Jimmy il Fenomeno

One by one, with a sweet but inexorable rate, Ugo's colleagues, go to a better life. When Ugo is attending at one of the innumerable funerals, he and the priest remain involved in an accident. The doctor says that Ugo as only one week left to live


Four stories of love are interwoven on the beautiful, coastal paradise of Saint Tropez.


June 27, 1980, an Italian DC 9 flying from Bologna to Palermo falls in the sea close to the Ustica island. 81 people die. The official version is "structure failure" of the airplane, but a number of clues lead the journalist Rocco Ferrante toward a different truth. Thanks to his perseverance against the invisible wall erected by air force officers, politicians, judges, secret agents, we come to know that, with all probability, the DC 9 has been mistakenly shot by a missile during a sort of air fight among U.S., French and Libyan top guns.


This coarse bedroom farce takes place at the St. Moritz ski resort over a Christmas vacation. Among the couples whose lives intersect are a widowed artist honeymooning with his second wife, a gay man traveling with his son and his lover (and hiding each from the other), a snobbish couple from Milan who have been forced to share a suite with a pair of crass Romans, etc.


Ciottoli is a journalist with absolutely no prospective for his career, with a lot of debts and a mobster that want him died. Unexpectedly he win the national lottery (almost Eur 2.5 Mln) and try to remain unanimous hiding the winner ticker into his typewriter. Ironically his director order to him to write an article on the mysterious winner. When he is back home he discovers all his furniture has been confiscate and will go on a public auction. He will try desperately to buy back the worthless typewriter while all his previous problems still follows him, especially the mobster...


Tom and Jerry two Italian two bit actors go to America because they hope to take part in a film starring Sylvester Stallone. However when they go to his villa in Beverly Hills, Stallone gets murdered and the two are suspected of the murder. Hunted by the CIA and the FBI they flee across the USA disguised as women and end up working in a restaurant as showgirls. Here Tom meets a Mafia boss who falls in love with him and goes to Mexico with him to escape the police hunt. Some years later the two friends meet again: Tom has married the boss's ex girlfriend even if he still dresses as a woman.


Superfantozzi (1986) is an Italian film from 1986. It is the fifth film in the saga of the unlucky clerk Ugo Fantozzi, played by its creator, Paolo Villaggio. In this film, Fantozzi is portrayed in a surreal historical journey, from Genesis to 1980s.


In an accident the young mechanic Marco Coccia meets Cristiana. The two fall in love with one another. Cristiana confesses only later that she is a genuine princess. For Marco it is not a problem, but for Cristiana's parents it is a very big problem. The two must separate. When one evening Cristiana calls Marco and lets him know about her forthcoming wedding, Marco with the car races toward Paris and has an accident...


A group of students from the San Crispino school for boys take a holiday in the United States, traveling from New York trough Utah all the way to Los Angeles. Young Father Don Buro (Christian De Sica) has great difficulty controlling the youngsters, especially with trouble making ex-student Peo (Jerry Calà) along for the trip, and finds himself distracted by the attractive single mother of one of the boys (Edwige Fenech).


While keeping an eye on his small time crook brother in law, Inspector Nico Giraldi gets involved in a murder case set in the world of Formula One racing. Giraldi is suspended for trying to cover up for his brother in law and becomes afraid his wife and son may be targeted next. Therefore he calls in the help of his childhood friend and chief informant, Venticello.


A man is forced to completely change his habits when he decides to move from the country to the city.


La madre-manager di una giovanissima modella americana cerca un precettore per la figlia che deve lavorare per tre mesi a Roma. Le viene suggerito il nome di padre Spinetti, un sacerdote che insegna in un istituto femminile, ma la telefonata per l'incarico la intercetta Rolando, bidello laureato in cerca di fortuna. Rolando si presenta alla donna vestito da prete e viene assunto, la ragazza però non tarda a rendersi conto che l'impacciato professore non è un vero sacerdote e se ne innamora. Una commedia comico-sentimentale con un irresistibile Carlo Verdone.


