Jitin Gulati

The show revolves around the life of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim and captures his early life, the big mob bosses at the time and his gang.

A thought provoking short film on Indian farmers told through clay sculptures made from barren farms of the farmers who have committed suicide.

The story follows the life journey of two kings: Prithvi Vallabh, king of Avantipur, a kind and peaceful man, and Tailap, the neighboring king, who is very cruel.


This short film follows the story of two gay men in Mumbai who meet and fall in love in regular train journeys. Burdened with the larger social (and legal) scorn the two are unable to say anything to each other.


Two characters meet, experience hope amidst confusion, explore truths about sexuality and the self and delves into the profound meaning of life in the continuum of its trifles.
