Jenna Warren

Set amongst the sparse landscape of an isolated farming community, 5 adolescent girls band together to escape their desolate lives. By reclaiming an abandoned farmhouse as their own, they form an intense and obsessive bond that leads them to a dark place where their innermost fears and desires destroy their only safe place.


My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale is a Youtube series that premiered on April 7, 2022 on YouTube. The series is produced by Lil Critter Workshop. Episodes will be five minutes in length and release weekly onto the official My Little Pony YouTube channel.


Rebecca, a respected teacher at a private girls school, has her life turned upside down when a new scholarship student arrives who might be the daughter she gave up for adoption seventeen years ago.


A Hungarian journalist who is about to start a family journeys to the United States in the hopes of finding his own father, a scientist who went missing in the 1970s while working on a top secret military research project that examined 'voices' from outer space.


A jealous dance mom takes extreme measures to ensure her daughter wins a scholarship to an exclusive dance academy. But the victim's mother will do whatever necessary to protect her own daughter from the rival mom's evil scheme.


Frankie Pamplemousse, an energetic 8-year-old girl, lives in Anytown with her four talking, extraordinary hamsters; Pipsqueak, Mr. Squiggles, Num Nums, and Chunk.


Set in 1952 Grey Rocks – a centuries old town that was famous 250 years ago as a favored port of pirates – Pirate’s Passage follows the story of 12-year-old Jim. Fraught by the death of his father and forced to endure schoolyard bullying each day, Jim manages to carry on, buoyed by his optimistic imagination and fueled by his sense of adventure. The sudden arrival of Captain Johnson, whose small sailboat has been thrown off course by a storm, changes Jim’s life. The Captain quickly becomes a mentor and friend to Jim, giving him extraordinary lessons in self-reliance and determination. Soon, Jim develops a liberating self-assurance that so deeply touches the Captain that he allows Jim to see evidence that the Captain may be more than meets the eye. Is Captain Johnson the same Charles Johnson who was a pirate there two hundred years ago? The lad goes with him on a literal journey into the past to find out and emerges able to navigate the course of his life.


The little green builders from Jim Henson' Fraggle Rock are back in their own show. The show follows four young Doozers, as they build and invent to solve problems.


Monster Math Squad stars MAX, LILY and GOO. The Squad love nothing better than to put their monster minds together and use their math skills to overcome any obstacle they face.


Looking for adventure? Then come along as Justin and his imaginary pals Olive and Squidgy star in the biggest stories of all time. Justin’s imagination catapults him into larger-than-life adventures all around the world!


A young family, living in isolation and forced into hard labor out of fear of dishonoring their Father and Mother, fight to free themselves from their religious cult.
