Jesús Franco

A walk through the golden age of Spanish exploitation cinema, from the sixties to the eighties; a low-budget cinema and great popular acceptance that exploited cinematographic fashions: westerns, horror movies, erotic comedies and thrillers about petty criminals.


In 1969, Jesús Franco and Christopher Lee shot Count Dracula in Barcelona. At the same time, Pere Portabella became aware of this filming, vampirizing it in Cuadecuc, Vampir. Genre and Art-house films had never been so close. Drácula Barcelona tells the story of these two movies.


The life of an Andalusian actress who had a brilliant career in cinema, but died early in a car accident at 27 years old.


In the late sixties, Spanish cinema began to produce a huge amount of horror genre films. International markets were opened, the production was continuous, a small star-system was created, as well as a solid group of specialized directors. Spanish horror frequented international mimicry —Hammer Productions' Gothic horror is a paramount influence— and offered a particular approach to sex, blood and violence. It was an extremely unusual artistic movement in Franco's Spain.


Jesus Franco, also known as Jess Franco, was one of the most important names in "B" cinema worldwide. With more than 200 works and a wide and peculiar use of pseudonyms, his work remains difficult to catalog, which makes it more exciting if it fits. Through a series of interviews with Franco, "Llámale Jess Redux" brings the spectator closer to the sadist, esoteric and erotic world of the director, as refined as rogue. This new version of "Llámale Jess" (2000), considered the reference documentary on Franco, and directed by Carles Prats and Manel Mayol, incorporates new unpublished statements by the irreducible Madrid filmmaker, as well as paying homage to his muse and companion, Lina Romay , Incorporating his active presence to the story.


A documentary by Pedro Temboury.


After the passing of director Jesús Franco the movie was finished by Antonio Mayans. It follows "Al Pereira vs. the Alligator Ladies".


Málaga, July 2012. With a nonexistent budget, the legendary director Jesus "Jess" Franco faces, at 82 years of age, what will end up being his last shoot. With only four actors and three technicians on set should have prevailed stillness. But with a whirlwind as Jess Franco in control, confusion and chaos do not slow to appear, giving rise to an ineffable and insane shooting in which young crew are unable to keep up.


Al Pereira, the one and only original private-private detective, is fighting against all the shameless women on earth - especially the Alligator Ladies.


The film, released on DVD in 2014 as part of a boxset also containitng Melancholie der Engel (2009) and Reise nach Agatis (2010), deals with the everyday life of a man, Carsten , who works on the set of the 2004 Ulli Lommel film Zombie Nation. At the same time, he is planning to realize his own film, a task he finds extremely difficult.


100 years later. The condemned women are still under the spell of Fata Morgana.


Edited from "La cripta de las mujeres malditas" (2008) by Jess Franco and his producer. They add some new scenes, other music and split it in two parts.


An audio/visual experience from Jess Franco about a murdered woman named Paula, and the main suspect/culprit, her friend - also named Paula.


A walk through the work of Luis García Berlanga (1921-2010) that is neither a documentary nor a narrative movie, but a tribute to one of the greatest directors of Spanish cinema. Anything can happen: the performers are not themselves, but their characters; there are no interviews, but greetings; a series of entrances and exits. A joyful reunion, a celebration of life.


70's trash movie queen Soledad Miranda wakes up from the dead, to find herself not in heaven but trapped in a film - the vision of a devoted fan. As her interaction with the "Auteur" reveals the extent of his obsession, she takes drastic steps to escape his reality.


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About young Sophie who is taken to a burlesque club with her husband and is hopelessly enticed by awe inspiring beauty Countess Nadine who seduces, kidnaps, and converts the young woman.


An epic home made movie by Jess Franco. It was only shown at the Cinematheque Francaise, Paris in 2008 . Four years later the movie was recut and extended with some scenes by Jess Franco and his new producer, splittet in two parts and re-released as "Crypt of the Condemned" Part I and Part II.


Shot in 2006 and finally released at Sitges 2013.

Shot in 2007 and finally released at Sitges 2013.

Tracing Orson Welles time in Spain.


Via 10K Bullets: "A company is interested in acquiring the rights to a cult movie icon's estate, so they send a representative who is given the task of persuading the heirs to sell the rights to the cult movie icon's estate. What appears to be a routine task quickly becomes difficult when the eccentric heirs reveal their intentions regarding the estate." Also, there's lesbians and vampires and a naked chick with an enormous snake tattoo. (It's a Jess Franco film, after all.)


An in-depth analysis of the "Video Nasty" scandal of the early 1980s in Britain.


Retrospective documentary on Jesús Franco's film "Venus in Furs".


The great Jess Franco is obviously going to continue to intrigue his fans and irritate the rest of the world with the films he makes until the day he dies, which hopefully is another twenty-five years away or so. In the meantime, he delivers "Jess Franco's Perversion", the DVD release title of his 2005 film, which is again based on a story by the Marquis de Sade, who has inspired many, many Franco films in the last thirty years. In "Perversion", the great Lina Romay heads a cult of sadistic lesbian prostitutes who live for the destruction of men and any woman who dares fall "victim" to a man.


Ultra low budget horror-comedy involving a demonic cenachero (dancing fisherman).


A documentary shot on the set of "Killer Barbys vs. Dracula" directed by Viktor Seastrom.

After Nathalie Baldassar has murdered her husband so she is sentenced to ten years imprisonment. She is tortured, humiliated and beaten in prison every day to the point that she becomes completely unstable and begins to murder a bunch of people once she is released.


Lady Luck comes in many disguises. For ill-fated artist Johan Harker she took the form of Lorna, a beautiful woman with unearthly desires. Lorna grants Johan his wish for riches and success beyond his wildest dreams. But happiness lasts only until Johan's beautiful daughter Lucy reaches the age of her ripening. Now Lorna will come calling for what Johan owes... Lucy's soul. She's no longer Daddy's little girl. She's the spawn of Satan.


A behind-the-scenes look at the creation of "Blind Target", Jesus Franco's story of a woman who becomes a celebrity in America with her exposure of the corruption in her home country, only to be taken prisoner by the same people she tried to bring down when she returns there. Includes interviews with the director Jess Franco, as well as footage of all the work that went into the film.


