Jenny Arasse

A filmmaker finds his brother who he has not seen for ten years and introduces him to the world of African musicians in Paris.

Julien est envoyé par son patron à l'île Maurice, où il fait la connaissance d'Henri, un chômeur professionnel. Un soir de beuverie, les deux hommes se soulagent au pied d'une statue sacrée. Offensés par ce sacrilège, les dieux les punissent en leur ôtant leur reflet et en les faisant léviter. Si cette situation leur paraît au début invivable, les deux hommes finissent cependant par tirer parti de ces désavantages pour régler leurs problèmes personnels.


The film is the immediate continuation of Un éléphant ça trompe énormément, released the previous year. Having fortuitously discovered a photograph in which Marthe embraces someone unknown, clothed with a chequed jacket, Étienne Dorsay becomes jealous, and imagines various stratagems to identify the lover. In the meantime, Étienne and his friends acquire a weekend house for a very low price. As in the previous work, the film is largely narrated by the character Étienne, whose tone shifts with the reality of the images. The film contains a certain number of allusions to the films of Blake Edwards (the Pink Panther series).


While hiding from the royal authorities, Giacomo Casanova, the famous romancer, encounters his look-alike: Giacomino, a fugitive petty con man. Meanwhile, the Arabian Caliph and his wife are arriving in Venice for a state visit, and she insists on a night with the legendary lover. Through a series of erotic encounters and mistaken-identity comedies, Giacomo and Giacomino make their way back to Venice for their appointment with the Caliph's wife.


Two men, fortyish, worn out by their wives, abandon everything to go and live in the back of beyond. There they meet a truculent priest, a boozer, Émile who recalls them to life's simple pleasures. Calm is what they want. But soon their example inspires thousands of disorientated males, fleeing the feminist 1970s. Soon, too, there arrives a squadron of nymphomaniac Amazons.


A young bank officer ogles the girls in his office and goes home to his prim wife. After reading a book of erotic poems by Guillaume Appollinaire of the World War I era, he finds himself inside the adventures of the book, which are largely of an erotic nature. When he awakens the next morning, he is inspired to order his life in a more satisfactory manner.


Mathias is an anarchist who lives with his 27 year old son, Michel, in late 1960s type communal weirdness.
