Joanna Grudzinska

Reviving the traces, yellowed by time, of a life carefully filed away in archives; giving body to one of 20th century Poland’s most beautiful poetic voices; building a memorial and a vibrant tribute in the most rigorous and masterful documentary tradition… These are the promises kept by Not all of me will die. Zuzanna Ginczanka was shot in 1944, at the age of 27, just as she was gaining recognition in Polish literary circles.

Jacob, an elderly man living in a luxurious villa near Geneva called Rosebud, has just changed his name for the third time and become a Swiss citizen. His granddaughter comes to visit to make a portrait of him. As she searches for a way to bring his story to life, Jacob abandons the project…

Gustave Folcher, a French farmer, wrote in his 1939 diary that the summer had been long and hot. He was not alone. Many other anonymous French men and women wrote of the beauty and warmth of those summer months and how threats of war were far from their minds. Through home movies, diaries and letters, One Last Summer describes the final weeks of peace in France and the mix of blindness, denial and prophetic clear-sightedness of those facing the war that was about to unfold.

In the last days of the Nazi-occupied France, writer Marguerite Duras awaits the return of her husband, Robert Antelme, arrested for being a Resistance fighter and then deported, while she maintains a tense relationship with her ambiguous lover and a dangerous game with a French collaborationist. Even when the Liberation arrives, she must still endure the unbearable pain of waiting.


Through the course of several accidents and chance encounters, Hanoch and Ruben will meet and each of them will have to face a page of his personal history, a page that they both need to turn for good.


A young woman begins a new life at the Apollonide bordello, a high-class brothel in Paris.


Warsaw, Poland, end of the Seventies. Following the workers’ revolt against the rise of prices violently repressed by the communist power, a group of opponents create the KOR (Workers’ Defense Committee). Heir to the currents of opposition to the Communist regime since the end of World War II, sponsored by intellectual and moral personalities who had been standing up against social injustices since the Twenties, the KOR tries to break the information monopoly of the State and to set up an autonomous labor organization.The action of the KOR leads in 1980 to the birth of Solidarnosc, first independent trade union of Eastern Europe.Three members of the KOR remember and tell us the story of a victory against communist power in Europe.

A group of Kurdish refugees tries to get to Great Britain. A female student travels through Europa. A young executive relocates a factory to Hungary.


In 1941, Etty Hillesum, a young Jewish woman living in occupied Amsterdam, starts a psychoanalysis with Julius Spiers, a disciple of Jung specializing in feminine hysteria.


An adventure of three characters: Clarisse, a psychic’s apprentice, Lazare, who works at the Parisian catacombs, and the bronze statue of a lion at the Denfert-Rochereau (in the 14th arrondissement). Clarisse and Laraze meet daily, but one day Lazare disappears and the lion disappears as well!
