João Jesus

Luís Carlos is back from a six-week trip to Boston, where he was doing research on Superman for his master’s thesis. He considers Superman to be one of the best heroes of all time – if not the best. When he arrives in Lisbon and discovers that Superman has died, despair takes over his life.


Maria da Luz waits for her husband who got lost somewhere in Angola during the war. With no news, she finds herself surrounded by families that, like her, desperately long for some kind of hope regarding their loved ones fighting abroad. She takes the matter in her hands and starts tape recording loving messages from each mother, wife and other family members. Carrying the tapes, she travels to Angola and personally delivers these messages to each and every soldier in a personal quest right in the middle of a country in war.

To avenge his dead parents, Diogo will have to destroy his lover's mom and face his younger brother. Diogo, a decorated military officer, finds out that Eduarda is responsible for the destruction of his family. He returns to his homeland to take revenge, but falls in love with her daughter, Beatriz, who is married to Tiago, his biological brother.


A historical fiction series that, from the biographies and cultural and civic intervention of the poet Natalia Correia, the editor Snu Abecassis and the journalist Vera Lagoa (pseudonym of Maria Armanda Falcão), recalls the last years of the Estado Novo (Second Republic) - 1961 to 1973 - from the beginning of the colonial War to the eve of the April Revolution.

Eva Lemos lives a stable and seemingly happy life, until Marco, her husband, disappears suddenly after knowing that she is pregnant. Marco steals all her money, leaving her homeless and without a job, while Eva learns that Marco was only with her out of interest and lives a double life with Maria. Hatred and revolt take Eva into a journey that transforms her deeply... and not for the better.


The lives of two women intersect.


Jô is kicked out of home by his father on his birthday. Having no place to go, he takes refuge in the terrace of Rose, who just lost her husband.
