Joaquim Nicolau

The story of Shell, one of several spy networks operating in Portugal during the Second World War. Directed by the British who operated in Portugal between 1941 and 1942, it had a plan to destroy infrastructures and act as a counterintelligence unit in case the country was invaded by the Germans.


Film biography dwelling on the hectic artistic life of António Variações, a famous Portuguese pop rock singer from the 80s, who died from AIDS-related complications in 1984.


The film is liberally inspired by the period when Eça de Queiroz was Portuguese Consul to Cuba, when still a Spanish colony. Eça de Queiroz struggles against local authorities in his defence of Chinese workers, brought to the sugar plantations by greedy middle-men and exploited as slaves. Two parallel stories unfold: that of a Chinese girl Eça de Queiroz saves from the clutches of one of the island’s most powerful slave owners, and that of a romance involving a young American woman on holiday in Havana.

Manuel Teixeira Gomes the Portuguese President who left everything behind with only one premise: become who he really wanted to be


A Portuguese series, dealing with terrorism, crime, and the economical crises in Portugal.


After a hard life of chasing nazis, Jacob Cohn is on his death bed. Recently, he found that one of the most bloodiest nazis, who almost killed him in a concentration camp, is hiding in Portugal. Friederich Haas was known also as the Dachau Dentist for pulling the teeth of the prisoners mouth, one by one, just for fun. Without alternatives, being to weak to go after him, Jacob sends his pacifist and shy grandson, Jean Luc to finish his last mission. Jean Luc has to go to Portugal and bring Friederich Haas' teeth to his grandfather.

Jô is kicked out of home by his father on his birthday. Having no place to go, he takes refuge in the terrace of Rose, who just lost her husband.


In the 17th century a warrior woman fights for the independence of Angola. After witnessing the murder of her son and watching her people being humiliated by Portuguese colonizers, Njinga will become a Queen and struggle for their liberation embodying the motto: those who stay fight to win.


Portugal, 2013, election day. The 'Troika' and the IMF have ruined the country. A patriot man will make a difference. Even if against...everyone.


Peter McShade is a hitman. A job goes wrong when he kills the nephew of a Mafia Boss in Morocco.


Two amateur thieves are hired to steal an extremely valuable Van Gogh painting from the abandoned farm of an Argentinian countess.


In 1970, a man is tortured and murdered by the regime's secret police. Now nearly 40 years later, his friend, who had also been tortured, recognizes the man he deems responsible for the murder of his friend. Along with three old friends and the victim's daughter, they kidnap the man and take him to an isolated house. Once there, the concepts of justice and revenge begin to mix dangerously in a private trial with irreversible consequences.


"Filme da Treta" is inspired in a previous work called "Conversa da Treta", which can be translated as "Blather" or "Foolish Talk". In fact it all begun with a radio show (with that name) where two friends, "Toni" and "Zezé", talk about their lives and their neighbourhood (located somewhere in a typical district of Lisbon!). Because of the colloquial and comic language it used to be funny. Then it passed to the stage (kind of a dialog play) and later to a TV-show. As you can see it was a success here in Portugal and the audiences applauded it… Now, the film! "Filme da Treta" is, then, just an adaptation to the movies of this succeeded show, but it was, at least in my point of view, a regression! To be honest it was a disappointment, as I expected a lot more from it. I used to appreciate "Conversa da Treta", but now with the movie it lost all the fun!


A baby is kidnapped in a Brazilian airport. Years later, the mother lives in Lisbon and works in a strip-tease bar so she can survive. When she is fired, she joins a gang of bank robbers...


"Os Imortais" is without a doubt one of the best, or probably, the best Portuguese film ever made. It certainly is a landmark on the Portuguese cinema's scene; this movie his worth every minute. Every year, four ex-soldiers that call themselves "Os Imortais" (translated "The Immortals"), get together with four women to celebrate war deeds and to remember the old days, back in the war. On the summer of 1985, tired of their monotonous lives they decide to rob a bank. Joaquim Malarranha, a chief inspector from the local police about to retire, crosses their path and will spend his last days of duty trying to solve the robbery. But has he carries on with his investigation, he discovers more than he could ever think of.


A group of innocent hostages is left to their own deaths facing a clockwork bomb, while the whole country watches them on the TV.


A portuguese officer, supposedly dead in a mine explosion, is captured by the african guerrilla in Guiné (former portuguese colony) while his beloved wife Laura remain inconsolable in Portugal trying to believe that Jorge is still alive. Meanwhile an old Laura friend, a lieutenant, tries to convince Laura that Jorge is dead. Eduardo has always been a secret Laura lover. The romance between them is however darkened with the phantom shadow of Jorge hanging over them..


Two sons dream of the return of their father who left fifteen years earlier, and all this time without any sign of life...


Story of the 1974 coup that overthrew the right-wing Portuguese dictatorship--which continued the fascist policies of long-time dictator Antonio Salazar--and of two young army captains who were involved in it.


After a sink full of soapy water empties through a gurgling drain, a finger appears from underneath: Zé, a plumber, is at work. Eva, the lady of the house, interrupts him wearing little but a smile. She coaxes him out and seduction begins, interrupted by the surprise arrival of her lover, Carlão, a gun-toting criminal. Zé hides under the sink, watching through the drain hole as Carlão gives Eva a valuable necklace and makes love to her. Carlão is called away abruptly on business only to have his enemy Zim arrive a minute later to claim the necklace. Zé's still under the sink observing as mayhem descends on the kitchen. Will it end with a bang or a whimper?


The life of the Angolan community at Lisbon in the 90s


Portugal, late 1940's. André must leave the country after running away from prison. In Oporto some friends get him a guide, Lambaça, a smuggler who knows very well the Trás-os-Montes border from Portugal to Spain.
