Jean Le Peltier

Vincent, a comedian who is more at ease with performing on stage than in real life, tired of all the dating applications and of seeking love in vain, is dazed by a peculiar interaction with an older man who reminds him that both his shyness and his fear of humiliation will not go away with time.

Daphné, her dog and the whole family are gathered together to spend Christmas in the countryside.

An Icelandic volcano has blocked air traffic and Thelma’s parents are stuck overseas. Until planes start flying across the sky again Jean, Vincent and Thelma share the same roof.


Jean and Aurelia, as many other couples, often trample across the swamps of love quarrels, where they encounter bad faith, unending argumentation, overreaction, stubborn silences, crying, shouting, etc. Jean and Aurelia are also the scientists of their own fights. They sort them in different categories, analyze them, make graphics and put them away in archive boxes

A film that focuses on several characters who join the French Foreign Legion and how they are shaped by the experience, including Nina, who follows boyfriend Vlad from Ukraine. While he’s stationed in Corsica, she meets the wife of Commander Maxime (Garrel).
