Jerzy Jogałła

During their holiday in Kraków, a young worker and a student are asked if their love, despite different views on life, will endure.


Officers of the 5th Horse Rifle Regiment of the 1st Armored Division go to Brussels, where they meet Joachim Lelewel. To verify the story, the press officer of the division goes to Brussels.

A Polish war film from 1969 based on a short story by Cezary Chlebowski Nocne Szlaki.

One day Mucjusz and his friend Malaj visit the mansion of Fabiusz, an old time friend of Mucjusz. Their sudden arrival makes Fabiusz anxious because years ago Mucjusz was in love with his beautiful wife Waleria. The visitor, however, assures Fabiusz that during his wanderings he has met many other women and has forgotten his old flame. The master of the house offers for him to stay in the garden pavilion. At the party in their honor, while Mucjusz distributes gifts to everyone present, Malaj plays the charming "Song of Love." It's rumored that those who are in love can do unusual things while listening to this melody at night. To prove it Mucjusz pierces his chest with a stiletto and takes it out without a sign of pain. At night Waleria wakes up to the sounds of the charming song coming from the outside and goes to the pavilion. In their conversation Mucjusz confesses that he still loves her but he has leprosy.


Young and lively artist lives at the monastery while restoring the interiors and pays attention to the very old monk who is going to pass away soon.


Poland in 1946. A gang of 'Thunder' is committing violent robberies and murders and terrorizes the population of a large territory, consistently moving away from retribution. Captain Morava gets to knoa that 'Thunder' has a well-informed informant between his pursuers. The captain comes up with a cunning plan.


Two zootechnics students, Jacek and Marek, come to the Bieszczady (it's the Polish "Wild West"). Looking for a holiday adventure and income, they become "cowboys" on local cattle grazing. Instead of the expected romantic adventures and the male, hard life, their boredom is becoming their share. Only when Jacek gets a stallion Szaga, things take a different turn. He gains confidence, brags at a nearby bar, and seduces Valentine - the girl of the smuggler gang leader and Agnieszka - a member of a geological expedition.