Jimmy Wang Yu

A-Chuan, a quiet 30-year-old man working as a chef in a Japanese restaurant, collapses suddenly and is rushed to a hospital. His colleagues send him to his father, who resides in the mountains. While there, A-Chuan becomes immobile: he won’t speak, eat or even go to the toilet on his own. One day his father returns from work only to find A-Chuan sitting in the corner with his daughter lying dead in a pool of blood. In an unfamiliar, eerily calm voice, A-Chuan says, “I saw this body was empty, so I moved in.


In the time of the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor Yongzheng created a secret army known as the Guillotines. It was the job of the Guillotines to protect the Emperor by killing anyone who posed a threat to him or his rule. After 348 successful missions to eliminate their target, the 349th assignment proves to be their last.


A sinful martial arts expert wants to start a new tranquil life, only to be hunted by a determined detective and his former master.


Revisit 100 years of Chinese cinema through the RTHK TV program A Century of Light and Shadow. Aired in 2005, this interesting and informative documentary traces the development of the Chinese film industry from the pioneering years to contemporary times. From the volley between Mandarin and Cantonese films to the rise of the New Wave, this program touches on all the major trends and developments that have helped define Chinese cinema and explores different genres and representative figures and films. From actors to directors, over 200 film industry names, including Jackie Chan, John Woo, Sammo Hung, Connie Chan, Andrew Lau, Peter Chan, and Lau Ching Wan, appear in the program, bringing their intimate knowledge of the industry and providing insight about what lies ahead for Chinese cinema.

A documentary study of martial arts films and their leading protagonists. Included are profiles of such artists as Bruce Lee, Cynthia Rothrock, Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme and John Woo favourite Chow Yun Fat.


A German documentary on Hong Kong cinema.

A story about the activities of Southeast Asian Mafia gangs in Shinjuku. Ryosuke Kano is an ex French Foreign Legion soldier and is now a cocaine smuggler and dealer. He is acquainted with Larry, a Japanese American, but he turned out to be an undercover cop from New York.


Bo is the owner of an old building in Hong Kong. He sublets his building to other people, and even though they never pay rent on time, Bo still treats them like they are family. One day, Bo discovered an unconscious man who was left for dead on a street corner, and decides to take him to his place to treat his wounds. It is later discovered that the man is Lam Feng, the son of a rich property developer. During his stay at Bo's place, Feng learned about hospitality and human kindness, but things are about to unravel. Feng's father had his sight set on Bo's building, and ordered his staff to do whatever it takes to force Bo to sell his property, even if it means involving the Triads. The movie also included other subplots, such as Bo's uncle, along with his acrobatic and culinary prowess.


A young Taiwanese man after being released from prison starts his life as a gangster. He goes to Hong Kong to do some business with the Triads.


A Buddhist lama and an evil wizard battle for the Palace of Heaven.


An executioner beheads his 1000th criminal, and unleashes a demon army headed by an evil witch called the Blood Lotus


Someone in a prison run by a corrupt warden fakes the deaths of convicts to later use them as expendable assassins. A police officer is sent into the prison to gather evidence of the corruption.


A Ninja Organisation and the C.I.A are fighting each other for the plans for a missile.


When pirates murder his family in China, a martial arts master goes on a killing spree in Japan, taking out anyone who gets in his way. But targeting people who had nothing to do with the crime does little to quench his burgeoning bloodlust.


What happens when a glamorous express, with high government officials, wealthy merchants, concubines and a gang of brigands on board, speeds towards the small town of Hanshui, where escaping bank robbers, corrupt officials, and gamblers await? Well, let's just say the Titanic had a smoother maiden voyage.


A patriot finds evidence that the government is collaborating with a foreign power. If the people knew about the deception, they would revolt and overthrow the corrupt government. One patriot in office steals the proof and must make it out of the country. He gets assistance from a local rebel leader who is in charge of a motley group of fighters called the Shanghai 13. Not all of them can be trusted, as some of them will turn in the government official. Our weak protagonist must run a gauntlet of the who's who already mentioned.


