Jean-Pierre Mocky

A disassembly / reassembly of 58 films by Jean-Pierre Mocky, the editor becoming the director and the hero of his own film.

In 1948, French singer Charles Aznavour (1924-2018) receives a Paillard Bolex, his first camera. Until 1982, he will shoot hours of footage, his filmed diary. Wherever he goes, he carries his camera with him. He films his life and lives as he films: places, moments, friends, loves, misfortunes…


An episode of the renowned french TV series "Cinéma, de notre temps" (Cinema of Our Times) about french filmmaker Jean-Pierre Mocky.

An aging gangster (Jean-Pierre Mocky) escapes from prison and is taken in by a very beautiful blonde who asks him to kill her uncle (Richard Bohringer) because he guards her money but prevents her from using it. She asks the gangster to kill him and that way she won't turn the gangster in - she knows he's escaped. The gangster prepares to kill the uncle, except that he realizes he's a very good guy. He becomes friends with the uncle. He won't kill him and will simulate the murder.


In 1967, during the making of “La Chinoise,” film director Jean-Luc Godard falls in love with 19-year-old actress Anne Wiazemsky and marries her.


The mayor of a small provincial town, caught up in mundane affairs and corruption, summons his three deputies before fleeing: one of them will have to succeed. From then on, Veyron, Ben and Karabik, mere office colleagues, become fierce rivals with betrayals, inventions, revelations.


A cottage inhabited by a peasant, crazy painter in his spare time, who only paints naked women. After his death, another farmer decides to transform the place into a brothel which quickly attracts the notables of the area. But all those who come disappear one by one.


In a Paris suburb condominium, after the death of a young woman's boyfriend, a strange and deadly game of death begins between three women living there.


The old Mr. Esbirol, a passionate bookseller of crime fiction, had waited for a long time that the three conditions necessary for committing a perfect crime materialize : murder, preferably by strangulation of an anonymous bystander walking in a deserted street.


An obnoxious man ends up in court facing a familiar judge after a dispute over archery.


A local hobo carries a strange attraction for the women of a village, including the train conductor's wife Agafia.


The young vicar Victor and Sister Marie Ernestine, caught while they were making love, are defrocked by their cardinal. In front of their newly rented flat, they will come upon two couples who practice swinging.

Prosecutor Vadim, who has an uneasy relationship with his glamorous wife Chanéac, vanishes at the time a psycho is offing club girls to the strains of the "Tu es si jolie ce soir" song.


The director of a department store is murdered. He is discovered in a park, a bunch of daffodils on his chest.

Xavier Durmont young deputy newly elected, is charged by a representative of the Court of Auditors to investigate a dubious case of waste disposal involving a minister. He becomes then the target of slander orchestrated by the agency of a mysterious Armand.


It's the story of a young married man name Lionel who is swamped by colossal debts and whose wife is soon to give birth. At his wits' end, he decides one day to commit an irreparable act and kidnaps his millionnaire neighbors' 1-year-old baby. He demands a small ransom of €60,000. But Lionel is no criminal and all his attempts at exchanging his hostage for money fail. Meanwhile, he becomes increasingly attached to the baby. When he at last manages to get the money, he must come to terms with releasing his hostage.


Experimental short about Jean-Pierre Mocky on a motorbike.

The film tells the story of a gentleman of a certain age, a distinguished homeless, who becomes the mentor of a young girl of 20. He will keep out of trouble, especially when she’s about to marry a fool. He will try to change her life by making it more beautiful in the manner of a guardian angel.


The story of a septuagenarian, recently divorced, which in its reconstruction desire and quest for a new companion will rediscover the small pleasures of life and the art of seduction.


Charles Senac, author of a single novel but crowned by the Prix Goncourt, is hated by the regulars of the bar-restaurant "Le Renard jaune" who regularly insult him. One morning he is found dead in his home. For inspector Giraud, it is clear that the culprit is among the customers of "Le Renard jaune".