In December 1974, a Spanish filmmaker named Sergio Del Monte died in strange circumstances while filming his first film. Only two days had elapsed since the start of filming when death came upon him violently. As a result, the film never came to an end and its negatives were lost.

Strange things happen in an exotic amusement park at the south coast of Spain.


A short film about the production of Incubus by Jess Franco.

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A popular American novelist, who has written her first non-fiction work about the political infidelities and corruption within the tiny South American country of San Hermoso, returns to that very country as part of a publicity junket prepared by her publishing company. Traveling with her best friend and confidant, she is abducted by a mysterious cartel that proves to be the secret police arm of the government. In order to win her freedom and to save her friend's life, she is forced to commit a murder that would be beneficial to San Hermoso's dictator. Will she be willing to trade a life for a life and pull the trigger to murder her unknown target in cold blood? Will the C.I.A. be able to reach her in time? Will she even survive?


Another de Sade hommage by Jess Franco. It was original credited as "Helter Skelter Part One: Pleasure and Pain" but were never followed by a sequel.


Rachel Sheppard is a millionaire’s daughter, kidnapped for ransom and tortured in the weird and wonderful Virtual Hell of Dr Wong. Nelly and her toyboy assistant call on the help of the world’s greatest magician, Johnny Cagliostro.


Jess Francos own remake of his 1969 picture "Sadisterotica" aka "Rote Lippen" aka "Der Wolf - Horror pervers".


A former European actor Don Martin has retired with his disjointed "family" to his own private island, "The Paradise." After a few years, the entire group has disintegrated into shameless, selfish & dishonest personalities.


A pretty American teenager from New Jersey goes on vacation in the south of Spain where she is unknowingly stalked by the vampire.


Moira Frankenstein, the grand-daughter of noted mad scientist Dr. Frankenstein, has become obsessed with the work of her ancestor and she decides to pick up the family business where he left off.


Down at the docks a very enterprising but dangerous element is making life miserable for Sheriff Marga. But she is distracted by a series of puzzling kidnappings that is plaguing her parish. Could the culprit be the mysterious Queen - the dance hall queen of the docks? Or could it be an even more sinister figure: The Killer Tarantula?


An exotic dancer (Amber Newman) is hired to perform for a wealthy couple on an island. And this takes for a turn for the worse when she is hunted by the couple on the island as the prey and DINNER!


While driving on tour late night through a lonely road in the countryside of Spain, the van of the punk band "Killer Barbys" has an accident and breaks down. A creepy old man invites the group to spend the night in the castle of Countess Von Fledermaus and presents himself as her secretary Arkan. Arkan explains that the mechanic is located 62 km far from the location and he tells that the Countess loves youths. Flavia, Rafa and Mario accept the invitation but Billy and Sharon stay shagging in the van. When the musicians meet the Countess, they find that she is the ancient artist Olga Luchan and they question how she could keep so young. But sooner they discover that the Countess needs blood of young people to keep her beauty.


A young jazz-composer turns vengeful commando against local drug Mafia Capos when his wife is killed at the hands of Caribbean drug dealers.


An action movie directed by Jess Franco.


An action movie directed by Jess Franco.


Don Quijote de Orson Welles is a 1992 cut of Orson Welles's unfinished Don Quixote, edited by director Jesús Franco. Franco had collaborated previously with Welles and was asked to create a finished version of Welles's Quixote footage.


An adventure movie directed by Jess Franco and Jean Rollin.


A priest secretly leads rebels in their struggle against the corrupt military dictatorship of the Central American country of Puerto Santo.


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An undercover CIA agent posing as a reporter travels to South America on a mission to destroy a drug cartel.


Ladoire is a womanizer, with a monotonous life and few illusions, a sad condition that will redeem Olvido, an attractive young woman who casually falls to his side.


Tsai Chin, the daughter of the infamous Fu Manchu, controls a large empire of vice in her part of the Far East. She decides to kidnap and, through erotic chemical hypnosis, coerce all the members of a fabulously wealthy international rock band to sign over all their possessions to her empire. But an old enemy of Fu Manchu's begins stalking around her operation and threatens to destroy everything she has built.


A funny comedy set mostly on the beach where countless men are trying to impress various women.


Heiress, Angela Channing, invites her family to her villa to unveil a new product in the family’s wine range and also share the secret of the success of their vineyard. The success and great taste is apparently due to the wine being mixed with the Channing ancestors’ spunk which has been bottled and preserved for added flavour. This spunk & wine combination also acts as a powerful aphrodisiac and while her children are intoxicated on the cloudy brew, Angela Channing makes the final move in her dastardly plot.


A model named Barbara Hallen has disappeared and her father gets private detective Sam Morgan to go to Paris to find his daughter. Barbara's trail leads Morgan to a plastic surgery clinic owned by Dr. Flamand. Morgan's investigation reveals the horrifying secret behind the Doctor's miracle cures which is blood and organs taken from kidnapped young women. As Morgan's investigation closes witnesses are eliminated one by one, each in a more horrible way.


A Jewish commando unit hunting Nazi war criminals tracks down the infamous Dr. Mengele in the jungle, and find that he is torturing nubile young virgins and performing horrible medical experiments on the locals. They prepare to battle their way past Mengele's hordes of fanatic Nazi bodyguards in order to get to him.


An adult film parody of the TV show 'Dynasty'.


In 1938, at the height of the civil war, the musicians of the military band were very worried about their next concert. Agustín receives a letter from his girlfriend, who tells him about the difficulties he is going through with the rice harvest. She then decides to ask permission to go and help her, but as Lieutenant Urquiza refuses, she escapes. Two companions sent to bring him back, finally, stay with him. Also Sergeant Perez and several musicians who go looking for him stay with them.


Two prostitutes in a small corrupt South American town, falls in love with a freedom fighter, posing as a guard at the local prison. Run by the corrupt Governor and a sadistic wardress.


A woman, raised by an Amazon tribe after they killed her parents, seeks revenge on the tribe for their deaths by joining an expedition looking for the tribe's secret golden temple.


Two women and a girl of about ten find themselves shipwrecked and living on a not-so-deserted island. After one of the inhabitants makes himself known, romance and passion result. Yet, what are the love-birds to do about a band of nasty pirates who decide to explore the area?


A comedy directed by Jess Franco.


