Jim McCullough Sr.

The St. Tammany Miracle is an inspiring story which shows how a determined coach can bring a handful of individuals from the failure of a dark and dusty gym into the glaring light of a state championship!


David Lee Shepherd, who desperately wants work in the video business, is luring hookers into his hotel room so that he can videotape himself strangling them. The police conclude that a serial killer is at work and thus begins an intense manhunt.


A tiny alien lands in the small town Aurora in Texas in the times of the Wild West. He flies around in his spaceship and checks out everything. While the kids are fascinated, their parents are rather sceptic and afraid. Ms. Peabels, teacher and new owner of the local paper, smells a good story and brings the alien into the headlines. When the governor hears of the rumors he sends a ranger to take action. Written by Tom Zoerner


After several years in an insane asylum, Evelyn, the keeper of the Mountaintop Motel, is released and resumes doing business. She kills her young charge out of anger, but convinces the police it was an accident - and pushed into insanity, she then proceeds to target her guests, first by releasing vermin into their rooms, but then by using her trusty sickle.


Two men exploring the Louisiana swamps run into a Bigfoot-type creature.


Where the Red Fern Grows is the heartwarming and adventurous tale for all ages about a young boy and his quest for his own red-bone hound hunting dogs.


In a little Western town, a boy is subjected to rays from a meteor. As a result, he grows into a teenaged, hairy, psychopathic killer. His mother hides him in her basement.
