Jeanne Lallemand

Three young men (Jacques, Pierre and Michel) share an apartment in Paris, and have many girlfriends and parties. Once, during a party, a friend of Jacques' tells him he has a quite compromising package to deliver, and asks him if he can leave it discreetly at their place. Jacques agrees and, as he works as a steward, flies away for a one month trip in Japan, telling Pierre and Michel about the package. Then, one of Jacques' former girlfriends drops a baby before their door, making Pierre and Michel believing it is the package they are waiting for. Their lives are then completely changed.


Victor Valance a quitté Paris depuis plusieurs années, laissant derrière lui sa mère et ses trois filles, pour réaliser de sombres opérations de casinos aux Bahamas et au Canada. Sa fille ainée, Pauline, est polytechnicienne, attachée au ministre des finances, et s'occupe de toute la petite famille.
