

A documentary on the career of filmmaker John Waters. Featuring interviews with actors and fellow film-makers. The life and death of the actor Divine is also discussed.


Way USA, a pilot for a punk/comedy travelogue that was done for MTV in 1988 and hosted by Tesco Vee (lead singer of the band The Meatmen). Tesco wanders around Baltimore. He tours dive bars, strip clubs, bath houses and greasy spoons. It features John Waters, Jean Hill (Polyester, Desperate Living), and a host of other weirdos, deviants and losers. It was all shot on Super 8 to get that grainy 50's home move/travelogue look.

A suburban housewife's world falls apart when her pornographer husband admits he's serially unfaithful to her, her daughter gets pregnant, and her son is suspected of being the foot-fetishist who's been breaking local women's feet.


A rich housewife enlists her maid's help to murder her husband; they go on the lam and end up in Mortville, a homeless community built into a garbage dump.