Melissa is a paralysed woman who is being taken care of by her two sisters. Their father was mysteriously killed when she was still a child. Somehow Melissa got it in her head, that her father is still able to speak to her, and wants her to punish those responsible for his death.


A finished, but never released drama directed by Jess Franco.


Four strippers take a vacation and wind up at a Spanish resort complex that, despite the hotel receptionist's claims of it being fully booked, appears to be completely empty. After one of the girls mysteriously vanishes and another ends up dead in the pool, both accompanied by the tolling bell from a nearby monastery, Candy and Caty must try to solve the mystery that seems to involve the Spanish Inquisition.


Dr. Wong (Jess Franco) sends his gangsters to eliminate Mr. Jung. The "shadow of the judoka" of Bruce Lyn (Jose Llamas) appears projected in the wall and swears for revenge. In the meantime, Lina Romay and Albino Graziani, two british secret service agents, investigate Jung's murder. Wongs wants to get rid of Macedo, a phillippinean gangster in bad business, and dominate the market.


An action movie directed by Jess Franco.


The story of the man who killed Josef Mengele.


Dean, a failed American writer, receives some unexpected news: his wife, who belongs to a wealthy family, has filed for divorce. Stunned, he decides to commit suicide. His initial attempt fails when he has second thought. But during a drunken blackout spent gambling he wins big and promises all the winnings to the man who can kill him...but they must possess a special playing card.


A young couple go an a safari for their honeymoon but they are captured by the guide and sold to a tribe of savages.


The colonel Daniel Blimp, of the secret British service, travels to Bangkok to investigate the murder of the Brittish Ambassador happened during a holiday in his residence. Blimp receives the help of Keats, agent of the secret service. Both men discover that the man who shot against the Ambassador is blind, and it takes the black skin as a result of a strange phenomenon of mutation.


Pocho Martin's body is found dead on the shore of a fishing village. According to the forensic Ramiro, Pocho has been assassinated, which alerts the Commissioner Carlos (Mayans). Young Silvia (Analia Ivars), Pocho's friend, receives the sad news but is more concerned about her impending wedding with Andy (José Llamas). Crackpot Oscar speaks to Carlos of the dangerous sirens of Deer Island, evil women who attract sailors and annihilate them. When Ramiro and Carlos go to the island, they find the sisters Lila and Mary (Eva Leon and Lina Romay), who run a tavern / brothel near the beach. Carlos and Lila are old acquaintances and celebrate the reunion, but the murder of Pocho remains unsolved.


The son of the infamous Dr. Orloff clashes with his father when he begins to stalk and dismember prostitutes in order to get parts to reanimate his dead mother.


Odile, a young woman looking for adventure, is seduced by her neighbors, but the titillating new game turns dangerous when two unsavory players enter the mix.


A struggling composer named Juan and his bride Ana become targets of spies while on their honeymoon. The spies want to get their hands on Juan’s latest score “Butterfly 2” as they believe that it contains a valuable secret formula.


Private detective Alfredo Pereira is hired by eccentric couple Raden and Eve to find their missing sister, Adriana. Despite his limitations, Pereira soon finds the woman, but foreplay between characters complicates things.


A telepathic nightclub act becomes the backdrop for murder.


An erotic movie directed by Jess Franco and Lina Romay

An action movie directed by Jess Franco based on Edgar Allan Poe's story "The Gold-Bug".


Al Pereira is hired by Lina, the wife of a wealthy man, to recover some compromising photos. She has sex with him by way of a retainer. In the course of his investigation, Al is obliged to commit a couple of murders... and he's left holding the bag when Lina turns out not to be what she seems to be.


A man invites a woman to his house to live with him, just before the arrival of his wife who is coming back from the insane asylum.


After repeatedly flaunting her peerless body to her servants, snobbish aristocrat Cecila (Muriel Montrossé) becomes the victim of rape. But the experience triggers a carnal awakening, full of socialite sex parties and woodland orgies. And before long, Cecilia finds her amorous adventures spinning out of control, particularly when her husband decides to join in on the free-love lifestyle in this racy entry from erotic auteur Jess Franco.


Agents across the globe take turns spying on and double-crossing one another in an attempt to locate a valuable formula encrypted in the music code.


A comedy directed by Jess Franco.


Moira – a beautiful and erotic cabaret dancer – is hired to impersonate another woman who turns out to be a secret agent who must receive an important message that contains the hidden whereabouts of a very important character from World War II who once absconded with a vast fortune in gold. Aided by private detective Al Crosby, with whom her relationship goes beyond the limits of pleasure, Moira attempts to locate the mysterious character.


A group of adventurers head to a primitive tribe in Africa to find a treasure of diamonds and a beautiful white girl who was lost years ago and was made the tribe's goddess.


Princess Obongo, the Goddess of Unspeakable Lust, uses dark powers to ensnare a hapless couple of yuppies, so that she can imbue them with evil and conquer the world.


Felipe Malboro, a private eye, is contracted by a girl to find her boyfriend who has disappeared.


A drama directed by Jess Franco.


A drama directed by Jess Franco based on a play by Edgar Wallace.


A man discovers an island covered in treasure. But when he attempts to fully explore island and collect the treasure, he ends up discovering some mysterious nymphs who seduce him.


Upon arriving at the dilapidated estate of his mentor, Dr. Harker finds his former professor, Dr. Usher, radically changed. Instead of the reasoned scholar he once knew, a paranoid man is in his place and he's spiraling into madness.


A short documentary directed by Lina Romay and Jess Franco.


In a remote desert oasis, a fortune in gold was hidden by the Nazis during World War 2. 50 years later, a bunch of fortune-hunters converge on that selfsame oasis. Imagine their discomfiture upon discovering that the gold is being guarded by an army of zombies.


Jess Franco's (loose) adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island, a story about a guy who looks for treasure on an island and gets seduced by the sirens.

Emmanuelle is recently reunited with her husband, but at the next party, she gets drunk and strips nude for his friends. He returns to his lover. Later, a sober Emmanuelle tries to redeem herself, but her husband refuses to forgive. She travels to see him, gets raped on the way by two delinquents, and enters a life of vicious sex to forget him.


Three students Juanita, Jean and Hans bored with their life in Paris go to Brazil in search of sexual adventures. Las Chicas de Copacabana is a sexual coming age film from maverick filmmaker Jess Franco. Visually the film is bland when compared to Franco’s most inspired films. To Franco’s credit he does know how to photograph women. The shots of women on the beach and close up of their assets are this films strongest asset.


