Joaquim Miranda

A rock star-turned-bum, his vocal chords severed at the height of his career for the love of a woman, reclaims his forgotten past after viewing a music video and seeks revenge against the mobster who maimed him.


A broke Count awaits for a bot that never comes.

The struggle between two friends: one, symbolizes the deepest incredulity about religion; the other, priest Manuel, endures insults with stoic resignation, but doesn't give up on installing words of faith in the hope of recovering his soul for God. In a pathetic atmosphere, in which everyone defends the primacy of their beliefs, they feel surrounded by a bundle of circumstances linked to a secret of love, with an unexpected and disconcerting outcome ...


The legendary life of José Teixeira da Silva, José do Telhado, married to his cousin Aninhas, defeated his father's resistance, due to the fame of his heroism during the civil war.
