Joey Smack

In the late 90s, filmmakers William Hellfire and Pete Jacelone collaborated on a series of custom death fetish shorts. While primarily aiming to satiating the bizarre proclivities of their unknown clients, the pair also conspired to link the unrelated shorts together with an obtuse story thread and reoccurring characters, all with the hopes of eventually cutting the footage together as a feature length anthology film. Unfortunately the project was never completed and the footage has languished in the vaults for nearly 20 years... until now.

On the night of a lunar eclipse a mysterious man finds a way to edit his own memories, by injecting secret fluids located in the brains of the recently deceased. While trying to erase his first memory of death he gets trapped inside the nightmare world of a dead prostitute that he shares a strange connection to.


A reclusive and suicidal young man ventures out of his tiny apartment to a local playground and encounters various weird people with weird agendas.


A college student awakens a long-dormant Egyptian mummy stolen from a museum, and then is pursued and seduced by the ghost of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra.


Jackie, a pretty young lesbian, moves in with Olivia, an older and experienced lesbian. Their landlord, a leering voyeuristic psychopath, demands that they pay their back rent or he'll throw them out. In order to forestall eviction, Olivia convinces the naive young Jackie to help put on a "show" for the landlord, but as his fantasies about the two of them get more perverse, Jackie begins to fear that their lives may be in danger.


Camille (Misty Mundae), is on the phone telling her friend Jenny (Jane Ester) about life at college. When she tells Jenny about the drunken lesbian encounter she had with Janine (Ruby LaRocca)they both get very turned on.


A journalist gets herself into hot water (read: torture and rape) investigating a missing person's report.

Two teams have been assembled and taken to a remote island to compete in a series of tasks to determine the winner of Erotic Survivor. The Hey-Hu-Nanni tribe against the all lesbian Pu-Nanni tribe.


Shattered by the brutal death of his best "go-girls," a local drug kingpin recruits some fresh meat to do his bidding unaware that the Electric Cord Strangler has returned and is eager to squeeze and throttle tender female throats.

In a drunken fit of ecstasy, two college girls (Misty Mundae, Ruby Larocca) find an intense passion for each other. While sober, the sexual experimentation doesn't sit so easily with one of the young girls as she struggles with the temptation of a possible second night of unbridled passion.

A wealthy college girl forces her maid to teach her the techniques of how to 'pleasure herself' with a vibrator.


Benny finally decides to quit his drug dealing business. Unfortunately the electric cord strangler is still on the loose, planning to kill Benny and everyone close to him.


A criminal psychologist and a police detective introduce what purports to be an educational police film intended to be shown to law enforcement cadets showing nearly every type of unnatural death and murder imaginable.


Derwin and Derick, Neo-Nazis, plan to commit a school shooting and kill themselves after a sick joke by the school jocks.


The luxury liner Titanic 2000 has set sail on its maiden voyage, and one of the passengers is the vampire Vladamina. Vladamina is searching for a woman she can turn into a vampire queen, and frustrated rock groupie Shari looks to be a perfect target. As various people get seduced and/or killed as the liner continues on its doomed voyage, Shari must chose between eternity as a living dead sex slave or a frigid grave at the bottom of the ocean.


A high school boy interested in serial killers suspects his reclusive neighbor is going around murdering teenage boys. According to the video box "This movie contains graphic images of stragulation, implied perverted sexual situations including masturbation obsession, sodomy, necrophilia, foot fetish and also contains brief nudity."

Judy (Tina Krause) has had recurring nightmares about being chloroformed, duct taped, and eventually killed. Unable to sleep in her own apartment, Judy asks her ex-boyfriend, Bob (Bill Hellfire), and his current girlfriend, Cynthia (Misty Mundae), if she can stay with them. They agree, but the jealous girlfriend has her own ideas and has plans on making Judy's nightmares become all too real!


Story 1: Two young women are watching a crime drama video when a deranged killer breaks into the house. Will the two women survive the ordeal? Story 2: A young couple returns from a date. Can he be trusted?


Stanley, Travoy, Shapirio and Armond are back...and badder then ever! Stoked on drugs, fueled by hate, and propelled by a violent bloodfrenzy, this band of marauding monsters preys upon young girls, making mincemeat out of every unsuspecting, "she's askin' for it" chicky-poo that crosses their path. And they do it in grand style! Strangulation, bludgeoning, disrobing, humiliation, defilement, beating, breast slapping, binding and gagging, stabbing, drowning, trunk stuffing, forced regurgitation, rape and necrophilia. It's just how they get their kicks.

Billy Boy and his FACTORY2000 gang kidnap local college girls only to strangle, kill them and dance with their dead bodies.


Softcore princess Misty Mundae (Chantal, The Rage) in her first film role ever! A swingin party where ghastly teens indulge in liquor, mind-altering substances and acts of lewdness, defilement and promiscuity...A sexually depraved lunatic on the prowl, bent on wringing the life from these helpless youth...A night of bizarre and unspeakable atrocities that will have you, too, in the GRIP OF TERROR!


Joey Smack short film.

Joey Smack short film.

Joey Smack short film.

Joey Smack short film.