Jim O'Connolly

Loosely bases on Samuel Richardson's novel Pamela or Virtue Rewarded, this is the story of Pamela who goes to work in the kitchen of Lord Devenish who is determined to rape her.


A group of experienced archeologists are searching for an old and mystic Phoenician treasure when they are surprised by a series of mysterious murders...


A turn of the century wild west show struggling to make a living in Mexico comes into the possession of a tiny prehistoric horse. This leads to an expedition to the Forbidden Valley where they discover living dinosaurs. They capture one and take it back to be put on display, leading to inevitable mayhem.


Simon Templar is on holiday in Naples when a small uproar on a lunch table draws his attention. An English tourist attempts to greet an Italian businessman as an old friend, but the Italian refuses to acknowledge the greeting and claims never to have met him.


Two crooks are hired to rob an eccentric old lady's estate, but once they get to know her, they can't bring themselves to do it.


A lady ringmaster milks the publicity from a string of murders.


The inhabitants of Ganymede need to find mates from another world or they will become extinct. They soon discover a suitable breeding stock amongst the females of planet Earth.


The story of Ted and Jackie, two London kids who decide to run away to Liverpool and, from there, stow away on a ship bound for Jamaica - the home of Jackie's estranged father.


A fastidious insurance assessor investigates a potential case of insurance fraud.


An American returning home from Baghdad and seeing his girl in Britain on the way agrees to take a message to the secret service. Once in London he is picked up by the gang involved, who have by then killed the original Middle East agent. He escapes, but he and his girl friend are a marked couple as they retreat to Seaford on the south coast to act as bait in an MI5 plan to catch the thugs.


A self-employed lorry driver is determined to find the criminals responsible for hijacking him.


When a little girl is knocked down it is discovered that there are only three donors of the right blood type to help with a life-saving operation. One is a murderer awaiting execution, one an atomic scientist selling secrets, and one an international footballer about to get his hundreth cap.


When a corpse is found in the Thames, the only clue is that the dead man was killed by a karate or judo expert.


Dr.Decker comes back from Africa after a year, presumed dead. During that year, he came across a way of growing plants and animals to an enormous size. He brings back a baby chimpanzee to test out his theory. As he has many enemies at home, he decides to use his chimp, 'Konga' to 'get rid of them'. Then Konga grows to gigantic proportions and reaks havoc all over the city of London!!


Two rival gangs are trying to fix horse races and a jockey is attacked and left for dead in a stage-managed car crash. An insurance investigator makes routine enquiries into the "accident" and one of the gang leaders feels threatened by this and takes counter measures.


A writer of murder mysteries finds himself caught up in a string of murders in London.


Three teenagers encounter a ghost who is in limbo until he retrieves his lost head. They do their parts to help him find it.


Culver is a psychiatrist who uses hypnotism to treat his patients. When Carpenter, a test pilot, comes to see him complaining of blackouts that make his job difficult, Culver tries to mesmerise him into killing his wife.


An atomic scientist is found floating in a river with a bullet in his back and a radioactive halo around his body. The radioactivity has put him seven-and-a-half seconds ahead of us in time. He teams up with a reporter to stop his evil double from destroying his experiments in artificial tungsten.