Betsy Norman is a happy assistant at a luxurious Spanish hotel. Shiela, the hotel owner, caters for all wishes of her clientele with another lucrative business, the brothel "Rio Amore" where clients from all over the world come to relax with the girls and watch the sado-masochistic shows. Linda, Betsy's sister, is drugged and forced to work as a prostitute there.


Private eye Al Crosby is paid by millionaire Harry Feldman to take his place at a meeting with Emilio, a gangster. He is drugged and photographed in compromising positions by two hookers, Suzy and Bijou, then he is nearly killed by Mrs. Feldman. Al tries to blackmail Mrs. Feldman, and he is beaten up by three women and forced to tell of Harry's whereabouts, leading to Harry's murder. Al enlists the help of Harry's mistress, Coco, plus Suzy and Bijou whom Al gets out of prison, to expose Mrs Feldman as having inherited money by devious ways and being a brothel owner.


Soon after newlyweds Olga and Michel set foot on the grounds of a notorious women's prison, they're arrested by topless guards and ushered behind bars where the warden quickly dismisses Michel but demands that Olga do a little time.


Miguel, a horribly disfigured young man, goes on a rampage at a masquerade party and rapes and then mutilates a girl. Institutionalized at a mental asylum, he is released five years later, into the care of his sister, Manuela who, along with their wheelchair bound mother operates a boarding school for young women. Miguel becomes obsessed with one of the girls at the school, and wants to resume his incestuous relationship with his sister.


Adult film actresses get abducted and impregnated by aliens after appearing in a sci-fi porno in this outrageous sex comedy from Jess Franco. Knocked up with high-powered extraterrestrial sperm that allows them to conceive and give birth in a matter of seconds, the starlets become human breeding machines for a race of ultra-horny invaders.


In a small village, somewhere in France, German soldiers, killed and thrown into the lake by the Resistance during WW II, come back.


A man is on safari in the jungle with his wife and daughter when the wife gets eaten and the daughter is captured by cannibals. Several years later he goes back to see if his daughter is still alive.


Two newlyweds, Yolanda, an adventurer, and Simón, a young bookworm, travel to Banana Island, where they enjoy the days of wine and roses of their honeymoon until a particularly ridiculous dying man gives them a simple scrap of paper, thus putting into motion a crazy treasure hunt, as fun and erotic as it is dangerous. (Filmed in 1979, lost around January 1980 and found by chance in 2018, in the vaults of the Spanish Film Archive.)


Eugenie is the capricious daughter of a rich diplomat, living in a seaside resort in Spain. She exhibits her young and splendid body in the beach and night-clubs. She feels an incredible adoration for her father who returns his daughter's passion.


After botching a kidnapping, two criminals hide with their victim in a friends house in the jungle. After one of them rapes the friend's wife, they're left to be eaten by a nearby cannibal tribe.


The lovely Laura, on a modelling job in South Africa, is kidnapped by a gang who carry her off into the jungle from where they demand a huge ransom. Two men set off in a helicopter to rescue her, little knowing what horrors Laura is enduring in the meantime in the savage clutches of a primitive and bloodthristy world. Laura's rescuers not only have to face the cruel violence of her captors - but also the horrifying lust for blood of a primitive and cruel god.


Jess Franco film about a woman returning home from an insane asylum only to discover her husband is now living with a man. The two men eventually find a nun who's been raped and the three come up with a plot to kill the wife for her money.


The virgin daughter of an important business man is kidnapped in a nightclub by a couple working as sex slave traders aboard a ship. She, along with other abducted women, are given a drug that freezes their bodies into human statues.

A prostitute tries to explain why she's involved in an S&M relationship with a hippie poet.


Jesus Franco directs and stars in this cut-copy-and-paste-version of one of his own movies. Here, he plays a mad priest going around killing sinful people in the name of God, all while trying to get a book published.


Eric, a brilliant young German officer, is transfered back to Berlin.His superior officer tells him about his new assignment on the Russian front and then invites him to a luxurious villa. Gathered in the mansion are the most beautiful women: the army's special services could enroll for the pleasure of its returning heroes.Eric is stupefied to recognize Renata among the women, who are all ready and willing to make love with any officer present. Not many years ago, while still students, Renata and Eric had been very much in love. After making love in a room put at their disposal, Renata tells him that she had no choice but to accept joining the army as an official camp follower: her father's survival depended on it. The following morning, Renata leaves in a special women's convoy for Eastern frontwhere they are scheduled to entertain hard-pressed officers and men. Will Eric and Renata's love survive those adventures?


A group of female freedom-fighters led by Karine Levere is caught by the warden of a women's prison, located somwhere in the South American jungle. None of them will reveal the secrets of their organisation or the names of their collaborators in the cities, so they are handed over to Dr. Costa who, after four years inactivity in Europe, is delighted to be able to practice his torture techniques once more. Laverne fails to resist the inhuman treatments and reveals all. The only hope of saving the organization is for the girls to warn the city cell before it's too late. They trick the prison guard into having sex with them, knock him out and break out of prison. The warden and Dr. Costa must prevent them from revealing the practices inside the prison. The hunt is on and it's shoot to kill...


Two pretty chorus girls, Cecile and Brigitte, who have been sentenced to prison terms, agree to undertake risky undercover work for Senator Conolly in exchange for their freedom. Investigating the disappearance of well-known personalities, as well as young women, Conolly wants the dancers to get hired by a Canary Islands nightclub to keep tabs on the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Forbes...


Margarita is found, naked and bloody in a luxurious house and is promptly taken to a mental institute. The doctors and nurses meant to take care of her aren't exactly who they seem and a mysterious figure, clad in black, circles the premise at night, offing nubile young women.


Amanda, a beautiful American girl is soon to be married to Andrea Orsomandi, a wealthy nobleman who lives in an extravagant Gothic mansion. However there exists something dark, sinister and supernatural within the walls of the mansion. It seems that Andrea has been driven to madness and is a victim of the evil contained within the house. It soon transpires that he is involved in black magic, perverse rituals and serial killings with the aid of his sadistic henchman and gardener Giovanni. Killing prostitutes in order to exorcise this Evil. Now the demonic forces set out to possess Amanda,take her soul and turn her into another victim of the mansion.


