Joel Barcellos

This film seeks to rescue the role of filmmaker Neville D'Almeida by using many rare images, numerous interviews, vast archival and audiovisual material.


In his film Rua Aperana 52 Júlio Bressane describes the invention of a landscape, the topology of a corner of Rio de Janeiro. The film consists of a series of photographs taken between 1909 and 1955 by, among others, Bressane's parents at and around the address used as a title. These are interlarded with scenes from films made between 1957 and 2005, bringing the total fictional time the film covers to almost a century; one hundred years in which the winding road featured in almost every shot structures the new landscape behind the Aperana, which means 'wrong road'. Rua Aperana 52 is autobiographical, as it is a landscape from Bressane's youth, but it is also not so; it is more a multi-subjective mythology of a place seen through all those films and photographs. Bressane refers to his editing as an intuitive form of thinking aimed at evoking moods which make the viewer the new witness of the fictional landscape. A fiction about a fiction,


Zulmira is an old mistress who lives in the neighborhood of Estacio, in Rio de Janeiro. One day she wakes up obsessed with the idea of dying. All she needs is a good coffin. A tribute to Leon Hirszman's "The Deceased", the first film starred by Fernanda Montenegro.


O escritor Sílvio Proença precisa embarcar para São Paulo, a fim de divulgar seu novo livro. No aeroporto, encontra um grupo de velhos companheiros. Com o embarque cancelado devido à uma forte tempestade, o grupo segue para o apartamento de Marialva, filha de um dos amigos de Proença. Seduzido pela música e pelos encantos de Marialva, Proença passa a noite ali mesmo, onde desperta no dia seguinte, completamente nu. Ainda zonzo da ressaca, vai apanhar o pão deixado à porta do apartamento; é quando o vento fecha a porta e deixa-o nu do lado de fora.


"Portraits and excerpts from Brazilian films from all times. Actors, directors and images that affirm cinema."

A beautiful woman is found dead, with a peach in her mouth, a bite in her butt and without blood in the body. When other women are found dead in the same modus-operandi, the police gives the nickname of "Vampa" to serial killer. Detective Leôncio is assigned to investigate the murder together with fetishist photographer Oscar. Without any lead, they decide to follow a sexy and popular night-club dancer on the streets of São Paulo, trying to identify possible suspects.


Mulheres de areia is a Brazilian telenovela produced by the Rede Globo and aired from 1 February 1993 though 25 September 1993, in 203 chapters. It was written by Ivani Ribeiro with the contribution of Solange Castro Neves and directed by Wolf Maya, Ignácio Coqueiro, Andre Schultz and Carlos Magalhães. It is a remake of the soap opera of same name that aired at defunct Rede Tupi from 1973 to 1974, when Eva Wilma portrayed the two main characters of the plot.


Six episodes set in and focusing on the history of Brasília, the capital of Brazil. Episode list: A Paisagem Natural (dir. Vladimir Carvalho), O Sinal da Cruz (dir. Pedro Jorge de Castro), A Volta de Chico Candango (dir. Roberto Pires), Além do Cinema do Além (dir. Pedro Anísio), Suíte Brasília (dir. Moacir de Oliveira) and A Capital dos Brasis (dir. Geraldo Moraes).

Factory workers get fired for kissing during work hours


An overlook at the southern Rio de Janeiro neighborhoods, from the perspective of one of its most well-known places: Jardim de Alah, a group of squares on the middle of neighborhoods Ipanema and Leblon. There, people of different social classes interact together - workers who live in the Cruzada de São Sebastião building and the local bourgeois class who live in fancy condos. There, the rich and the poor unite in the same spirit.


Milionário and José Rico are robbed of their money and their fans' enthusiasm. But a female truck driver is out to help them.


In hopes of unraveling the causes and cure for various forms of insanity, a psychiatrist in Brazil created the Museum of Images from the Unconscious in 1952. It gathered paintings and drawings made by mental patients from all over Brazil. Many of the works in the museum are paired with the case-histories of the patients who created them in this fascinating film.


Biography of a Brazilian dancer who lived on an island and practiced nudism when it was forbidden by law.


Laughed at when he announced the discovery of the elixer of life, Brazilian scientist Expedito Vitus ends up making the most important archaeological discovery of the century: the tomb of Runamb, the Mummy, in the sands of Egypt. Back in Brazil, he brings the Mummy back to life.


A public relations man is invited to guide an American millionaire during his stay in Rio de Janeiro. He gets involved in the most bizarre situations, from orgiastic mega-parties to confrontations with the police, meetings with drug dealers and movie stars, facing corruption and even murder.


A three-episode anthology film based on short stories by Brazilian writer Graciliano Ramos.


Rio de Janeiro is a city of very well defined contrast between the seafront, narrow, where the rich live and very close, the hills with their slums, where life changes very quickly in the short space of time.

Ring whose previous owner was a prostitute with supernatural powers causes double personality in a young woman about to marry. After some time, her face gets disfigured, forcing her to wear a mask.


This controversial film from director Glauber Rocha records the funeral of his friend, major Brazilian painter Emiliano Di Cavalcanti.