Similar to "The Dirty Dozen" or one of that nature. Japan is trying to take over the world and the generals of the allied forces trying to stop the Japanese have been taken prisoner. A force of loners and fighters is put together to try and rescue the generals and save the war effort with the promise of gold and/or pardons of past crimes.


Very rareTaiwanese classic kung fu/swordsplay/fantasy flick featuring Meng Fei as Phoenix Luk.


1978 Hong Kong comedy Big Leap Forward aka Tian jiang heng cai, directed by Kuen Yeung, starring Jimmy Wang Yu.

Silver Spear (Jimmy Wang Yu) is a deadly Kung Fu bounty hunter who has been hired to kill three martial arts experts. When the white-haired super-warrior known as The Old Hermit hears about this, he sends some of his own men to put a stop to it. But these newcomers are no match for the mighty bounty hunter, so The Old Hermit sends more, and more, and more, succeeding only in whipping up the raging martial arts maelstrom that is Silver Spear.


A court justice finds himself in a bad spot when the criminal case that he hears involves members of his own family. He jails his own son for murder and witnesses the break up of his family among other things.


In wake of the First Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895), a group of Japanese warlords calculate that the best way to prepare an invasion of the rest of China from their southern Manchuria staging ground.


The story centers on a secret society that plots to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and resume the Ming monarchy. The organization gains the support of numerous righteous martial clans, but the Qing government has its own plans of squashing the rebellion. The scheming prince of Qing poisons the rebels' central figure, Chi Zi Qiang (Jimmy Wang), and uses the antidote to force him to surrender. Being the hero that he is, Chi would rather cut off one of his own arms to save his life than submit to the prince. He then, single-armedly, defeats all the Manchurian minions...


The Lantern Street is a taiwanese Martial Arts movie starring Jimmy Wang Yu.

Mi Wey is a local hero named after "Killer Meteors", his secret weapon which makes him invincible. However, when "Immortal" Wa Wu Bin, another powerful local character seeks his assistance, Killer Meteor will face the greatest and the deadliest challenge of his life.


Two masters must combine their skills to defeat an evil lord.


A Hong Kong mobster's sister is working with authorities on their investigation into her own brother's plot to assassinate the Queen.


Watch WANG YU as a one-armed savior battling the local goons in this martial arts classic. He has some rather amazing moves up his sleeve.


A one-armed martial arts master is being stalked by an Imperial assassin, the master of two fighters killed in the previous film. When the One-Armed Boxer is invited to attend a martial arts tournament, his efforts to lay low are unsuccessful, and the assassin soon tracks him down with the help of his three subordinates: a Thai boxer, a yoga master, and a kobojutsu user.


The martial world is now awash in one-armed knights, who aren't inclined to make any permanent alliances among themselves.


Tiger Wong (Jimmy Wang Yu) is a student of martial arts who made a promise to his late father never to show his martial arts skills in public. a gang of mercenaries raid a nearby village. The villagers, led by Fong Li, send a party to ask for his help. But Tiger Wong refuses to help or get involved in the trouble. Only after seeing the brutality of the gang does he decide to take some action.

Wang Yu plays a military captain who forms a bond with orphaned Chia Ling. Together they comb the Taiwanese countryside in search of the person or persons who murdered Chia's father.


Jimmy Wang Wu plays an outsider caught between two gangs.

Australian authorities arrest a man believed to be connected to the Sydney criminal underworld and send for Inspector Fang Sing Leng (Jimmy Wang Yu) from Hong Kong to question him. After the alleged criminal is assassinated, Inspector Leng and the Sydney police try to hunt down those responsible and hope to solve their case along the way.


My Wacky, Wacky World is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Sammo Hung


When a case of gold is stolen in transit, the surviving member of an escort party, Sung tries to recover it. He initially turns to Master Wu who unfortunately develops a drinking problem after he gets out of prison for accidentally killing someone. He has felt guilty ever since. Wu's friend Hung decides to help Sung and enlists a conman, Sau Pau.


Australian stuntman Grant Page travels to Hong Kong to find Bruce Lee's successor and looks at the cultural phenomenon that Asian martial arts has become in the West. He talks to actors such as Angela Mao, Stuart Whitman and George Lazenby - who were all making movies in Hong Kong at the time - and fights Carter Wong twice.