Cynthia, an exotic dancer in a upscale resort in Southern France, is seduced by a strange couple: Alpha, a being from another dimension and her human slave, Andros.


Blue Rita runs a nightclub and gases and kidnaps men there for her pleasure and torture.


A brothel owner is questioned in the disappearance of the daughter of a wealthy man after she is still not returned, or told of her possible whereabouts, after the $5,000,000 ransom was paid.


Susan arrives in Haiti to live with her husband Jack, who lives with a lesbian housekeeper and Olga, a nymphomaniac platinum blonde, introduced to her as Jack's sister. Susan begins to have nightmares about voodoo ceremonies and murder.


Ilsa, now a vicious warden, runs a mental-hospital for young women. A girl deliberately "checks" in to the hospital to find out what has happened to her sister who stayed there. Meanwhile Ilsa and one of the guards are forcing the inmates to have sex with male prisoners, filming them and selling it as pornoflicks.


This German “mondo” movie has a TV host (Esther Moser) narrating and introducing various sexual acts from around the world. This includes S&M acts, a class teaching masturbation, a man who likes to pretend to be a baby and getting spanked by his mother and various other naughty tales.


A group of women are kidnapped by guerrillas and brought to a jungle brothel where they are forced to work as prostitutes for the soldiers. Those who refuse to cooperate are decapitated by the cruel, sadistic wardress of the camp, who is privately interested in some of the women herself.


16-year-old Maria is forced into Serra D'Aires convent, secretly run by Satanists. Her confessor is in collusion with the Mother Superior. Maria is tortured, forced into sex with men, women, and the horned Devil, and told that it's all a bad dream. She writes a letter to God, and a Knight rescues her, only to fall into the hands of the Inquisition, put on the rack, and condemned to death like Joan of Arc.


A deadly look into the savage world of gangsters. The aftermath of a holdup turns into a game of deceit and doublecross. A vengeful woman brings about the destruction of the entire gang of ruthless killers.


Edna keeps her younger sister Millie drugged and chained to her bed. The drugs have made Millie a nymphomaniac who's endless supply of men that Edna providers her cannot satisfy her and seeing her sister unsatisfied gets Edna off. But Edna's main plan from all of this is to inherit her deceased parents' fortune which is supposed to all go to Millie on her 21st birthday, so if she can prove Millie insane she will get the fortune. But when one of the men appears to satisfy Millie, Millie discovers the outside world and the two will try to stop Edna's evil plans.


Sylvia is a girl working the shifts at a night club in Cannes.


A movie directed by Erwin C. Dietrich and Jess Franco.


A serial killer whose mother was a prostitute starts killing streetwalkers as a way of paying back his mother for her abuse.


A lovely summer day in Paris. Roger and Martine are on their way to work. "Work" is a euphemism because Martine is a prostitute in Pigalle. She is saving money to buy the house of her dreams in the country. Her husband Roger "works" for the same goal, but in a brothel for women. There, duchesses rub elbows with businesswomen, militant members of women's lib and other female pleasure-seekers.


Cynthia, an exotic dancer in a upscale resort in Southern France, is seduced by a strange couple, Alpha, a being from another dimension and her human slave, Andros. Alpha places highly toxic matter (which also has hypnotic powers) into Cynthia's sex during love-making. From then on she will be a helpless pawn in a plot to destroy a psychic and a biologist who have become aware of the alien invasion and pose a threat to the plan.


A notorious gang leader named Mr. Winter who specialized in extreme forms of prostitution is forced out of Hong Kong due to increasing gang warfare. He settles down in Paris and starts to kidnap and coerce women into prostitution to rebuild his empire, but his extreme behavior threatens to quickly undo his work.


After killing her father who had attempted to rape her, Maria da Guerra is sentenced to prison for life. The wardress is a sadistic lesbian without mercy or humanity. Upon her arrival Maria is taken to a special section for mentally disturbed prisoners where torture and rape are part of the day-to-day reality. One day the Regional Governor arrives, claiming to have received a letter from one of the prisoners describing incredible events in the prison. The writer of the letter was clearly unaware that the Governor is also part of the conspiracy. Carlos Costa, a male nurse pretending to be the prison doctor Moore, falls in love with Maria. After seducing him, Maria kills him with a pair of scissors and escapes with her friends Bertha and the disturbed Rosario, hoping to find safety in the Governor's house, unaware that he will not help them...


An adventure comedy directed by Jess Franco.


Lady Doriana Grey, who haunts her isolated castle, and her twin sister who has been driven insane after being institutionalised at a young age. In the mental facility, the sister is under the care of Dr. Orloff. The two share a psychic connection, and along with their similar looks, they apparently have another common bond. It would seem that Doriana is unable to experience sexual satisfaction. Her enigmatic presence brings her many lovers; mostly female who are unable to resist her charms. In succumbing to their lust for Doriana, they pay the ultimate price. As she brings them to orgasm, they perish as a result. This curse is apparently what keeps her young and enchanting. The lunatic sister on the other hand experiences everything, including the orgasms her other half is unable to achieve. She revels in the feelings her sister's lovers project when they are in their final throes of life and passion.

A small-time hood brings the attention of the law with an insurance scam and diamond theft, but things become even more interesting when his moll murders him and is slammed behind bars where she faces all manner of electric shock treatments to various parts of her anatomy


A wealthy ex-playboy, Count Roland tires of married life to the sex guide magnate Barbara and decides to return to his old ways. He poses as a butler and becomes a servant to rich and beautiful women, but many complications ensue.


A disturbed priest, who witness an occult ritual, thinks the people are possessed and start a private inquisition to exorcise the demons by torturing them to death.


A private eye who's over his head in debt takes on a job snapping photos of his client's rich husband in bed with another woman. But when the husband winds up with three bullet holes that seem to have come from the private eye's own gun, he's got to prove he's not the murderer meanwhile getting tangled deeper in a web of deceit, lies, and steamy night club dancers!


According to legend, a group of women escaped from Atlantis just before the destruction of the continent. They took refuge on a mysterious island, and founded a kingdom. Men who dared approach the island, were devoured by these sexually voracious Atlanteans, and thus they were called "gobblers".


