Jean Marchat

For 7 years Don Dionisio has been engaged to Marguerite, a young girl from a good family. Every year he comes from the distant village where he is a civil servant to spend a day with his beloved. But that evening is the last time he moves in with Don Rosario, the innkeeper: the next day he marries Marguerite. But the arrival of a troupe of music hall artists who settle in the neighboring rooms and the meeting with the pretty Paula, will disturb his projects ...

Political ambitions sometimes lead to the downfall of those who formulate them. For Ptolemy, assassinating Pompey was an opportunity to get into Caesar's good graces. Once the crime is committed, Ptolemy impatiently awaits recognition from Caesar. But a completely different fate awaits Cleopatra's brother.

In a frightening dream, Pauline, daughter of Felix the Roman governor, foresees the death of Polyeucte and cannot agree to let her husband leave the Palace. In love, Polyeucte leaves however on the advice of his Christian friend Néarque who encourages him to neglect the tears of his wife and urges him to be baptized...

Charles le Temeraire asks in marriage Jeanne de Beauvais, daughter of King Louis XI, wishing to get her valuable lands in dowry. The King is wise to this, and since his daughter does not feel inclined to accept, he refuses. Charles sets up a plan to abduct the prince, in a way that the suspicions will fall upon Robert de Neuville, a noble enamoured of the princess. Robert manages to free her from the castle where she was being kept. Charles keeps setting traps, and managing people to perjure against Jeanne, and the King himself. Finally, Jeanne escapes alive from a pack of wolves, who set watching the lady alone in the snow covered woods, instead of attacking her. Charles does yet accuse her of being a witch - wishing to have her dead rather than being the wife of Robert... Robert will be her champion in a Judgement of God. Will the 'miracle of the wolfs' repeat itself, or fearless Charles defeat Robert in the sword duel?


Le passage du Rhin (original title). Following the defeat of France by Germany during WWII, two French soldiers are taken to a German farm as forced laborers.


This Yves Allegret film is set in French Polynesia and stars Edmond O'Brien, Richard Basehart, Andrea Parisy, Nicole Berger and Reg Lye. Basehart is the black sheep of a wealthy family of mining financiers based in France. He dumps the family life style and heads to Tahiti to make it on his own. His wife, Andrea Parisy, is less than amused with Basehart's choice.


The film follows the life of Napoleon from his early life in Corsica to his death at Saint Helena. The film is notable for its use of location shooting for numerous scenes, especially at the French estates of Malmaison and Fontainebleau, the Palace of Versailles, and sites of Napoleonic battles including Austerlitz and Waterloo.


Barbara Laage essays the title role in Zoe. Our heroine's adventures begin when she catches the eye of a big-city playboy named Arthur (Michel Auclair), who is attracted not only to Zoe's beauty, but by her insistence upon telling nothing but the whole truth. This trait causes no end of comic complications when Zoe moves into the palatial home of Arthur's family. The limit comes when Zoe botches a big business deal formulated by Arthur's not-altogether-honest father (Louis Seigner). Zoe is based on a stage farce by Jean Marsan.

Joe Calvert (Fernadel) is a nearsighted, friendly man who works as a clerk in a large department store, who gets into embarrassing situations when he isn't wearing his glasses. Since Joe works in the department that sells cowboy clothes to kids, his boss is adamant against his wearing glasses as cowboys and glasses don't go together. After a series of near-blind misadventures, Joe is fired. Dejected, he goes to the movies and seats himself next to a dangerous gangster and, when he leaves, takes the man's raincoat. In the subway, on a crowded train, he removes a heavy object from coat pocket. It's a gun and the passengers are in a panic and Joe is arrested, and the police announce they have captured Public Enemy No. 1. The leader's mob, unaware that it isn't their boss the police have, plan an escape, with most of the plans made by gun moll Lola (Zsa Zsa Gabor.) Soon, Joe finds both the police and the gangsters after him.


Now that the world conflict is over, five inseparable wartime buddies swear eternal friendship now to each other. But there's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip. Jean becomes a postman, Marcel a boxer, Roger an actor, André a student and Philippe remains what he has always been, a young man of good social standing. Roger, who can't find any role, is introduced through his singer sister Valérie, to Frédo, a shady nightclub owner.Roger soon becomes one of Frédo's henchmen. To make matters worse, he swipes Jean's fiancée, Simone. Marcel, who loses fight after fight, ends up joining Fredo's gang as well. André, who wanted to redeem the faults of his father during the Occupation, gets killed in the Indochina war. Marcel is shot down while taking part in a robbery. In her turn, Valérie is bumped off by an accomplice of Fredo and Roger is sent to jail.


This unique love story, based on a novelette by Denis Diderot and with dialogue written by Jean Cocteau, follows the maneuverings of a society lady as she connives to initiate a scandalous affair between her aristocratic ex-lover and a prostitute. With his second feature film, director Robert Bresson was already forging his singularly brilliant filmmaking technique as he created a moving study of the power of revenge and the strength of true love.


In my “cellar” where case workers all the people of a great hotel, the head of the café, Donge, finds the corpse of Mrs Petersen, a rich client. The investigation by Maigret allows him to rub the husband of the victim, a Swede, Teddy, Ms Petersen’s son, his housekeeper, a social dancer and Donge himself who is the natural father of Teddy. The child he will go to his real father or not he will leave the rich Petersen who adores? The murder mystery and enigma sentimental are resolved by Maigret.


Robert and Françoise Monier make a hot air balloon to fly to the stratosphere. After a visit to Venus, they return home, but have only aged 15 days whereas 25 years have passed on Earth.


A married tugboat captain falls for a woman he rescues from a sinking ship.


The story is about a drug ring and the finally successful efforts of the Paris police to break it up. A young detective goes into a den in Paris' Chinatown, following a clue, and that is the last seen of him until his body is found floating in the Seine several days later. The only clue is a woman's glove. The dead man's friends on the force vow to avenge him, and receive information leading them to suspect one Sandra, a beautiful foreigner, played by the stunning Marcelle Chantal.


An opera singer travelling with her company on a passenger ship encounters a mysterious young man who she falls in love with.