Taiwanese drama film directed by Pai Ching-jui.

Rare was the film in 1973 that incorporated the star's name in the title. One of the few such films was Screaming Ninja, aka Wang Yu, King of Boxing. The story is set in China in the early 1900x. Essentially playing an extension of himself, action-star Wang-Yu spends much of the time defending himself against evil martial-arts masters. He also tries to make sense of a tragic incident in his past.


A sort of re-telling of Kurosawa’s “Seven Samurai”. This time the protagonists are a group of Chinese villagers who must band together to recruit outside help to defend themselves against marauding Japanese pirates demanding protection money. Set in year 1556, it’s supposedly based on true events occurring during the twilight of the Ming Dynasty.


Written and directed by Lo Wei for Golden Harvest, this feature stars Wang Yu as a guy known only as The Dragon – he’s got super sharp hearing! He’s also kind of a mysterious tough guy who wanders into a small town where the fine upstanding populace has a recurring problem with some gangsters who have decided to setup a casino in the area. Once the townsfolk start losing all of their money, and then all of their other belongings, and then even their homes it becomes obvious that there’s a scam going on here.


Local gangsters apply pressure to the wrong family when they realize that the leader of the family is a mother with powerful kung fu skills.


A young man suspects his father's suicide was actually a murder committed by gangsters. Using his expertise in martial arts, he gets himself hired by the gangsters who he suspects are responsible for his father's death.


When a sailor accidentally kills a Japanese man in a bar room brawl, he tries to escape the law by hiding himself in a freighter heading for Japan only to find himself in the middle of a massive drug war.


Gangster boss Red Rose and his evil gang exploit all regions with their raids and kill everyone that tries to stop them. During one these raids, a group of guards die during a brutal fight. Lung Hao, boss of the company, swears revenge for the murdered men!


Heisse Ware aus Hong Kong is a German Documentary on Hong Kong cinema.

Wang Yu as a pimp with redeeming qualities — concern for a hospitalised sister and love for a "good" girl — which throw him into conflict with his boss, with fist-fights and killings, as the inescapable result.

Hong Kong taxi driver Jimmy Wang Yu has good intentions -- he wants to pay for an operation to help his sister recover her sight -- but he's saddled with some bad luck of his own. When Jimmy's dad angers three brothers who are looking for payback for their parents' deaths, Jimmy must now defend his father and try to save his sister. This crazy 1970s martial arts action flick will delight fans of the genre.


In 1944 Chang Chin's father was murdered by the Japanese with the help of Ching Tang and Fan Hsi-Shang, two collaborators led by Fung Mu. Now a grown up and a master of kung fu, Chang is ready to revenge his father.


When a martial arts expert discovers the existence of an illegal slave trade in the 1930s, he goes to great lengths to overthrow it.


36th Chamber Master Killer Gordon Liu is ready for all challenges! His kung fu is the best ever, and his enemies don't stand a chance. Don't miss his latest role and best action ever.


Jimmy Wang Yu leads revolutionaries against the Manchus featuring his trademark huge fights.


This is a very good Jimmy Wang Yu movie from the time after he went to taiwan when he broke up with the Shaw Brothers. In this nice swordsplay movie there are a lot of bloody fights and you see why he was at the time one of the best actors for this kind of martial arts movies!


Warlord Yu Ming gained great power for himself. Anyone he suspected of disloyalty was jailed or murdered. He himself was a notorious killer, having personally betrayed his friend General Yip and then slaughtered his entire family. But the General's son escaped to tell the tale, and spent a lifetime learning all the martial arts, with the sole aim of one day killing his evil enemy Yu Ming. Only first he must lure him away from his private army of thugs and gangster.


In this martial arts anthology film, Wang Yu plays three different characters, each of whom must employ his fighting skills to the full.


