Joel Hoffman

A science fiction vampire movie. The Vampire is an emissary from an embattled world near destruction who teleports to Earth to see if they can live here. He finds that our blood is nourishing and that at least one source of it is a steady stream of transfusions. He hypnotizes a Dr. to provide them and has his blond nurse move in to administer them.


A man conjures up a gigantic vengeance demon called Pumpkinhead to destroy the teenagers who accidentally killed his son.


The owner of a slaughterhouse facing foreclosure instructs his 350lbs, mentally retarded son to go on a killing spree against the people who want to buy his property.


Two years ago, a young woman named Valerie was burned after entering a tanning salon. Now, her twin sister, Rhonda runs a local gym where all of a sudden, people are being murdered.


Courtney, the sister of a survivor from the 1st movie and the members of her rock band go to a condo for the weekend to play music and have fun with their boyfriends. Courtney's dreams are of her sister, who is in a mental institution, warning her of having sex, and the dreams begin to spill into real life, threatening Courtney and her friends as they begin experiencing an attrition problem.