The film presents a series of unrelated "pictures": a police commissioner who, faced with four friars stripped by two women, must decide whether they are real or false friars (but he can't); a professor who, suffering from acute dysentery, is dismissed for unworthiness by the Institute Council; a football referee trying to escape the ire of angry fans; an endless marathon in Piazza Navona; a true but crazy producer, a not crazy but fake producer and a group of actors who want to take revenge on one and the other; a "club of toasts" that spends its time toasting to this and that, to elect new members and honorary members; finally, a censorship commission that, aboard an old and very battered car, fails to reach his workplace.

Forty-something Mattia has every woman in town lusting after him. But every time a woman wants to get hitched, he drags out his 'daughter' (actually the girl next door) to pass judgment on this woman.


A group of young DJs embarks on a disco challenge to win the money they need to save their radio channel.


Diego Abatantuono in the shoes of three huge fans: the Juventus truck driver Tirzan, the head of the ultra Milanese Donato and the Franco inter.


Andrea, a nice girl, move from Veneto (north of Italy) to Roma. She is employed as a nurse in a medical practice. She soon is involved in a never-ending game of misunderstanding, couples exchange, sexual seductions.


Claudia, Rita, and Caterina are three friends who live in a conservative Italian town and lead seemingly neat and respectable married lives. One day, they are summoned to the notary public's office and learn that Anna, one of their peers in high school who got a bad name as a "whore" in the town because of them and was forced to leave is now dead. Furthermore, she had amassed a great fortune abroad and decided to bequeath it to the three. However, she has a strange condition: Claudia, Rita, and Caterina should cheat on their husbands within three days and provide photographic evidence or else the inheritance will be donated to the retirement home.


Pasquale Baudaffi, amnistiato, esce dal carcere ed inizia a cercare un lavoro aiutato dal cugino Gaetano. Prima però va in una casa compiacente. Durante i giorni del carcere la casa non è più sede di appuntamenti ma è stata rilevata e affittata come studio dentistico. Pasquale si trova al centro di equivoci a non finire. Prova a fare il guardiacaccia ma non va bene lo stesso, prova a fare il cameriere di un bar: sbaglia subito le ordinazioni e viene licenziato. Negativa la sua prova da guardiano di un garage. L'ultimissima esperienza è in una società di Elettronica ma il suo inserimento nel meccanismo avveniristico scatena le più pazze complicazioni. L'incontro con un cagnolino smarrito gli permette di conoscere la padrona e scoprire così la donna della sua vita.


Lisetta (Carmen Russo) a high-priced call-girl, that entertained her eccentric clients in her apartment and in empty theaters over opera! She met Filippo (Saverio Marconi), a bumbling astronomer , and after a series of mishaps, they got married.


Cristina is a rich, spoiled princess visiting Rome with her royal parents. The mission of their visit is to marry her off to a super-wealthy corporate type and thereby start to turn around the losses their small kingdom is experiencing in its casino business. These less-than-noble intentions get derailed when Barnaba, a zany bus driver enters their lives and falls madly in love with the gorgeous Cristina. He is nuts enough to succeed in this romantic chase after royalty, as love seems to fuel his determination to rid Cristina of her elitism and to make her see his own irrepressible attractions.


Aristide Buratti is a wealthy grocer married to attractive Valentina. Although they seem to have a happy marriage, Valentina feels herself culturally inferior because she is a high school dropout. Despite her husband's objections, she enrolls at a private boarding school.


On holiday with his son, a father discover he is not so timid.


Romeo (Jerry Calà) e Felice (Diego Abatantuono), sono due ragazzi a capo di due band rivali che si sbeffeggiano di continuo. Il primo lavora con l'amico Renato (Mauro Di Francesco) in un garage dove l'avvocato Colombo (Ugo Bologna) lascia in custodia la sua Ferrari, Felice invece fornisce i fruttivendoli di Milano a bordo di un'Ape. Un giorno Romeo conosce Giulietta (Simona Mariani) in metropolitana, la ragazza fa la cassiera in un bar ed è la sorella di Felice, ma questo Romeo lo scoprirà solo dopo. Quando Felice, ad una festa mascherata, scoprirà la tresca, scoppierà il pandemonio: mentre Felice cercherà di far sposare la sorella col il proprietario del bar dove lavora (Renato Cecchetto), Romeo finirà in carcere per tentata rapina. Sarà l'avvocato Colombo a togliere dai guai Romeo durante il processo e quindi a permettergli di precipitarsi in chiesa per impedire il matrimonio della sua amata.