Life and death of the jesuit who fought for the peaceful relationship between colonists and Indians


Cropped hair, a rosemary branch behind the ear, yellow shirt of shiny satin, he's behind the wheel of his car when passing by a woman who walks by the roadside. Strongly painted lips, printed dress with round skirt and red shoes matching the color of the lipstick, she catches his attention. He gives her a ride, the two of them stare in silence for a few moments. They introduce themselves to one another and between the two establishes an absurd dialogue and full of metaphors. And they are driving around in corners of Rio de Janeiro, to the sound of Noel Rosa and Lamartine Babo. Eva and Antena, she a seer, he, an assassin on the run, initiate an unusual case of love, a marginal love, where boredom often gives way to tragedy, creating the agony of a holiday spent in an abyss.


The painter Tino, in professional and political crisis, receives a telegram from his mother-in-law, Selma, announcing her return from Europe. After his wife's death, Tino continues living with Selma, with whom he had ambiguous relations, which he now wants to sever. Weak at this impossible love, he asks the maid Enedina to lock him in his room. There, he revives memories through letters, notes and photographs. Selma's son João is waiting for her at the airport and dreams of loving fulfillment in his own mother's arms.


In the year 2222, a former drug dealer is kept in a state of hibernation. Reanimated, he tells his story. Leader in the narcotics market, his situation was prosperous until, during a political change, the government legalized its use.


Unable to endure the idea that he would go without punishment, a criminal's victim chases him the length and breadth of Brazil for a showdown.


Couple whose marriage is at stake delve into the past, with the help of a diary and some home movies. In these movies, Helena, the woman's suicidal friend, has an important role.


Marquinhos is in his early 20s and lives in Copacabana with his petits bourgeois parents and older brother. He doesn't have a job, he doesn't go to school, he just lives on the spur of the moment, watches TV, plays soccer on the beach by day and goes out with his mates by night. He meets Irene, a 40 year-old woman and they have a love affair that is going to change his life - for a while.


Edson is having an affair with a left-wing aspiring movie director during Brazil's military dictatorship years. He tries to get some easy money for her film, but ends up being arrested and tortured as his torturers suspect he's involved in a plot to overthrow the militar government.


In 1967, de Andrade was invited by the Italian company Olivetti to produce a documentary on the new Brazilian capital city of Brasília. Constructed during the latter half of the 1950s and founded in 1960, the city was part of an effort to populate Brazil’s vast interior region and was to be the embodiment of democratic urban planning, free from the class divisions and inequalities that characterize so many metropolises. Unsurprisingly, Brasília, Contradições de uma Cidade Nova (Brasília, Contradictions of a New City, 1968) revealed Brasília to be utopic only for the wealthy, replicating the same social problems present in every Brazilian city. (Senses of Cinema)


German documentary for TV about the "Cinema Novo" movement (Brazilian New Wave). Director Joaquim Pedro de Andrade focuses on six Cinema Novo filmmakers working in Rio in 1967.


In the village of Leva-e-Traz, the discovery of a oil field is responsible for a mass evasion of the townspeople. Left are the old and incapable for the extraction job. When the local priest announces he, too, is leaving the town, Satan emerge thrilled with the chance of overtaking the place.


Chronicles the life of a 17 year-old girl living in the upper-class Rio de Janeiro neighbourhood of Ipanema. Márcia lives a life of parties and spend her days among bohemians, musicians and intellectuals. While seeming happy in the outside, she's extremely anguished inside. Based on the famous song by Antonio Carlos Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes.


Luzia arrives in Rio with the expectation of a new life. In the big city, she meets Jasão, her fiance, a former cowboy, who had left the Northeast. But he pretends not to recognize her and Luzia, alone, is forced to accept the protection of Calunga, an unconcerned man for whom life is a fascinating adventure without character or remorse. After using her, he leaves her in the hands of Ignácio, to whom she asks for temporary shelter. But a reunion with Jasão awakens love again.


Homeless children in the slums of Rio are driven out of their temporary shelters by ruthless gangsters in this somber drama. The kids survive by shining shoes, stealing, and cutting the strings of the kites to sell them later to others. Tired of life on the streets, one boy turns himself over to the police in hopes he will be sent to reform school in a last desperate attempt to survive. This feature from acclaimed Swedish director Arne Sucksdorff appeared at the 1965 Cannes Film Festival.


Passively facing the repression imposed by military dictatorship in Brazil in the 60s, a journalist gets into a personal crisis, aggravated by his love affair with an industrialist's wife, who doesn't want to leave her home because of her son


A woman who is obsessed with death wants a first-class burial for herself, and even buys a luxury coffin beforehand.


A group of armed soldiers is sent to the Northeast of Brazil in an attempt to stop a famine-struck population from invading and stealing a food deposit in the dry backlands. While the alienation and insanity of people driven to hallucination by their latent hunger is conducted by the predictions of a religious figure, a truck driver observes the situation and remains torn between his friendship with the soldiers and his revolt against the lack of government action in fighting the misery that lingers over the region.


Five segments about the hardships faced by people living in slums on hills in Rio de Janeiro.


Men work in a quarry on the edge of a hill where a slum is located, of which they are residents. The slope is blown up, advancing to the land near the shacks. Slum dwellers are warned that new explosions can cause damage. The community decides to place itself on the slope, preventing another explosion; without attitude, the foreman gives up on blowing up the hill.