Central America in 1915. It is the age of revolutions.tyranny, captains and colonels in a small provincial town. often invaded by some revolutionary group or other, there is a brothel of which the Madame Simone and most of the girls, are French. Many of the girls are in love with rebel leader Carlos Rrbas and when government troops re-occupy the area, they hide him. When the soldiers discover him, they take both him and the girls prisoner. The governor sends the girls out in a cart to amuse the troops, but they manage to escape along the way and take refuge in a convent where they take over the nuns.


A young woman is hired to care for an elderly man who lives on an island off the Greek coast. When she arrives there the man warns her that his daughters are evil and dangerous. The woman discovers that one of the daughters is a crazed nymphomaniac who pursues, and seduces, everyone in the house, including her crippled sister.


Martine Bressac is released from a psychiatric clinic after a year's treatment and is driven home by her chauffeur, Mathias. She is welcomed by the demented hunchbacked gardener Malou and the mute servant girl Adèle, and impatiently demands the key to her mysterious private chamber. There, set out like exhibits in a waxwork, are the bodies of beautiful girls frozen in postures of terror on the point of death. With Mathias' help, Martine has just added another girl, a prostitute, to her collection when her husband and accomplice, Charles, arrives home with slides of a further prospective victim: Cécile the virginal daughter of a diplomat...


A luxurious house stands in a deserted region, contrasting with its surroundings. It is a house of prostitution and its inmates are brought there against their will. One of them, Yvette, is helped to escape by Mr Gaston, a regular customer and she tells the story of her ordeal to the police.


Dick Sand travels aboard the "Pilgrim" when, following dramatic events, the ship becomes without a captain. Fate has it so that, to keep all sailors in peace, he shall command the ship. All accept this arrangement, even Negoro - whose resentment will add treachery to circumstances already difficult to take the ship to safe harbour. To a point the task may prove impossible...


Two wealthy aristocrats lure a virginal girl to a Spanish island for a night of sex, death and cannibalism in this Jess Franco's softcore version of "The most dangerous game".


In medieval France, traveler Pygar tells he-man Karzan (Maciste in the French version) of his recent journey to a place called Antigua, and of its entire community of Amazons promising undreamed of sexual satisfaction to any man who comes upon them. More importantly, Pygar tells of a fortune in gold. Karzan/Maciste, is persuaded to undertake the journey in search of riches, unaware that Pygar is in collusion with the Amazon Queen to actually deliver Maciste as a slave stud to help rejuvenate the race.


Twenty years after seducing a businessman, a demonic temptress lays claim to the man's daughter.


Horror mystery about the residents of a Louisiana castle who are being murdered by a masked killer. When the family arrives for the reading of Marion's will, his wife is strapped to the face of a cliff and drowned by the tide. More murders follow, and as Inspector Bore investigates, he discovers some dark secrets in the family's past.


The story opens with Celestine eluding arrest with a friend as the police raid a brothel. While hiding out in the hayloft of the Count de la Braquette's estate, she meets the hayseed handyman Sébastien and the butler Malou, who reward her favors with the offer of employment. In a manner recalling Terence Stamp's effect on the household in TEOREMA, Celestine's open and relaxed attitude toward sexuality has a transformative effect on the isolated, moribund inhabitants of the mansion, imbuing them with gift of renewed life for the men and women alike, that remains even after a third act twist that forces her to betray them.


Eugenie, a beautiful but shy young girl, lives with her stepfather, a famous writer specializing in stories of erotica. One day she happens to read one of his "erotic" books and its power so affects her that begins to find herself sexually attracted to her stepfather. He notices this, and eventually brings her into his dark world of sexual perversion and murder.


Dr. Frankenstein is left for dead in the woods. His daughter, Dr. Vera Frankenstein, hunts for his attacker: Dr. Cagliostro, a mad scientist who’s created a race of human-animal hybrids.


A nightclub singer is haunted by the ghost of her late father. The dead man summons her through a mirror, forcing her to commit a series of violent crimes.


Amid the craggy, dusty hills of southern France (or is it northern Spain?), a woman screams in the night. Gorgeous Melissa Comfort (Mona Proust), a wealthy heiress confined to a wheelchair since birth, cries out in her nightmares, terrified of a dream that comes night after night. In this night terror, she's 10-years-old. Running from a man who may or may not be her father.


A lawyer finds out that a young couple convicted of murder was in fact framed for the crime and goes to the prison with the hope of freeing them and learns the events that happened to the two from a fellow prisoner who helped them escape.


A girl arrives from London to visit her estranged relatives in a remote castle for the reading of her father's will. After a while she discovers that they are all in fact dead and her decision to live with them turns into a nightmare. Unable to leave she's drawn into a macabre underworld through visions of nude satanic rituals and her own impending sacrifice.


Countess Irina of Karlstein resides quietly in a hotel on the island of Madeira, where she sustains her immortality by feeding on the life essence of men and women. When new victims are found fatally drained of potency, forensic scientist Dr. Roberts consults his colleague, Dr. Orloff, who confirms that a vampire is responsible. Meanwhile, Irina is confronted by a poet who believes he is destined to become her lover and join her among the immortals!


A group of nuns become possessed by demons and are then tortured in a dungeon of horrors during the inquisition.


Linda comes to the big city in search of fun and excitement. What she finds is exploitation and abuse at the hands of a succession of sleazy guys. Searching for love, she enters into a lesbian relationship with a beautiful countess, discovers drugs and swingers' parties and starts acting in porno movies. She also begins to write a secret diary... With a cast of some of the most stunning Euro actresses of the period, wall-to-wall sex and nudity, pot parties, porno shoots and a psychedelic soundtrack, this is a gem of 1970s exploitation cinema from Jess Franco. Street scenes shot in Benidorm (Alicante, Spain) and Las Palmas (Gran Canaria, Spain).


After his wife, a concert pianist, is found murdered a wealthy man is suspected of her murder. But as more suspects begin to pile up this mystery might take it's toll on more than one participant.


A crime movie directed by Jess Franco.


Part documentary, part mockumentary, part sexploitation, all Franco. Starting in the Garden of Eden we are taken on a voyage around the world that covers various rites of passage and cultures deflowering of the virgin.


Initially a documentary about the making of Jess Franco’s “Count Dracula” (a 1970 vampire movie starring Christopher Lee), "Cuadecuc, Vampir" presents "an intervention": an atmospheric, silent, black and white film-essay, serving as an alternative version of the original movie, showing grainy footage of the performers–both in and out of their characters–wandering through the Gothic sets and the natural locations; a ghostly narration between fiction and reality.