A scientist invents a product destined to make vegetables grow larger. His nephew, until then totally lacking a penis, drinks a little of this liquid by accident and from then on develops outsize genitals that lead some of his acquaintances to become jealous.


Two insomniacs go into partnership to start a club bringing together people who suffer from the same trouble and decide together to become vigilantes and more precisely vindicators serving causes they are interested in. But relations between the various members will go on deteriorating.


A real estate agent from Paris arrives in Los Angeles to settle his late mother's estate, but a found photograph sends him on an impromptu journey to Mexico to find a woman named Lola.


While unemployed, Gobert must repay 40 bank loans he had taken out. In the housing project where he lives in, bailiffs swarm. Gobert will organize resistance and develop an original and popular loan system which will soon arouse the interest of the French government.


A young, idle, half-mad man kidnaps a wealthy woman and confines her to the trunk of his car. He drives very close to the police who are watching his victim's house. He talks to the police and accentuates the danger more and more.

A short documentary about Georges Franju.


Les portraits désormais cultes de Stéphane Guillon sur Canal+ . S'adressant aux invités, il ose un ton inédit, parfois irrévérencieux mais toujours hilarant et taquine avec facétie et perspicacité Jean Dujardin, IAM, Christophe Lambert, Judith Godrèche, Rocco Siffredi, David Douillet, Joey Starr, Fabrice Luchini, Nagui, Marianne James, Bernard Kouchner... Et retrouvez en bonus, les invités en colère qui ne voulaient plus jamais entendre parler de leur portrait !...

In a Mediterranean city, the association of volunteers The Rescue is expecting a new director. A former trade unionist, Birgos, who’s just escaped from an asylum with Cleo, another internee, is believed, by mistake, to be this new director.


A pedophile network, to which belong notables of a French provincial town is about to be discovered by a young woman who herself lost her son, a child survivor of one of these horror festivals, and an anarchist gunsmith.


A neo-noir tale of a man who seeks out an old friend, only to succumb to the will of a beautiful, mysterious woman.


A dutch family of seven persons (grand-father, grand-mother, father, mother, son, sister, and wife of the son go to Paris to assist at a concert of their mayor. The film tell the incredible story of this family during the week end in Paris. Only four members of the family will return to home.


A secret society, somewhere in France, is responsible for the major unsolved murder mysteries throughout history (such as Henri IV, Lincoln, Kennedy, John-Paul I)...


Bruno Bonbeck, a retired soccer referee, is the world’s biggest layabout until his politician wife, the Junior Minister for Sport, delivers an ultimatum: you get a job or I get a divorce. The film traces the trials and tribulations of Bruno’s 18-hour hunt for gainful employment and has a very unexpected ending.


This French thriller begins with a flashback to a small village dance where a six-year-old girl is kidnapped and killed. Seventeen years later the murder remains unsolved. The girl's parents Caroline and Chris have gone on with separate lives Caroline remarried and had another daughter while Chris became an alcoholic. The two are thrown back together when each begin receiving strange messages that imply their daughter has returned from the dead for vengeance. They contact a police detective (the lover of Caroline's best friend) who finds the case intriguing and decides to reopen it. Unfortunately, as soon as he begins questioning the old suspects, people begin to die.


Having first lost his wife then his job as a tweed tailor, Alex Ponttin has devised a novel way to keep himself in touch with society. He admits himself into people's homes, by pretending to be a relative or an official, and persuading his victims to give him a night's free board: He finds at first a lunch at the horrible couple Dumont, where a thief follows him for a robbery. Alex spent an evening in front of TV at Marie, mother of seven children. He runs from Marie to find an evening and a new bed at the home of charming but shy lesbian Caroline and her funny lover Gloria. To save her inheritance, Caroline - accused for her homosexuality by her horrible sister Catherine - tells her aunt Amélie, that Gloria is her secretary and Alex her lover. So Alex has to present himself nude in Caroline's bed. He saves Carolines inheritance. The police officers investigating the case are so terminally stupid that Alex has little chance of being arrested.


