Jennifer Savidge

A comedy that follows the chaos that ensues when a meteor hits the Earth carrying alien life forms that give new meaning to the term "survival of the fittest." David Duchovny, Orlando Jones, Seann William Scott, and Julianne Moore are the only people standing between the aliens and world domination... which could be bad news for the Earth.


Mary Giordano is a bright, intelligent student who goes to a catholic school. She also has a addiction to mystery novels and detective magazines, which inspire her to do her own detective work. When she starts snooping around on the case of a murderer of teenage girls, it gets her in hot water with her mentor Detective Jerry Gunn. But it also starts a team up with police cadet Tony Campbell. The two work together to find the murderer. But the closer Mary gets to solving the murder, the more danger she puts herself in of being the next victim.


A man infected with a deadly virus boards Quantum Airlines flight 66 in Frankfurt, Germany. The US government must stop the plane before it lands at JFK International Airport.


A young wife and mother is abused by her husband and keeps the secret from her friends and family.


When his brother asks him to look after his young son, Clifford, Martin Daniels agrees, taking the boy into his home and introducing him to his future wife, Sarah. Clifford is fixated on the idea of visiting a famed theme park, and Martin, an engineer who helped build the park, makes plans to take him. But, when Clifford reveals himself to be a first-rate brat, his uncle goes bonkers, and a loony inter-generational standoff ensues.


An acid-scarred judge turns masked avenger, backed by an electronics expert and her crime lab.


As a couple (Valentine and Greene) prepare to get married all sorts of uninvited and unexpected guests arrive and secrets are revealed.


Nan Moore, the mother of one of the victims of the aero accident of the Korean Air Lines in 1983 where the plane was shot down over the Soviet Union, tries to find the truth of what happened on that particular flight. But she finds only a wall of silence and lots of trouble with the authorities...


Kathy, a simple grocery clerk, finds her way into her local high society and the life of a wealthy suitor who thinks she's a stockbroker.