Tien Lung, the best fighter at the Ching Te martial arts school, gets into a fight with the Hook Gang, part of a local opium-dealing and prostitution ring run by a man named Chao, and easily defeats them. The beaten Hook gang members return to Chao, who is so infuriated that he goes to the Ching Te dojo and challenges Tien's master, Hang Tui, to a fight. Hang Tui quickly defeats Chao, leaving him even more humiliated. Chao plans his revenge by hiring a group of mercenary martial artists from Shanghai; two karate experts and their teacher, a Judo master, a Taekwondo expert, two Thai boxing fighters, a Yoga expert, and two mystic Tibetan lamas. With this group, Chao easily destroys the Ching Te school and all of their businesses, leaving everyone dead except for Tien Lung who loses his right arm. Tien Lung vows revenge and begins his training to destroy anyone and everyone who stands in his way.


Believing that her brother has been murdered, a martial artist (Nancy Yen) sets out to avenge him.


A village under the thumb of a band of thugs recruits a hero to help fight them off.


Zatoichi is a blind massage therapist and swordsman who finds out that something troubling is taking place on the outskirts of town. After discovering who the guilty parties are -- an accomplished Chinese martial artist named Wang Kang and his youthful attendant -- Zatoichi finds them and discovers that the pair's mixed up with a dangerous bunch of terrorist samurai who murdered the boy's parents. Now, Zatoichi must step in to save the day.


A merciless professional killer is hired by an evil court official to get rid of his opponents. Soon, the assassin discovers that the official was responsible for his father's death and he vows revenge on the official and his supporters.


White Dragon must get a list with the names of rebel supporters to Prince Ma Tung, the leader of the rebellion. Trying to stop him in his mission is the evil Prime Minister, who naturally wants the list in order to crush his opposition. Adding another complication is the fact that Ma Tung wants to kill White Dragon in revenge for the humiliation Tung's father suffered in a duel against White Dragon years earlier.


Shaw Brothers star Wang Yu plays Ho Gang, a competent swordsman who takes a job as a hired assassin. Though reluctant he ends up becoming highly successful, but he is wary as one of his targets is killed before he can fulfill the contract, leading him to suspect that he is being double crossed.


Hong Kong superstar Jimmy "One Arm Boxer" Wang Yu stars as the Bamboo blade, China's top swordsman. His services are rendered by the Imperial treasury who want him to infiltrate a powerful gang of Highwaymen and get back the stolen silver bullion. After numerous deadly encounters the gang are beaten by the bamboo sword and only the gang leader remains, however he is a lot tougher than was originally bargained for.


During the Sung dynasty, Ch'in Kuei, a corrupt premier, orders the arrest of Yüeh Fei, an heroic general. Ling Yu Fong, an idealistic follower of the general, recruits a small force to free him, failing miserably, losing most of his troops and sustaining wounds. He's hidden and nursed back to health by a troupe of traveling acrobats, two brothers and two sisters. One of the sisters falls in love with Ling. He asks them to help him free the general, and the five undertake this quest against great odds. The general himself brings an element into the story that his liberators do not anticipate.


This Film Centers On A Famous Sword, A Master Swordsman, And A Young Fighter Obsessed With A Personal Quest


Wang Yu stars as the charismatic martial arts master Iron Palm who crosses paths on the road with angry swordswoman Hung (Shang-Kuan Ling Feng, Dragon Inn). She's out to get revenge for her father who was killed by a band of ruthless bandits (Paul Chang Chun, Kenneth Tsang, Sit Hon, and Man Chung San). After their fateful encounter, Iron Palm decides to covertly assist Hung in her quest.


Lei Ming, a noble young martial arts student who doesn't know the meaning of giving up. He faces a treacherous, blood-thirsty Japanese karate expert, which leads to many memorable battles as well as several unforgettable training sequences.


The notorious “One-Armed Swordsman” who has spent the last two years retired from the martial world as a simple farmer with his wife. Of course this idyllic life is about to be sliced to ribbons by Chang’s wicked imagination. He concocts a savory setup when he introduces, not one, but eight unique villains known as the Eight Kings of Swords and their sword-wielding entourage for Wang Yu to eventually chop his way through.