In this disturbing drama, based on a novel by "San Antonio" (Frédéric Dard), Léon (Serge Riaboukine) has a wife who is as near to being dead as she can be and still be among the living, and she has been in this state for some time. He is also the worshipful secretary for an overbearing actor/director, Boris (Jean-Pierre Mocky), a man for whom he will do just about anything. However, his need to care for his wife interferes with performing unlimited services for his adored boss, and it is for that reason that he kills her. For a while, his blissful servitude knows no bounds, but his wife's sister smells a rat, and soon his cozy, masochistic relationship with Boris is endangered. Boris, meanwhile, has a quite lovely wife whom he ignores in favor of humiliating her by openly seducing other women.


Based on Elliott Chaze's "Black Wings Has My Angel", the film tells a story of (nudist) gangsters on a coup and on the run


The leader of a nudist colony enlists the help of left-wing militant when he mistakenly believes he should receive the Legion of Honor.


Amanda Weber is a museum employee. Her nephew, Victorien, who feels that wild animals should not be kept in zoos, while hitchhiking saw a mysterious bus with 50 dead tourists that later was found by autorities at the bottom of a lake. When Victorien gets in very serious problems due to what he saw Amanda seeks to find out what happened and soon also becomes a target.


An absurdly brutal and minimalist examination of the desperate search for financial backing by two small-time filmmakers, 'Rise and Fall' is knowingly self-referential, sad, and appropriately enough, a film shot on a miniscule budget in 16mm. Based on a novel by James Hadley Chase, with script by Jean-Luc Godard.


The insane Doctor Enger is obsessed with his plan to build a hospital to cure blind children, and goes on a killing and kidnapping spree with the police in pursuit.


Michel,a referee has to suffer the consequences of having whistled a penalty against a team which is supported by football hooligans.


Based on a novel by Frederic Dard who also co-scripted with director Jean-Pierre Mocky, this satire on French politics is centered around an official whose earlier rise to power had some sordid aspects that are about to be uncovered by the death of his uncle. While he is trying to contain any potential scandal, the man becomes enamored of the daughter of his uncle's maid. This new romance inspires him to forget worries about a public image and focus on a new life -- not any easy objective when unsavory friends and foes have their own agendas in mind.


Nora and Jock arrive in the strange village of Litan during the Festival of the Dead.


Ten years after the French political upheavals of 1968, a maturing "soixante-huitard" falls in with some young radicals who are influenced by a book he had written. But does he still have the guts to translate his ideas into acts against the state? And is he still attractive to younger chicks?


Robert Maurisson killes a young girl who used to pose(as an angel!) for Antonio Berti,a painter in charge of restoring a church. Berti knows that. Then a good psychological suspense begins ,enhanced by an angelic choir in the church.


Guillaume has made it: A machine that can clean dirty air by simply sucking all dirt into air balloons and then shipping them far far away so his explanation. Some Japanese business guys, after dinner with a lot of alcohol, order 5,000 pieces. His only problem: His production capacity is way to small so he gets to produce the machines in his private house. His wife Bernadette is far from being happy about it. Her private life goes down the line so she decides to leave Guillaume and to finally have revenge she candidates for major against her husband...


Goumic, an industrialist and his wife Anne lose their big house when their town's mayor coerces them to sell it for a low price.


No overview found.


Michel Dolannes resigns from a major newspaper as a journalist to launch a new journal 'Le Cosmopolite' which reveals all kinds of shady deals.One day, he is killed but who is the killer?


Mathias is an anarchist who lives with his 27 year old son, Michel, in late 1960s type communal weirdness.


A kaleidoscope of images from history populate this skillfully animated French feature. The story concerns a history professor whose ideas about human history cause him distress. Amid a flurry of newsreel-type images, Joan of Arc's trial is shown. Another theme which emerges is of two ages (in the far past and far future) in which naked humans fight one another with animalistic aggression.


