Johannes Nussbaum

A young nurse urgently needs an apartment until his age-old favorite patient offers him to live with her. But then everything turns out differently.

The third case of the successful "Steirerkrimi-Reihe" takes Commissioner Sandra Mohrund and her boss Bergmann to the remote Muerz Valley, where they have to solve a strange death. During the investigation, the unequal duo uncovered the dark secrets of the Fürst family of entrepreneurs and their matriarch Pauline and learned that appearance and existence do not always match. With pointed dialogues and a dash of humor, "Steirerkreuz" offers exciting entertainment based on the novel of the same name by Claudia Rossbacher.


Nineteen-year-old David dreams of being a concert pianist on the international stage. Although his talent made him special in his home town, he soon realizes that at the conservatory he is but one of many talented students.


The second film of the Alpine crime series introduces the unequal investigator duo Miriam Stein and Hary Prinz into the world of skiing: To clarify the murder of the Austrian national coach, the Graz investigators look behind the high-gloss facade, where through competition, intrigue and commerce the team spirit led to absurdity becomes.


Agathe von Trapp, the eldest daughter of a well-known musical family, overcomes many obstacles to pursue her musical career and move to the United States.


Mr. Müller is not satisfied with his new work at the Goethe-Gesamtschule. The early getting up and correcting exams annoy him. Director Gerster wants to improve the image of the Goethe-Gesamtschule because she wants to be a symbol of the new company. To achieve this, she wants to take away the partnership from the Schillergymnasium with a Thai school. So, Mr. Müller, Mrs. Schnabelstedt and the 10b must go on a school trip to Thailand.


For the two 13-year-old blood-brothers Alex and Ferry, Hitler's war is an exciting game – which is not surprising since they live in a backwater town ignored by the Allied bombers. The only thing that's more interesting than watching enemy planes fly past is the burning desire to discover the secrets of sexuality with the fiery Rosa. But then bombs actually do start falling on their little town – and the boys are sent to a Czech spa to wait out the end of the war... Worse yet is another problem they have to contend with: Alex learns that he's Jewish! As the choir prepares a concert that Hitler is planning to attend, the boys are swept up into a world of intrigue and danger – and into the bed of the brave and beautiful partisan Helenka... With both the war and the boys' hormones raging, Alex and Ferry embark on a coming-of-age adventure unlike any other.


A nurse from the Ukraine searches for a better life in the West, while an unemployed security guard from Austria heads East for the same reason. Both are looking for work, a new beginning, an existence, struggling to believe in themselves, to find a meaning in life..
