Jérôme Prieur

This film makes us hear for the first time the voices of those women and men who managed to flee the country to escape the Nazis in time.


This documentary situates the start of filmhistory a century before the Lumières. Without Robertson, Reynaud, Plateau, Muybridge and Marey: would there be cinema ? The pioneers of optical toys and photographic studies of movement are given their due in this playful media-archeological essay.


An interview with director Raoul Ruiz

While researching their subject’s life for their feature My Life and Times With Antonin Artaud, co-directors/writers Gerard Mordillat and Jerome Prieur made a documentary on the famed French actor/writer/poet who died in 1948 at the age of 50


Marie, is just out from prison when she runs into Baptiste a young paranoid needing companionship. In their pursuit of a mysterious briefcase carried by Marie's former lover, they roam the street of Paris, transformed into a giant board game, a maze spotted with mysterious traps, puzzling clues, and chance encounters. Maybe they are bricks in some sinister scheme, maybe they are playing a board game, maybe it's a fairy tale, maybe it's yet something else...


Marcel Proust passes away on the 18th November 1922 at the age of 51. At his funeral dukes, duchesses, princes, princesses, and young avant-garde poets take part to his cortège. "Proust vivant" follows the footsteps of that peculiar individual, trying to unravel the life an individual whose reason for living was writing.