Dr. Frankenstein and his assistant Morpho are killed just as they bring their creation to life. The monster is taken by Cagliostro and he now controls the monster and plans to have it mate and create the perfect master race!


The film resembles a Ten Little Indians plot, with the crew of a Western film in post-production (who are staying as guests on an island retreat) cropping up as corpses one by one after the mysterious and inexplicable kidnapping of a child. The film plays up its traditional mystery angle, with each of the guests being as likely a suspect as the next, in scenes such as one in which all of the guests sit around in the parlor and cast dramatic, accusatory glances at one another.


A London slasher pack the suitcases of his victims before stabbing them to death in this adaptation of Edgar Wallace's 'Secret of the Black Suitcases.'


Luisa is called to the bed of her dying mother Edith at Karlstein Castle. Before she dies, she tells Luisa that the Karlsteins are a family of vampires and that her ancestor, the original Count Karlstein, lies buried in the crypt. Afterwards, Luisa goes and finds the count's coffin and discovers that he is undead. As she takes Karine, her cousin as her lover, a police inspector, Ptuschko investigates a series of killings around the town, dismissing the locals who insist these are being caused by vampires.


Meet poor old Mr. Robinson who is so bored at home with his terrible and an annoying house wife and her Mother. At work one day, he decides to retire from urban life and spend the rest of his time with three very nice girls on an island. But beware! there's awful cannibals.


Dr. Mabuse and his accomplices steal all kinds of attributes from a National Research Institute (including female staff members) in order to complete his own evil mind-control ray. Dr. Mabuse has this impressive and horribly scarred man-monster that kills for him while the entire police force desperately tries to catch him.


An erotic horror tale about a vixen vampiress seducing and killing women to appease her insatiable thirst for female blood.


A young doctor kills himself after a medical committee terminates his research into human embryos, considering it too inhumane. His wife then seeks revenge on those who drove her husband to his death by luring each member of the committee into compromising situations and then killing them one by one.


A plane leaving the turmoil of a South American country in the midst of a revolution crash-lands in the Amazon jungle in Brazil. Among the passengers are a corrupt banker who is smuggling diamonds out of the country, a reporter, a mysterious beauty and a shady flight attendant. The survivors find themselves up against not only the dangers of the jungle itself but a band of headhunters and a gang of revolutionaries who are looking for the smuggled diamonds.


A mineral is discovered which can turn metal to gold or humans into zombies. When the mineral is stolen, secret agents are sent in to get the mineral back!


The story revolves around Anne who is held hostage by an escaped maniac from an insane asylum. The fugitive forces her to tell stories to prevent her from getting help. Anne then spins a fanciful tale about a girl's escape from her imprisonment by savages and her longing to return to captivity.


Jess Franco's version of the Bram Stoker classic has Count Dracula as an old man who grows younger whenever he dines on the blood of young maidens.


Horror icon Christopher Lee, who worked with Jess Franco on several occasions, plays Lord George Jeffreys, the infamous and merciless judge and Lord Chancellor in England torn by strife between the reigning King James II and William of Orange. Convincend of doing what's necessary, the cruel judge mercilessly persecutes 'traitors', who sympathize with the King's opponent William of Orange, as well as 'witches', who are accused of being in league with the devil...


Diana Lorys, Collette Jack and Soledad Miranda star in this sexy thriller about two alluring dancers, Cincia and Anne, who embark on an erotically charged partnership. But when Anne starts to have nightmares that feature her as a murderous killer, she begins to lose her grip on reality. Or is reality merely rearing its ugly head in her dreams? She's determined find out what's causing this turmoil before something deadly happens.


A woman is seducing men only to kill them, and afterwards confessing about her crimes at church. A man, witnessing her visits to the church, feels attracted to her and boards an appartment near hers and begins to watch her secretly.


Eugenie, an innocent young woman, is taken to an island paradise where she initiated into a world of pleasure and pain controlled by the sinister Dolmance. But when she surrenders to her own forbidden fantasies, Eugenie becomes trapped in a frenzy of drugs, sadomasochism and murder. Can a frightened girl in the grip of carnal perversion find sanctuary in the orgies of the depraved?


A boxing manager discovers that one of the boxers who have been promoted in love with a protected model and his mistress. Mad with jealousy, organized a match between it and another fighter who are friends with each other. Revenge in this case will be bitter.


It was shot at the same time as Rote Lippen Sadisterotica (1969), and once again features Yanni and Reynaud as statuesque “Red Lips” girls, a detective duo with undefined links to Interpol. It’s a phantasmagoric mixture of ultracamp and virtually incomprehensible hi-jinks.


The evil mastermind Fu Manchu plots his latest scheme to basically freeze over the Earth's oceans with his diabolical new device. Opposing him is his arch-nemesis, Interpol's very British Dr. Nayland Smith.


A musician finds the corpse of a beautiful woman on the beach. The woman returns from the dead to take revenge on the group of wealthy sadists responsible for her death.


Without a family, penniless and separated from her sister, a beautiful chaste woman will have to cope with an endless parade of villains, perverts and degenerates who will claim not only her treasured virtue but also her life.


Jesus Franco's campy women's prison film is worthwhile for genre devotees primarily due to an outstanding cast. Mercedes McCambridge is unintentionally hilarious as sadistic lesbian warden Thelma Diaz, spitting tacky dialogue with exuberant venom in a performance so overbearing that it verges on classic. The plot is standard for the genre, as three women (Maria Rohm, Elisa Montes, Luciana Paluzzi) are sentenced to an island prison off the Panamanian coast, only to encounter torture, rape, and lesbianism. When sympathetic Warden Caroll (Maria Schell) replaces Diaz, the prisoners assume that conditions will improve, but their agony only worsens until they decide to escape. Rosalba Neri co-stars, and Herbert Lom runs the corrupt men's prison nearby. 99 Mujeres was heavily censored in various prints, with versions running anywhere between 70 and 108 minutes. Edits running 84, 86, and 94 minutes are most commonly available.


Sumuru, the beautiful leader of the all-female kingdom of Femina, plans to use her women to take over the world.