A prisoner escapes and kidnaps a woman with her he falls in love. He's involved in a bad business where politicians and underworld are leading the dance. He'll die like the albatross in Baudelaire's poem.


During an orgy with minor girls, some old and wealthy notables are being murdered by a small group of leftist young revolutionaries. Very soon the police are tracking down Virgile Cabral, the leader of the group. Meanwhile, Virgile's brother and only relative, Vincent, a violonist (and a thief), comes back to Paris. They have not seen each other for three years. Vincent does not believe in the revolution. He only tries to live as he wishes to live. But by looking for his hunted down brother, he has no other choice than to be involved in a fight which is not his.


Veterinary surgeon William Chaminade is having a peaceful holiday in the South of France when he is witness to an event that will change not only his life but the destiny of France! A young woman tries to kill herself by jumping from the upstairs window of the hotel where he is staying. Thanks to the services of a passing athlete, the woman is unharmed, and she reveals that her distress is down to her husband’s apparent lack of interest in her. Immediately, Chaminade has a brainwave. He will open a special centre for people like this unfortunate young woman, who will be able to satisfy their romantic needs, at the tax payers’ expense. All is well until this innovative ’pleasure centre’ draws the attention of an over-zealous tax inspector, Dupuis...


Sickened to see his students always sleeping in class, a teacher with a colleague and an anarchist start a war against the television. They climbed on Paris roofs to coat the T.V. antennas with a special product cutting the signal reception.


Jean-Louis Matouzec works for French National Library as an expert looking after the restoration of old manuscripts.He falsifies marriage certificates as his wife refuses divorce.


Pétepan learns that his money has been lost by Robinhoude brothers.He asks his assistants to withdraw his amount from the bank.


Two police inspectors Triquet and Vergus launch their investigations to arrest a dangerous escaped forger named Mickey Le Bénedictin.


Bad financial conditions compel an aristocratic family to do strange work.


The story of five girls that lose their virginity.


After testing their love, Pierre and Anne decide to leave each other.


Two men spend a night in Paris trying to pick up women.


An aimless young man is committed to a psychiatric hospital by his father in an attempt to cure him of his delinquent tendencies.


Géo Paquet, aka The Gorilla, breaks from jail. Now an escaped convict, the elite agent must infiltrate a dangerous gang working for a foreign embassy as their leader, a spy enjoying diplomatic immunity, can't be arrested by regular police.


Louis Bertain is the owner of a Paris garage which is the front for a robbery gang. He and his accomplices are careful to keep up a civic veneer by day, indulging in criminal activities only when "the red light is on" at night. This status quo is upset when one of the gang members becomes convinced that Louis' younger brother is a police informer.


Naples 1821. Alphonse, a young poet belonging to a noble French family, is caught by a storm at sea. Fortunately the boat manage to reach the shores of Procida, where Alphonse is welcomed by the family of Andrea. Here he meets the beautiful Graziella.


La neige était sale is based on a novel and play by the phenomenally prolific Georges Simenon. Upon learning that his mother was a prostitute, Frank (Daniel Gelin) dejectedly vows that he, too, will live a life of debauchery. Part of his self-degradation program is to kill someone, and since the story takes place during the Nazi occupation of France, he chooses a German officer as his victim. His steady descent into psychosis and depravity becomes his ultimate undoing.


The inhabitants of a Scottish island in the 19th century follow their own religion without need for clergy, but as strangers arrive, their faith and beliefs face a deep crisis.


A series of vignettes, in which Noel-Noel appears as the moderator, lecturer, commentator and leading actor, that examine the bores and pests of everyday life much like Pete Smith and Robert Benchley had done for years in American short subjects. Among those are the Practical Joker who will do anything for a laugh; the Party Entertainer who never stops singing; the Talkative Neigbor who forgets the time; the noisy neighbors who dance the tango all night; and women drivers, people who telephone at meal time, the friend you never saw before and amatuer medical experts. Much use of trick photography, montages, puppets and animation along with some adult Gallic wit and gentle satire.
