Joe Sison

An unusual bank robbery provides breathtaking drama to this action adventure.

A story about a mentally impaired girl in a seaside province.

A crooked insurance investigator conspires with a factory boss to collect the indemnity payment after the building is burned down but has to destroy a piece of incriminating evidence in the possession of a woman.

Fernando Poe Jr. stars as a guerilla assassin tasked to kill fascist collaborators and sympathizers in the Japanese occupation of the Philippines.

During WWII, a three-man commando team places its trust in the hands of a band of Filipino resistors, as they try to knock out a Japenese communication center.


Popular comic strip character comes to life.

A True-To-Life Story of "Adiong" The Terror of Tondo...A Story of Bravery in Action.

This low-budget Asian-set adventure concerns a reformed smuggler (Vince Edwards of TV's Ben Casey) who finds his missing wife (Carol Ohmart) in Hong Kong.


The movie, set in a remote volcanic island, tells of the friendship between a little boy named Bentoy and a giant bird named Goliat


One child's faith sweeps away the barriers of a bitter past.