Golden Swallow revolves around the further adventures of its title character. This time around, she is forced into violence when a figure from her mysterious past goes on a killing rampage while leaving evidence that holds her responsible. Golden Swallow also makes room for a love triangle involving a mad, but righteous, swordsman named Silver Roc and a gentle warrior named Golden Whip. The three team up to conquer the evil forces of the martial world, but their joint venture only lasts so long, due to the two men's egos. Ultimately, a duel to the death is planned between them, leaving Golden Swallow caught between two men, both of whom she admires.


A noble swordsman fights to recover the magical blade that has protected his country for centuries after being blinded and betrayed by a ruthless villain. A cunning killer has blinded the brave warrior chosen to defend his country with an enchanted sword, and murdered his family. After recovering, the sightless defender sets out to recover the weapon, and seek revenge against his murderous nemesis.


An evil gang attacks the Chi school of Golden Sword Kung Fu. One student sacrifices his life to save his teacher and his school, his dying wish is that his son be taken in as a student. Young Fang Kang grows up in the school and treasures his father's broken sword and the memory of his father's sacrifice. The other students (including the teacher's daughter) resent him and try to drive him away. The teacher's daughter challenges him to a fight and when he refuses she becomes enraged and recklessly chops off his arm! He retreats, broken and bloody, and is found by a young poor girl living alone who nurses him back to health. Meanwhile, the evil gang who originally attacked the Golden Sword school develops a weapon that renders the Golden Sword useless and starts killing off all of the schools students. Fang Kang eventually recovers with the girl's help but must now face a life with only one arm. Will he be able to recover and live to defend the school as his father did?


The adventures of a young married swordfighting couple, Lianzhu and Gui Wu, and the swordfighting members of their different clans.


Chivalrous swordsman Jun-zhao (Kiu Chong) goes in search of a fugitive named Li Yueh (Jimmy Wang Yu) in order to reunite him with his love, Liu Xian (Chin Ping). Though the two men meet and become loyal brothers, Li does not reveal his true identity until Jun-zhao’s life is endangered by swordsmen from Flying Fish Island who are looking for revenge.


A young woman lost her fiancé from the plane clash , later she discover that she becomes pregnant with his baby.She question herself what should she do between keep the child safe until she give a birth or she abortion the child.


Yu is a two-armed swordsman who is betrayed by a jealous rival, but initially seeks a life of simple pleasures until an accidental meeting with another patriot sets him back on the road to bloody, brutal vengeance.


Yang Ming Xuan intercepts a truckload of contraband, but the criminals stage a brazen helicopter attack, ruthlessly eliminating their own operatives and destroying most of the shipment before it can be confiscated. In the process, Ming Xuan's partner is killed, and the young agent is brought to the unwelcome attention of the leader of the smuggling operation.


Hong Kong musical directed by Lo Chen.

A wandering swordsman named Lu Fang (Jimmy Wang Yu) who is returning from battle discovers that several farmers have kidnapped the local magistrate’s daughter. He sides with them after learning that this is an act of desperation to improve their low standard of living. The magistrate hires bandits and another fighter named Huang Liang (Cheng Lui) to get his daughter back. Huang recognizes Lu as a comrade in arms and joins him in fending off the bandits. The standoff comes to an abrupt end when the magistrate uses one of the farmer’s daughters as leverage to get his own daughter back. Lu convinces the magistrate to punish him in place of the farmers, but he’s lied to. The magistrate’s daughter (Chin Ping) and a fighter in his employ (Lo Lieh), along with Huang help Lu to escape. Once recovered, our heroes return to see that a petition from the farmers gets to a higher-ranking official.


Jimmy Wang Yu plays a young kid who heads off to Dragon Valley to meet the childhood friend who was promised as his bride. When he gets there, he finds that the family of the bride might not be an entirely honest bunch of people though. What is the story behind their feud with the monks at the Temple Of The Red Lotus, for a start?


Gui Wu happens upon a kidnapping with his wife Gan Lian-zhu at the Red Lotus Temple. Lian-zhu sends Wu to go for reinforcements while she stays to fight the kidnappers. Fortunately, the mysterious Scarlet Maid is surreptitiously helping her.


A bandit learns he is being framed for the murder of other martial artists. While searching for the real killer, he encounters an old love.
