Joe Ambrose

The special commando Delta Force is sent behind the line of fire into the terrain of the enemy. Their mission goal is to destroy a base where the enemies prepare a new weapon: a combat helicopter.


Considered too dangerous to be on the force, ex-cop Mickey McCardle is tormented by the brutal murder of his partner. Obsessed, McCardle must rise from the shambles of his life and take up a trail of revenge. Stars Joe Ambrose and Tom Billett.


SEARCH AND DESTROY (1988) - Terrorists destroy a chemical factory. A virus is released that infects the people of the town with a strange psychosis. Stars Joe Ambrose, Tom Banks and Peter Drinco


Inside the stately Senate Hearing Room, Frank White, professional soldier, Vietnam vet and CIA operative, is fighting the toughest battle of his life: he's on trial for the assassination of Miguel Rivera, a Central American diplomat. Only two men could have made the shot - White or his friend Rick Burns, ex-military sniper now working as a Mafia hitman. Testimony unravels the intricate web created by Rivera and Daniel Waterman, head of an international cartel dabbling in both Latin American Politics and cocaine.
