Jerzy Ziarnik

Shots from Hamlet's rehearsals at the National Theatre in 1970, directed by Adam Hanuszkiewicz, performed by Daniel Olbrychski. The film presents various stages of the preparations – from trying on the costumes and memorizing lines to the final staging.

This museum does not collect the achievements of mankind. On the contrary, we can find there the evidence of its fall. The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and its exhibits.

The photographs of a member of the Gestapo, with narration from the captions he left in his album. Film released in 1964.


The Deaf Mime Ensemble prepares the premiere of the Parasolki play at the Provincial Cultural Center in Olsztyn. Actors communicate with each other using sign language and they communicate with the audience with facial expressions and gestures.

Documentary Short by Jerzy Ziarnik
