Jessica Liedberg

David and his friends celebrate his 25th birthday with a nightly swim at the beach. The good mood quickly changes after two straight couples walk by and laugh. But was the laughter directed at them, or at something else?


Aspiring youtuber Vendela decides to get up infront of her high school class and show a disturbing video that disrupts the lesson and causes her teacher Lukas to fear for her life. Get Ready With Me is a refreshingly unpredictable thriller about generational power struggles that combines grim satire with the current urgencies of teen angst, social media and fame.


The story of Karl and his problematic relationship with his controlling mother - and how his attempt to break his free fails and he is forced to be her help.

A series of violent murders paralyze Stockholm. Private investigator Fredrika Bergman and her colleagues seek out to solve these crimes, but soon their existence is put under threat.


A timid and lonely young woman suddenly gets up and down when a new wild neighbor moves into the wall.

Elisabeth leaves her abusive and drunken husband Rolf, and goes to live with her brother, Göran. The year is 1975 and Göran lives in a commune called Together. Living in this leftist commune Elisabeth learns that the world can be viewed from different perspectives.


A family is leaving their apartment for a vacation in Poland. While waiting for the taxi cab, they ridicule each other using verbal abuse. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.


In this satirical drama, an international arms deal is interrupted by teenage protesters. A Swedish engineer tries to prevent his activist daughter from embarrassing him at work and ruining Sweden's relations with Turkey.