An unemployed teacher asks for help from her lover, an MP, and finds out that he is married.


Lorenzo is the mayor of a small town. One evening, returning home, surprised the well-known playboy Ghigo Buccilli who tries to seduce his beautiful wife. Enraged, he threatens the two with a gun, and Buccilli is the victim of a heart attack: the man survives but, forced to total rest, remains at the mayor's house. The result is an endless series of gags and misunderstandings, due to the stratagems devised by Lorenzo to avoid that the situation becomes the subject of gossip by fellow citizens ...


Rich girl Angela returns to school and falls for the local hunk. But when he refuses her advances, she pretends to be in love with the principal instead.


Antonio Barozzi moves from Lago Maggiore to Rome to become an actor. He does not realize his agent and acting coach are only manipulating him to further their own careers.


A rich farmer is well known for being very unkind. He's misanthropic, misogynous and cantankerous. Until he meets by chance a gorgeous girl...


A group of white-collar employees goes in search of easy adventures. Gallism, voyeurism and inevitable gags, packaged by the master of the sexy comedy Mariano Laurenti.


It's summer. Lisa goes every day in a holiday hotel to give French lessons to Mario, the owner's son. the beauty and personality of Lisa quickly raise the attraction of tourists, but also jealousy of mothers who see their husbands and son prowling around the lovely young woman ...


A black-out occurs during the meeting of a gang of criminals. When the light is back one of them is found killed with a stab on his back and all the clues point to a penniless man who had an argument with the victim a short time before the murder.


A dentist invites a elderly patient to stay at his home to recover, unaware that he is a jewel thief. He plans to steal a valuable diamond but then runs into a beautiful nurse who, aside from constantly stripping nude, has plans of her own.


Two detectives are hired to discover if a rich industrialist is having an affair. The detectives pose as a gay butler and as a female cook in order to spy on all of the happenings within the house.


The young homosexual lives with Franco Nicola, a transvestite who calls Nicole. During a dance marathon, Franco knows Anna Maria Immacolata, beautiful girl and very good dancer, with whom he started to practice assiduously. Nicole, jealous of this relationship, simulates suicide...


A story about a singer/showgirl who poses as a nurse to recover some stolen paintings, which for some reason are hidden in a military insane asylum.


The adventures of Gianna, a sexy policewoman who wants to help a child in search of his mother.


There's a new girl in school, Angela, the Headmaster's neice. Every male will try to seduce her, even her uncle. Meanwhile she will drive the philosophy's teacher mad and her best friend Irma will have a good time with the classmates. Will they get the grades?


Doctor Eva Marini takes up a position at an army base to investigate the sexual behavior of the Italian male soldier and soon finds out she's taken on more than she bargained for.


The young Vittorio Pieroni throws himself from a railway overpass when a train is passing by; escaped suicide and rescued by an ambulance, remembers the circumstances that led him to commit that gesture


Edwige Fenech stars in this Italian sex-comedy as the new teacher in all-boys Catholic school. All of the boys desire for the chance to "learn" more about their new teacher, but only 1 student gets the opportunity.


Italian-made ripoff of SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER.


Angela is torn between two lovers - one, who tries to romance her in a straightforward manner, and the other who pretends to be severely injured in a car accident.


Three nerdy students who have the hots for their sexy astronomy teacher hit upon the idea of pretending to be outer-space aliens, in the hopes of tricking her into going to bed with them.


Returning from Switzerland to Rome, the boss prof. Salviati, called 'The Prince', finds his business compromised by Rudy, a small local bandit full of presumption, audacity and men ready to kill. Commissioner Baldi a young and brave employee, will fight against them with the help of an ex-employee Rampelli.