"Red Lips" are two female detectives trying to find missing models and dancers. A pop artist called Klaus Thriller and his werewolf-like assistant, Morpho, are the main suspects for the murderers.


Fu Manchu inoculates ten women with poison, to kill ten world leaders.


In an ancient castle, a mad scientist is trying to revive his dead daughter by an operation, but there are certain body parts he needs that he can't get. His problem is solved when a group of drunken party-goers stumble into his castle.


Janine Reynaud stars as a nightclub stripper who free-floats through a spectral 60's landscape littered with dream-figures, dancing midgets and bizarre S&M games.


A man runs a commune where he imprisons, abuses and tortures women.

An American secret agent is sent to Europe to track down a ring of counterfeiters. His investigation takes him from Rome to Albania, where he gets involved with a sexy Albanian police commissioner.


Ms. Pendleton is the commander-in-chief of a women's training camp for western spies, recently established in Turkey. CIA agent Leyton receives a mission, to discover and destroy an ennemy group operating in the vicinities of that residence. He will manage, with the help, and sometimes extra zeal, of a number of the young women recruits.


A mad scientist uses his army of mechanical monsters to control people who have Type O blood.


A woman seeks to avenge her father's death by using a local dancer, with long poisonous fingernails, to do her bidding.


Orson Welles' unfinished adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic Treasure Island.


The career of Shakespeare's Sir John Falstaff as roistering companion to young Prince Hal, circa 1400-1413.


Paquita and her brother Venancio, both single and childish, live in a small town near Madrid. Their bossy eldest sister Ignacia, also an old maid, dominates them. One night, Paquita hears her sister tell somebody about her intention to sell all the family wealth. Once the money is gathered, she wishes to travel to Paris with the mysterious person and get rid of her brother and sister.


A mad scientist creates a hideous monster to carry out his murderous plans.


Vogel, an important trafficker, betrayed two of his accomplices, Castro and Smith. The first was shot by police, while the latter was imprisoned. Fifteen years later, Vogel adopted a new identity and moved to Jamaica with his wife, Linda. Smith comes back for revenge but Vogel sends his henchmen to kill him.


In an unnamed Central American state on the eve of a crucial election, a young police informer working for police officer Miguel Mora bent on uncovering the shady works of popular politician Maurice Leprince is killed. However, thugs working for Leprince began to be killed one by one as well.


A murderous villain takes over a family's ranch, killing everyone but the youngest son, still a toddler, who is rescued by a faithful servant. The son grows up and becomes The Jaguar, a bandit who along with his gang robs the corrupt rulers of the town and gives to the church. Trouble brews when he falls in love with the daughter of the villainous magistrate.


Diplomats, soldiers and other representatives of a dozen nations fend off the siege of the International Compound in Peking during the 1900 Boxer Rebellion. The disparate interests unite for survival despite competing factions, overwhelming odds, delayed relief and tacit support of the Boxers by the Empress of China and her generals.


Jess Franco returns with another campy gore-fest featuring the strange goings-on in a tiny hamlet called Holfen. When women wind up knifed and gouged in the village, everyone thinks the deaths are due to a curse wielded by a cruel 17th century baron. Von Klaus heir Ludwig is distantly related to the royal, which makes him the target of suspicion. Can he clear his name, or will he wind up giving in to his dark side?


Zorro the Avenger


Dr. Orlof, a former prison doctor, abducts beautiful women from nightclubs and tries to use their skin to repair his daughter's fire-scarred face. He is assisted by Morpho, a deformed monstrosity who delights in biting his victims. Orlof had better hurry, though -- a young police inspector and his ballerina girlfriend are onto his sadistic practices.


As the era of silent films finds itself at a close, four down-and-out silent film actors and musicians struggle to find work. Fate leads them to a former star of the silent era as she struggles to escape her reputation as a wild and evil vamp of the silver screen and longs to be just thought of as an honest and decent woman. They join forces, and for a short time have a decent amount of success singing and dancing at clubs and bars. But the public has an insatiable taste for foreign black jazz bands, and they will stop at nothing to become a success.


A short documentary directed by Jesus Franco.

Two girl detectives known as "Labios Rojos" ("Red Lips") outwit both criminals and a bumbling police inspector.


An award winning short documentary directed by Jesus Franco.

In 1913 a family of traveling musicians goes to the house of a rich marquise. Lolita, daughter of one of the musicians, encounters the son of the wealthy lady.


A short documentary directed by Jesus Franco.


A short documentary directed by Jesus Franco.


Comedy about the surreal holiday of two teenage Spanish girls, where they meet a bizarre assortment of villains and new friends.


A short documentary directed by Jesus Franco.


Eudosio and Carlos were imprisoned by mistake. Now out of prison, are trying to get a job and to adapt to a society that rejects them.


The coyote will act to help landowners to keep the land that the Captain of the US Army wants to seize from them.


Based on the famous book by Jules Verne the movie follows Phileas Fogg on his journey around the world. Which has to be completed within 80 days, a very short period for those days.


California, 1848. An invading army has defeated the few opposing forces and the territory has become part of the United States. Don César de Echagüe, an old gentleman, begs his son César to return from Europe, confident that he will know how to confront the oppressor…


A couple having an affair strike a bicyclist with their car and do not offer aid out of fear of their relationship being exposed.


Ana Ruiz, a young actress who works in a traveling theater company, plays only minor roles, but she hopes to succeed and prefers the success to the love of Michael. When the company decides to release "Heaven is not far," Ana hopes to be the young protagonist, however, the paper turns to fall on the veteran Carmen. The businessman Charles Marquez offers Ana to be the star in the new play if she becomes his lover


Cult director Jess Franco recalls the making of his adaptation of Bram Stoker's Dracula starring Christopher Lee.


Three girls in search of love, happiness and money share the same apartment and the same bed. Money is particularly scarce, and so they are freelance in horizontal business. They like to tell about their strange sex experiences and do not leave out any details. They work in the same nightclub and look for partners there for their erotic adventures. Their joint midnight strip show is the highlight of the shed. One day, Mayte suddenly disappears. Did she finally find her millionaire, or was she kidnapped by girl traffickers and shipped to an oriental brothel ...?


Jess Franco and Christopher Lee discuss their 1970 collaboration, The Bloody Judge.

Jess Franco and members of the cast of his 1970 cult classic "Eugenie" discuss the film
