Jillian Zurawski

An angry internet atheist has a near death experience and must deliver the news of Jesus to his devout internet followers.


The animated adventures of Lloyd, a hard-boiled feline private investigator who solves some pretty unusual cases.


The Uncanny Valley refers to Channel Awesome’s five year anniversary event. Unlike the past events, instead of one collaborative video, there were five short films making up the event. All of which the contributors celebrate the website’s fantastic fifth year!

When small time exploitation filmmakers Craig (Brad Jones) and Neil (Jake Norvell) are denied filming permits by the snooty head of the local film commission (Ryan Mitchelle), Craig’s only option is to go undercover as a pretentious film snob. But once accepted by the group Craig finds himself thrust into a strange and deadly mystery surrounding the very secretive club.


A serial killer is terrorizing a small town. Mark Bishop (Brad Jones) has just killed an intruder who attacked him in his home. Only he's not sure if he killed the real serial killer, but knows he doesn't want the attention. Mark has to get rid of the body and avoid the authorities. But he can't shake the feeling that the real killer is still out there.


Scott and Ray are two old school video game geeks who spend the majority of their days playing Nintendo and reminiscing about the 80's. But when Scott is dumped by his girlfriend, the two devise a plan to take Scott's mind off of the drama. With the help of their friend Steve, the boys seek out the rare Atari porno game "Custer's Revenge" in an attempt to hold a contest to see who can get past 5000 points, all while Scott desperately tries to woo the attention of Sally, the beautiful game store employee.
