João Maia

Vera, a single mother with two small children, is forced to have two jobs to survive after her children's father has disappeared. She works as a cashier at a supermarket by day and at night works in a strip club, trying not only to raise her children but also to pay off the debts that her ex-partner left her. Harassed in both jobs, one day she reacts violently when a nightclub client is more daring, being sentenced in court to perform community service in a nursing home, where her irreverence and youth will clash with the authoritarianism and inhumanity of the director. For the elderly who live in the nursing home, Vera is a breath of fresh air that little by little will change their lives, becoming the true home fairy…

Film biography dwelling on the hectic artistic life of António Variações, a famous Portuguese pop rock singer from the 80s, who died from AIDS-related complications in 1984.


Ronaldo is Brazilian, from good families and has a problem. His left hand is nailed to his father's table. The reason: Ronaldo has been abusing cocaine which has led him to accumulate debt. Their executioners did not forgive the fact that they had to travel once more, and again in vain, to Ronaldo's parents' cottage where he has been hiding. After confronting some characters (all of them seem sinister in Ronaldo's distorted gaze), the Brazilian manages to solve his problems, as if from a dream.


A depressed hotel servant and a number of situations experienced by the hotel guests.
