Jean-Loup Felicioli

The world of 10-year old Nina has been in turmoil since her father lost his job. Despite weeks of strike, his factory closed down. The manager had tampered with the accounts and precipitated its collapse. But rumour has it that a nest-egg remains hidden somewhere in the factory. Nina and her friend Mehdi spring into action to help Nina’s dad out. This tale of our times, which is also a coming-of-age story, stages the interaction between the concerns of children and those of adults.

A ten-year-old boy who hates his little brother is punished by his mother and has to spend an afternoon with a scary old man. The boy will learn a lesson about life when he discovers the old man’s terrible secret.

Two burglars release dozens of cats into a neighbourhood and start the dogs barking. They use the din to their advantage and dig up a bag of loot. However, the situation snowballs and turns into the worst night the burglars ever spent.


Carl and Mo plan to pull off a big heist but things do not go according to plan.

At a hospital in New York, Alex, a police officer, meets Leo, a boy who has the ability to get out of his body and pass through the walls like a ghost. Both team up with Mary, an intrepid journalist, to capture a disfigured villain who terrorizes the city.


A thrilling mystery that unfurls in the alleys and on the rooftops of the French capital, Paris, over the course of one adventurous evening.


A young couple finds themselves in difficult financial straits. The man is out of work and spends his days walking the streets, without so much as a cent in his pocket to buy food. He’s so weak that he collapses in front of a store window. The store’s owner, an elderly man, comes to the man’s aid and offers him a job. His new job requires him to spend all day sitting and keeping watch on the small room at the end of a corridor.


What are these two strange things above my nose I'm supposed to see with? They can't be my eyes. No! They'd never have let me see such a thing. And yet there's no denying it : I clearly see a knife in the fork compartment. A knife among the forks!

We all have a mysterious and invisible creature with whom we share our lives and our emotions. But only Tulip, an eleven year old girl, has the ability to see these strange and fantastical beings. Thanks to Nathan, a boy of the same age, and the creatures who come to her aid, Tulip discovers that there is a hidden family secret behind her special gifts. With, at the end of the journey, the discovery that she is able to accomplish great things.
