Joe Minjares

Middle-aged and divorced, Wilson finds himself lonely, smug and obsessed with his past.


THE FRANK is a light-hearted music video featuring many of the original cast and crew of Mystery Science Theater 3000, with a special appearance by Dave (Gruber) Allen. A misguided Mad Doctor misses one of his oldest and deadest friends. Goaded by the demands of the children in the neighborhood, and assisted by his ghoulish, yet whimsical butler (Gruber), he sets out to reboot his old pal and bring him back to life - in a song. Featuring the song "Do the Frank".


Truman Burbank is the star of The Truman Show, a 24-hour-a-day reality TV show that broadcasts every aspect of his life without his knowledge. His entire life has been an unending soap opera for consumption by the rest of the world. And everyone he knows, including his wife and his best friend is really an actor, paid to be part of his life.


A soon-to-be-married woman is distraught when someone kidnaps her baby. Things get even worse when the police accuse her of orchestrating the abduction.


A polygraph examiner has an affair with a murder suspect after her test clears him, but new evidence then suggests that he's guilty after all.


Caroline, a young waitress who seems to have bad taste in men, is on her way home one night when thugs attempt to rape her. Adam, the mysterious busboy who works at the same diner, helps fight off the assailants, and she begins a relationship with him -- but not all their fellow Minnesotans are happy for them. Meanwhile, the couple face their own difficulties when Caroline finds about Adam's past, including his unique health condition.
