Jimmyo Burril

When a pandemic collapses world governments, citizens get supplies by providing content for a global video channel, where you either go viral or die.


Friday the 13th Meets My Dinner With Andre


A story about a mother and daughter fighting to survive throughout a zombie apocalypse. Along the way they encounter other survivors and come together to make their way through this crazy world, now turned upside down.

Welcome back to Porterville. Librarian by day, homicidal killer by night, Chainsaw Sally faces a new nemesis, Angel Eyes who has come to town to take credit for all of Sally's good work


Follows the bloody misadventures of Chainsaw Sally and her brother Ruby in the small town of Porterville. Divided into 11 episodes running 20 minutes apiece.


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Sally is a young woman living in a small Maryland town who lives two lives: a calmly librarian by day, and a brutal serial killer by night where she randomly targets any man or woman whom even slightly upsets her. Sally lives with her reclusive, transvestite younger brother Rudy whom assists in her with the killings. Both Sally and Ruby were traumatized as youngsters when both of them witnessed three lunatics murder their mother and father before they, with 'Daddy's' help, killed the three murderous psychos.
