Jean-Jacques Delbo

Lulu models for a young painter who tries to seduce her. When her husband enters the room he dies from a heart attack. Lulu marries the painter, who commits suicide when he finds out that she has been having a long standing affair with Dr Schon and whose son gives her a job. Lulu kills Dr Schon and goes to London to live with his son. Eventually, she becomes a prostitute and dies a victim of Jack the Ripper.


Henry Roubier, a French promoter, and Enrico Mazzini, an Italian, have signed an agreement guaranteeing them a stranglehold on European highways. While driving on the roads of the south, Roubier takes two young hitchhikers, but an unfortunate swerve the car rushes by Henri and its occupants on the top of a pine tree onto the side of a cliff.


A serie of murders is comitted in Nice on the French riviera. The commissaire Carella is in charge and tries to find a missing link between all these murders.


Mathieu is a mild-mannered man engaged to a woman whose father is involved in running a house of prostitution. When the father dies, Mathieu inherits the bordello and is unprepared for his new position. He overcomes his shyness and becomes a sexual dynamo when his workers feed him some powerful amphetamines.


A CIA man poses an actor as the husband of an amnesiac, all for Chinese missile data and a jewel.


In this French crime drama, two safe-crackers are breaking into a safe when they are caught in the act by the owner. One of the crooks kills him and flees leaving his partner behind. The abandoned accomplice is captured and convicted. One year passes before the convict is able to escape from prison and set out to exact his revenge.


This modest, unpretentious French film is a streamlined version of the true story previously cinematized as The Song of Bernadette (1943). Daniele Ajort plays the simple 19th-century French peasant girl who insists that she has experienced a vision of the Virgin Mary. Once this sighting becomes common knowledge, Bernadette's very existence becomes a religious and political hot potato. Thousands of people flock to the grotto at Lourdes where Bernadette claims she has seen the Holy Mother, believing that the waters therein contain recuperative powers. Bernadette dies under a cloud of controversy, but is ultimately elevated to sainthood by the Vatican.


Edmund Dantes is falsely accused by those jealous of his good fortune, and is sentenced to spend the rest of his life in the notorious island prison, Chateau d'If. While imprisoned, he meets the Abbe Faria, a fellow prisoner whom everyone believes to be mad. The Abbe tells Edmund of a fantastic treasure hidden away on a tiny island, that only he knows the location of. After many years in prison, the old Abbe dies, and Edmund escapes disguised as the dead body. Now free, Edmund must find the treasure the Abbe told him of, so he can use the new-found wealth to exact revenge on those who have wronged him.


In the 9th Century, two Viking children, separated since their early childhood with one raised by the British and the other by Vikings, meet after nearly 20 years as rivals as war breaks out between Britian and the Vikings for control of England.


A reporter is murdered while driving to his job. The Police are contacted by a clairvoyant who saw the death in a vision, but some dark force is preventing him from seeing the man behind the crime...


In Paris, scoundrel mates Paolo and Antoine Venturen hope to get rich quick by asking ransom fro rich Mr. Jumelin's preteen son Eric. Masquerading as Indians, the scamp's favorite game, does the trick. They soon learn such bratty rascal is more trouble then he's worth. The boy's a P.I. instead of paying, and it gets worse.


Scientists discover that a group of meteors are hurtling on a collison course with Earth, and if they hit, the planet will be destroyed.


In a small town in southern France, on the seafront and not far from Italy, Dr. Valerio is working to heal the poor. His young wife, could no longer stand the place, encouraged him to go and settle in Nice but the doctor does not want to leave before having found a replacement. Valerio was particularly friendly with Sandro, an agricultural worker who maintains the trees belonging to Gorzone, wealthy industrialist and major employer in the city. Sandro, disturbed by the serious illness of his wife, is struggling to fulfill its functions. During an absence of his wife, Dr. Valerio meets Clara, a young Italian, and falls for her. The drama erupts when Gorzone dismisses Sandro ...


A story about a simple old man with a lot of love for his only daughter. She falls in love with a doctor's son and he don't understand why...


Judge Julien Lamy regularly deals with the welfare of children, namely down on their luck delinquents. When an orphan named Alain Robert burns down a barn belonging to his abusive foster family, Judge Lamy has no choice but to send him to a juvenile jail. There he meets an older boy named Francis Lanoux, who is desperate to escape and be reunited with his girlfriend Sylvette. The boys eventually flee the institution, as Francis goes in search of his lost love and Alain continues looking for his parents. Unfortunately, the little rebels run into some big problems once on the outside.


Witty narration follows the history of Versailles Palace; founded by Louis XIII, enlarged by autocratic Louis XIV, whose personal affairs and amours, and those of his two successors, are followed in more detail to the start of the Revolution, after which the story is brought rapidly up to date. A huge cast plays mainly historical persons who appear briefly.


Arriving in Paris, Madeleine Marsan rents a room in a guesthouse where she makes the acquaintance of Pierre Ruffin, a respectable municipal librarian. Through Pierre, Madeleine finds work as a schoolteacher and soon realises that she is in love with him. Then she discovers that Pierre is in truth the head of a band of crooks. Caught by the police after a failed robbery, Pierre manages to escape. With Madeleine’s help, he goes on the run.


A smooth criminal, who turns to be Manuel Ismora, and his gang successfully and peacefully pull off con after heist. Elsewhere a timid office worker, Gabriel Dupon, is pressured by his boss...


Frank, a disfigured man (von Stroheim) meets at a fair a beautiful blind long-haired blonde Jeanne (Madeleine Sologne).
