Jimmy Wong

A tale of discovering the greatest wish of all.

When the Emperor of China issues a decree that one man per family must serve in the Imperial Chinese Army to defend the country from Huns, Hua Mulan, the eldest daughter of an honored warrior, steps in to take the place of her ailing father. She is spirited, determined and quick on her feet. Disguised as a man by the name of Hua Jun, she is tested every step of the way and must harness her innermost strength and embrace her true potential.


A young tech worker takes a job at a powerful Internet corporation, quickly rises up the company's ranks, and soon finds herself in a perilous situation concerning privacy, surveillance and freedom. She comes to learn that her decisions and actions will determine the future of humanity.


In the wake of two back-to-back mass murders on Chico's frat row, loner Brent Chirino must infiltrate the ranks of a popular fraternity to investigate his twin brother's murder at the hands of the serial killer known as "Motherface."


Charlie Cooper is a special agent of the future - the mind of a man running entirely on a computer, able to transfer his consciousness to bio-mechanical bodies at will. But when a computer virus corrupts his system, he must face one of his greatest challenges yet: mortality.


After their overenthusiastic RA is imprisoned in Mexico, a group of college freshmen are plunged into their first semester under a renegade Resident Advisor, Dean "The Dean" Slater. The boys battle viral video stigma, psychotic girlfriends, and hangovers on their way to creating a more analogue college experience.


It's the near future: You're dead. Your kids are probably dead. Your grandkids (if they're alive) are playing video games. Why? Because professional gaming is the biggest sport on earth. Around the world, millions of players duke it out in fighters, RTS’s, First Person Shooters and more. To the victors go the spoils: glory, clan contracts and million dollar endorsements. The best young gamers are recruited by elite boarding schools to sharpen their skills. The best of the best go to VGHS: VIDEO GAME HIGH SCHOOL.


A new drug promises out-of-body experiences, but users are coming back changed forever, and an otherworldly invasion of Earth is underway.


In a world where professional video gaming is the most popular sport, a hapless young gamer gets the chance to sharpen his skills at an elite academy.


Two friends accidentally steal a teleportation device. But it turns out, what seemed like a simple robbery is more than they bargained for.


Best Friend of the Cops is a Hong Kong Action movie starring Jacky Cheung and Alex Man


When a mysterious virus spreads from Haiti to Miami turning people into terrifying, bloodthirsty creatures, a small group of survivors tries to escape from the City Of The Walking Dead. Remake of the 1980 horror movie "Incubo Sulla Città Contaminata" aka Nightmare City from director Umberto Lenzi.
