Johan Ulvesson

Celebratory TV special for the 100th birthday of Swedish entertainer Povel Ramel with performances by many people who stood on stage with him

Isabella (35) is a driven business woman in Stockholm’s finance world. When she goes home to the small town she grew up in to celebrate her father’s sixtieth birthday, she feels like a winner, the only one in her old school gang that things have really gone well for. Isabella’s selfconfidence falters when she realizes that Simon, her great love from her teen years, is going to marry Isabella’s childhood friend Molly, and that she isn’t invited to the wedding. Isabella is accustomed to getting what she wants, and it disturbs her to see Simon so happy with someone else. Unfortunately, there are some feelings that never go away.


Friendship, grief and romance intersect with love in the lives of three generations of people living in Stockholm


Police detective Peter Wendel leads a cold case group. Based on an original idea by Leif GW Persson, one of Sweden’s most recognized criminologists.


Mankind has always been on the move. Sometimes escaping from something but often also searching for something else.


In 1973, the 20-year-old Svante has a heart condition that the doctors cannot fix. When he has a breakdown on a subway platform, a strange train suddenly appears. He steps into the subway car filled with wonder, without knowing that the destination is the future. In the future he meets Elsa and together they must solve Svante's problems and figure out how to live together when they are from two different eras.


A couple on the brink of divorce attempts to hide their crisis at a grand wedding, but it turns out they are not the only ones with false appearances.


Two middle-aged brothers and farmers live together on the farm they grew up on. They are struggling with their loneliness and inability to run the household after their parents died so they put a "help wanted" ad in the local newspaper. They get more than they bargained for when Hillevi turns up with her mother and a goat.

Sweden's most popular and best comedians were commissioned to make their own sketches based on ten selected themes. It resulted in 10 episodes, 120 sketches, and 300 minutes of Swedish humor.


Alvar is a pensioner who hides his guilt by "constructing" fictitious memoirs. By chance he meets Miriam, a socially tone deaf and obstinate teenager, and they become friends. Their friendship deepens when they begin to inspire downhearted people with public art, and comes to a head when they themselves have to blossom.


Alice har tröttnat på sin pålitlige men förut­sägbare Bosse. Hon håller så smått på att kasta sig i armarna på en annan man. Bosse söker å sin sida tröst hos vännen John som rekommenderar sin egen metod: att antyda otrohet och låta svartsjukan rädda äktenskapet. Bosse väljer dock att ”kompromettera sig” med Johns fru Wiwianne. Tillsammans övar de förförelse utan att på allvar förföra någon och därmed är otrohetskarusellen i gång.

Mamma Moo is a typical cow, besides that she wants to do so many uncowly things. Her idea of fun is biking and dancing, and when she meets Crow her happiness is complete - the fun is so much bigger when you have a friend. There's a catch; Crow does not want to be friends with a cow, especially not such a peculiar one.


Mamma Moo is a typical cow, besides that she wants to do so many uncowly things. Her idea of fun is biking and dancing, and when she meets Crow her happiness is complete - the fun is so much bigger when you have a friend. There's a catch; Crow does not want to be friends with a cow, especially not such a peculiar one.


The movie is based on Barbro Lindgrens popular and absurd comical books Loranga, Masarin & Dartanjang (1969) and Loranga, Loranga (1970). The movie is about the worlds greatest dad that loves pop music and refuses to get a job - because who would then play with his son Masarin? Lorangas dad Dartanjang lives in the woodshed to prevent germs from getting to him. But that does not seem to help because he keeps getting sick all the time.


Mona Bergström is a sweet eurovision-obsessed woman in her 30's. She is married to a lazy husband and have 4 children, all named after her favorite Swedish eurovision popstars. Her brother is a crossdressing guy selftitled "Candy Darling". Mona works on a retirement home for disabled people, where she is responsible for taking care of a young man named David who suffers a movement restricting disease forcing him into a wheelchair. Davids parents has abandoned him as they wanted a normal child. Mona holds a big place in Davids heart, and vica versa. Davids goal is to get his parents to come and visit him, and he wants to show them that he is a great person, despite his handicap. Therefore he works with music on his computer, and his goal is to create a song, send it to "The Cardigans", a famous Swedish band and have them play the song and credit him, hoping his parents would spot it and want to visit him.


