Jerell Rosales

A collection of four short films based on stories written by William Faulkner.


An eight-year-old boy experiences his first heartbreak when he falls in love with his male third-grade teacher.


17-year-old Kelly falls in love with Christian, an older man, her father tries to intervene before the crush turns into a dangerous obsession.


Fearing he may have HIV after the condom breaks during sex with a stranger, a young gay Asian American befriends the condom company's customer service representative over the phone as he waits for his HIV test results.


A lonely, closeted, Britney Spears fan gets a Spear-itual awakening when he comes across an anonymous support group of Britney-holics. We follow the journey of Freddie from denial, curiosity, and finally acceptance.


Alone at a matinee together, with a big, mouthwatering bucket of popcorn.


Joo Si auditions for the opportunity of a lifetime to be a principal backup dancer for the sexy female pop singing sensation, The 4Play Ladies.


At elementary school, a child struggles to come to terms with his feelings for a teacher. In high school, the lead singer in a local band has admirers in both the girls and the boys. Meanwhile on campus the pitches and pools have their fair share of star-crossed lovers. And as for Billy? He's just happy to cruise.
