João Pedro Carvalho

Rafael wakes up in an abandoned hospital, blind and covered in bandages. Agonizing, he sets for a terrifying journey in the dark. Sofia, a doctor, follows him. Distressing images of recent events emerge from Rafael's memory, revealing his connection to Caio, Sofia's son.

Uma Rosa com Amor is a Brazilian telenovela that was produced by SBT, and displayed on 1 March 2010 to August 16, 2010 in 145 chapters. It was written and adapted by James Santiago, inspired by the work Sesso hormone Vincent in collaboration with Renata Dias Gomes and Miguel Paiva and the direction of the soap operas General Del Rangel. He told Carla Marins, Cláudio Lins, Betty Faria, Mônica Carvalho, Isadora Ribeiro, Edney Giovenazzi, Toni Garrido, Patrícia de Jesus, Carlo Briani and Marina Stacciarini in leading roles.


Anos 50. No vilarejo de Rio Bonito o peão Diogo (Daniel) conduz uma grande boiada até a Fazenda Ouro Fino. Ao passar pelo sítio Remanso ele conhece Rodrigo (João Pedro Carvalho), um garoto que sonha em se tornar um boiadeiro. Logo eles se tornam amigos, sendo também testemunhas das injustiças que ocorrem na região devido à ganância do major Batista (José de Abreu), dono da Fazenda Ouro Fino. O major ordena que seus capangas chantageiem os moradores locais, de forma que vendam o gado pelo preço que deseja. A situação muda quando Otacílio Mendes (Eucir de Souza), pai de Rodrigo, decide se rebelar, contando com a ajuda do farmacêutico dr. Almeida (Zedu Neves).


Tiago, a tour guide with a broken heart leads Karen, a grieving and aging Brazilian woman, around a Lisbon of strange suicidal heroes. Tiago lives with his father, Raul, an old sailor haunted by historical defeats, and with his son, Manuel, a teenager fantasising of a solitary, but erotic, trip to the cosmos. All together, they take Karen through dreams, lost glories, and catastrophes to meet a fallen hero who disappeared many centuries ago on an island in the South Atlantic Ocean.