Hör och häpna! De gamla kumpanerna Ragnar Vanheden och Dynamit Harry har bestämt sig för att bli...hederliga. Därför har de startat AB Alltjänst. Doris arbetar naturligtvis som firmans sekreterare. En dag blir Ragnar och Harry kontaktade av en äldre dam som erbjuder dem ett aningen originellt uppdrag: att bevaka Kungliga Operan i Stockholm.Den gamla damen har emellertid ett kriminellt förflutet. Och inte nog med det - hon är ocksp Sickans mormor! Och som inte detta skulle räcka, bor även Sickans lillebror, Sven-Ingvar, kvar hemma hos mormor! Det visar sig att den gamle ärkeskurken Wall-Enberg tänker lägga beslag på Operans hela Eu bidrag i maskopi med den avgående Operachefen och en italiensk kumpan med djupa förgreningar i den sicilianska maffian. Nu gäller det för Jönssonligan - förlåt - AB Alltjänst att hinna före. Och det blir bråttom...oerhört bråttom!


c/o Segemyhr was a Swedish sitcom that premiered on TV4 Sweden on 4 September 1998. The series took place in and around an apartment in an exclusive neighbourhood in Stockholm, Artillerigatan 35 and later Styrmansgatan 52 in the same area. The series began with three seasons from fall 1998 to fall 1999, thereafter additionally two seasons were added in 2003–2004. All seasons have been released on DVD. Script writers were Fredrik Lindström och Erik Haag.


Based on the novel by Maria Gripe, this is the story of two children, Klas and Klara, growing up in the poor Swedish countryside of the mid-19th century. Their father Albert is a glass-blower, famous for his beautiful vases, but still unable to earn enough money for his wife Sofia and the children. At a spring fair a distinguished gentleman arrives and buys all of Albert's glassware. After this nothing will be the same again. Klas and Klara are kidnapped and taken to a strange castle...


The faded dragshow entertainer Ragnar Rönn is both broke and lonely. He is becoming extremely unpopular. Noone comes to his shows. Perhaps it might have to do with the fact that he is completely unruly and bitter. One day he runs into the middle-aged funeral entrepreneur Margaretha.


Marie and David are always arguing while their friends Sara and Samuel always seem to be happy together. Or are they? This year they decide to spend Christmas in the mountains together.


Six women get fired from a bank while the director gets a huge raise.


The film is based on a series of immensely popular Swedish children's books, about the boy Bert, who is just hitting puberty and having the usual problems with it. But that's where the usual ends abruptly.


Yrrol: An Enormously Well Thought Out Movie. Sketch comedy


Göran buys a house in a suburb. It is in need of some repairs but Göran believes himself capable of repairing it himself and with the help of some cheap craftsmen. However, the house is much worse than he thought. At the same time, a gang of crooks is searching for the dynamite the hid in the basement some time ago. Göran has to rescue both his wallet from greedy craftsmen as well as his marriage with Tina,


"The Inventor" - About "Arbman Development" an inventory company initiated by PR-guru Leon Nordin. AD produced a total of 173 inventions, including a banknote counter that made confetti out of money.

A show/happening recorded at restaurant Tyrol in Stockholm.


Lorry was a TV series that premiered on Swedish TV in 1989, broadcast from restaurant Lorry in Sundbyberg. In the ensemble were Peter Dalle, Johan Ulveson, Claes Månsson, Lena Endre, Gunnel Fred, Gunilla Röör, Suzanne Reuter, Ulla Skoog, Evamaria Björkström-Roos and Stefan Sauk. They have also done a show on the Tyrol in 1991 and the movie Yrrol in 1994. The series was said to turn to a "divorced and mature youth", which was also the explanation for having the same title as a dancehall in Sundbyberg. Peter Dalle was the central figure behind Lorry. He wrote the most part of the material and also directed the fourth and last season. Carsten Palmaer, Sven-Hugo Persson and Rolf Börjlind also contributed to the script. The Lorry gang became famous for their sharp, offensive and politically incorrect humor, which even led to pressed charges to the broadcasting commission. The TV series's opening credits song was Earth, Wind & Fire's hit "In the stone". The Lorry gang returned in a variety show at the Oscar Theater in Stockholm and it became a huge hit with the audience in 2001–2002. Parts of the show were sketches taken from the TV series.


When the war breaks out, Annika lives with her parents in Värmland, close to the border to Norway. Her cousin Harald is a dealer in the black market but has to escape from the police to Norway. Annika moves to Stockholm and gets a job as a waitress. She meets the happy-go-lucky Berit and together they have a wonderful time. She also meets a young man, Bengt, whom she marries. But almost immediately she discovers that her husband is different from the man who was courting her. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.


Aired in December on the Swedish channel SVT as their Christmas Calender series of 1989. The Story follows private eye Ture Sventon as he solves crimes in Lingonboda, the Arabian desert, London, and Stockholm. His secretary Ms. Jansson and good friend Mr. Omar aids him in the constant battle against his arch enemy Vilhelm Vessla. Based on the books by Åke Holmberg.


Conny is a chemistry teacher who is framed for drug possession. Unable to prove his innocence he ends up in prison. When he finds a secret exit some inmates "persuades" him to participate in a heist. Things become extremely hectic as he tries to prove his innocence as well as "helping" his inmates. When Conny thinks that it couldn't possibly get any worse he meets Susanne, a policewoman...


Celebrating the first revue/variety/show "Akta huvet/Watch Your Head" released in 1953 by pastiches and reworkings of the Povel Ramel song and comedy book.