Jesús R. Folgar

The father of his girlfriend does not want her to spend a few days with Carlos, so he needs a companion. Therefore, he asks a friend to pretend to be his aunt. This will create endless trouble and confusion, especially when the real aunt of Charles arrives.


A couple (Carati and Cricotti) have to rent a hotel room which is really a haunted house. Well haunted is overstating it. Just old Renzo as a horny ghost who wants to get it on with Carati. Sexual frolics abound, Carati takes baths and has sex and hubby fulfills his role as cuckold.


A crusty recluse on a Caribbean island who is dedicated to destroying sharks gets involved in a hunt for buried treasure.


After a tied 1st place in a local stunt race, two drivers start a contest to decide who of them will own the prize, a dune buggy. But when a mobster destroys the car, they are determined to get it back.


Don Juan Alcántara, who from a village apothecary became a financier, is ruined. He does not dare to confess it to the family, since the unanimous opinion of those who know him is that he is a squawk. His lack of character is remedied by his doctor, who provides the recipe for everyone to obey: pretend that he suffers a crisis of madness and that if he takes the opposite may lead to homicide.


Curd Jurgens as the betrayed husband is incredibly expressive and believable; Rosabla Neri, as the philandering Alexa, delivers her usual thoughtful performance and, in doing so, makes her potentially cardboard cut-out character multi-dimensional, and Juan Luis Galiardo, as Alexa'a heartthrob Pierre, also cares enough about his craft that he avoids the trappings of a potentially stereotypical character and, like Neri, makes him real and full of depth
