Jesús Magaña Vázquez

A punk band decides to hire a keyboard player in order to change their sound, despite the fact that this talented musician has Down Syndrome.


Tonatiuh and Maria experience a passionate and turbulent relationship. One night, in the heat of an argument, they suffer a dramatic automobile accident. Tonatiuh is left in a coma, where he sees Alicia, his nurse, including her in his dreams about Maria. Time later, Alicia has an accident and suffers amnesia while Tonatiuh wakes up. One year later, Tonatiuh and Alicia meet and an impossible love arouses from oblivion, haunted by the ghost of Maria's memories.


(In a dark basement) Norma hears the faint voice of Everio and her own, from an Ampex vintage tape recorder. They have been talking incessantly, and *oftentimes the taped conversations coincide with their *chats. The only thing troubling Norma is that until that day, she and Everio had never met and the last she heard was Everio strangling her.


When Tonatiuh loses his beloved Maria, grief and obsession to be loved lead him to seek love in a variety of women also called Maria.
