Jeffrey Henderson

This is the story of how superheroes from Tim Burton's prototype blockbuster Batman, Blade, X-Men, Spiderman to Iron Man and the Black Panther brought to life from the pages of comic books, first took over Hollywood and then conquered the world through action films with larger-than-life characters.


An ornithologist who commits suicide returns as fifth force to wreack vengeance on mankind for harming birds with mobile phone radiation. The only thing that is standing in his way is 2.0, the upgraded version of Chitti, the robot.


With bounties on their heads in every system and The Empire in constant pursuit, the crew of The Sable Corsair are among the most elusive smugglers in the galaxy. During a mission to deliver weapons and supplies to a Rebel base on Galidraan IV, the ship encounters a huge Imperial blockade. During the fight, The Corsair's navigation systems are badly damaged, leaving the ship floating helplessly in space. CAPTAIN ZAC ARRAN, in a desperate attempt to save his crew, makes the jump to hyperspace... but with the navigation systems gone, the ship is flying blind. They emerge in an uncharted system and the damaged vessel crashes on a desolate, seemingly uninhabited planet...
