Jessica Beshir

A spiritual journey into the highlands of Harar, immersed in the rituals of khat, a leaf Sufi Muslims chewed for centuries for religious meditations – and Ethiopia’s most lucrative cash crop today. A tapestry of intimate stories offers a window into the dreams of youth under a repressive regime.

For over 35 years Yussuf Mume Saleh journeys at night to the outskirts of the walled city of Harar to bond with his beloved hyenas.


For an artist free will is an illusion.


One man's search for joy has culminated in a constant experience of rhythm in the world around him.

Three vignettes, "The Domino Players", "The Secret Miracle" and "point of View," are linked by telephone conversations being surreptitiously listened to by Marcos, the main character. Navigating the fine line between comedy and tragedy, "107 Street" not only richly illustrates the particulars of ethnic life in one pulsating New York City neighborhood, it explores that world's universality. Premiered at the 2004 New York International Latino Film Festival.

Conrad is a gay man living in NYC. He's also CEO of an ad agency and by nature a control freak. Although Conrad is still in love with Martin (his ex), he hires a young Aussie hustler named Tyler, first for a night and then to work for his company. Things get increasingly complicated as Conrad tries to rekindle things with Martin. Meanwhile Tyler (who's daytime name is Ian) falls for Michael his new supervisor


Boy meets girl. Boy loses girl. Boy loses mind.