Police Inspector Bruno Baldassarre hears someone screaming from an old palace and finds two dead bodies on the stairs: the owner, Prince Prospero Dell'Orso, and electrician Romolo Colasanti; both were electrocuted. What is apparently an accident soon turns out to be murder. Bruno interrogates the suspects: Anna Dell'Orso, actress and recipient of a large life insurance, and screenplay writer Henry Hermann. Meanwhile, Baldassarre gets to know lovely young Teresa, Colasanti's niece. After more deaths and attempted murders, Bruno realizes that Teresa is Dell'Orso's natural daughter and only heir of his immense riches: she is the murderer's next intended victim...


Gianna Amicucci works in the house of the head of her hometown police force and enters the academy with a kickback from him. She is a beautiful woman (she generously sheds clothes during the film) and has to overcome her male colleagues prejudices, but she gains their respect through a series of brilliant operations.


A man is desperately trying to avoid mandated military service, but a sexy medic proves to be his undoing.


A three novels about an ordinary people discovering erotic movies.


A rich older man dies during a massage (you see, uh--never mind). His young widow (Lucrezia Love) decides she needs some male help in managing her deceased husband's estate (for some reason she doesn't ask the family lawyer who she spends all her time rolling around in the hay with), so she summons her younger step-brother to come stay with her and her "little stepdaughter" (Gloria Guida). Of course, Guida's character ends up being attracted to her new "uncle" and plots to get "his bird in her bush" by, among other things, arranging for him to witness a steamy lesbian encounter between her and a friend in a, uh, steam room. To resist this temptation, the "uncle" marries Guida off to another guy while he in turn marries her friend, but they still can't resist each other.


A young priest finds that he has problems fending off the advances of the beautiful and horny women who attend his Sunday services.

An air hostess gets involved in Naples, against her will, in the in-fighting amongst rival gangs.


A satire on the American film "The Exorcist," but with an Italian twist.


A good-natured but unlucky Italian is constantly going on a difficult situations, but never lose his mood.


A sexy graduate student is giving her thesis presentation, which creates quite a stir since it reveals that she has just posed as a prostitute for several months to do sociological research for her thesis. She relates various stories of her experiences to her salivating thesis committee and a large audience of curious on-lookers.


A funny story of count Alfredo aka Didino (little Alfred) and countess Mafalda - his bloodsucking and over-controlling mother.


An Alsacian Baron massacres the family of a French Duke, and takes his lands and his title. Isabella, the Duke's baby child, escapes the massacre, is raised by gypsies, and comes back twenty years later to exact revenge.


Seven sketches including the title sketch "I See Naked" in which a fashion editor begins to see naked women everywhere he goes.


Chad Stark is offered his life and a nice ammount of dollars if he is to bring back the runaway son of mexican land-owner Gutierrez . This son, Fidel, teams up with an outlaw band lead by a former military man going by the name The Major. When Stark finds Fidel he is reintroduced to an old acquaintance which makes his job of returning the son a lot more difficult.


When a narcotics officer suspects that his beautiful wife, who is a former criminal, is having an affair, he becomes so obsessed with this that he has major problems to manage their work. In the end, his obsession with devastating consequences when he captures the assassin he hunts.


Comedy about the flawed Italian healthcare system of the time and a doctor's expeirence with it.


Tony and some friends put together a rock band to do some concerts and earn some money. Unfortunately the military service is incumbent, but fortunately the boys will find themselves in the same barracks.


Antonio Moruzzo is the son of a butcher with a passion for music and beautiful girls. The father wants him to study but he would rather run around the countryside and sing his songs.


Rossella (Donatella Turri), a beautiful young girl that lives in a family of popular class, looks for a job every day but soon discovers that the "greasy pole", which is the economic miracle, is only an illusion, and the world is far more ruthless than she could believe. But fate brings together Giuliano (Luigi Tenco), the only man who did not ask for anything and who - like her - is not inclined to compromise. After attempting suicide together, they make the choice to live each day without obsession over work.


1944. Primo Arcovazzi a fanatic member of Brigate Nere (fascist organization) is in charge to bring an opponent to the regime, Prof. George Wilson, from Abruzzo to Roma. He accepted the mandate because of his wish to be upgraded to "Federale". They travel by a sidecar trough the disastrous Italy, near to the final collapse, under bombings and in agony. Nevertheless the bad situation, they manage to build up a kind of friendship. Primo, even if the signals of final destruction are near, doesn't lose his trust in the regime. The end is near.
