Joe Sill

A struggling outerling pilots his race-craft over the apocalyptic streets of future Los Angeles in a fierce aerial competition against the much better funded corporate teams, his trusted father (who also serves as his mechanic) by his side.


An orphaned teenager forms an unlikely friendship with a detective. Together they investigate her mother's murder, and uncover the supernatural force that proves to be a threat to her family.


Collaboration between NASA and Apple for the Destination: Jupiter project.


Female astrominer Shona has been mining under dangerous conditions on the moon for the past two years in order to pay for expensive medical experiments that ultimately failed to save her bed-ridden daughter Darla, and now that her tour is completed, a younger astronaut Paige has come to replace her. Shona is reluctant to return to the world she once knew, but in meeting Paige realizes that returning to Earth isn’t where she’ll find peace - she will have to return home.
