Joanne Tseng

A tightwad bought a luxury house just for selling it at the higher price. However, someday, a corpse appeared in the house...


What is the gap between ideals and reality? How much more do we need to sacrifice to complete our dreams? And is it a saint who brings to the world a good saint; or is it just a werewolf thief in sheep's clothing?


A boy and a girl were destined to be together since birth. A long time ago, two best friends each had a child. One named his son Li Zheng, which means “attention,” and the other named his daughter Shao Xi, which means “at ease” in military terminology. The two kids grew up to embody their names, with Li Zheng being diligent and paying extra attention to everything he wants to achieve in life and Shao Xi being more laid back and lazy in her approach to life and school. When Li Zheng returns to Taiwan after growing up in Japan, he meets Shao Xi for the first time in high school. Despite their polar opposite personalities, the strong pull of their fates bring them together. Can they each adapt to be with each other or will the strong forces of life keep the two apart?


Zhong Yu Tang and Ji Wen Kai are childhood friends. Wen Kai's grades has always been normal but Yu Tang's grades were really good. After becoming adults and entering society, Yu Tang has entered the cosmetic world and has the chance to become the secretary of the new CEO. The CEO ended up being Ji Wen Kai! And their story continues...


Opposites attract, but can a lasting relationship survive between two very different people? Cai Huan Zhen works in the tourism industry and is a top performer at her job. She is a meticulous planner and plans out every detail of her professional and personal life. She is a romantic and strives to find true love in every relationship. On the other hand, He Meng is a successful lawyer who specializes in helping his clients through messy divorces. He has never lost a case, but a side effect of his profession is that he doesn’t believe in a happy marriage. He wants to avoid the entanglements of marriage altogether in his personal life. Could romance survive with this unlikely couple?


Some relationships are put to the test in the most painful ways. Zhong Keke meets Tang Shaolei by accident when she ends up saving him from a street fight. Although Keke suspects that Shaolei is a materialistic man, she falls in love with him anyway.

Lai family has 4 children: One narcissist, one workaholic, one divorcee, and one social butterfly. None of which wanted to settle down. Lai parents think the kids may have been spoiled by the family fortune. To correct this problem, the parents issued the kids an ultimatum, get married within the year or be disinherited. Reluctantly, the kids scramble to find that true love they have missed all their lives.

Wise, reflective and bittersweet, director/actor Sylvia Chang's Taipei-set triptych weaves through the lives of a 40-year-old divorcée (Chang), a thirtysomething flight attendant (Rene Liu) and an aspiring pop singer (Angelica Lee). Co-written by the three principals, the script's meditations on love, friendship and life choices are as thoughtful and intriguing as the performances are unforced.
