John Baker

The Fifth Doctor tries to take Tegan back to Heathrow Airport but the TARDIS arrives in the 17th century instead of the 20th. The time travellers find a space capsule has crash-landed nearby and that its alien occupants, three Terileptil prison escapees, intend to wipe out all indigenous life on Earth by releasing rats infected with an enhanced strain of the great plague. The creatures are also using a sophisticated android to strike terror into the local villagers. Aided by itinerant thespian Richard Mace, the Doctor tries to unravel the evil plot.

A family of five orphaned children are going to be split up into different homes. What will happen if the eldest is officially made their foster parent?

Isabella and Henry were childhood sweethearts. Isabella dreams of the arrival of a vulgar woman named Emily.

The Time Lords discover that the Master has stolen their secret file on the Doomsday Weapon. They grant the Doctor a temporary reprieve from his exile on Earth to deal with the crisis. He and Jo arrive on the planet Uxarieus and become enmeshed in a struggle between an agrarian colony and a powerful mining corporation.

A London accountant (Herbert Lom) forms six gangs into a syndicate which he tries to control with a killer (Sean Connery).


A bomb dooms the first space satellite, manned by a selfless crew, a stowaway reporter (Lois Maxwell) and a mad scientist (Donald Wolfit).


Having been given enforced retirement due to his age, Mick-Mack creates strain upon his extended family.


A man who works for 'The Party' (an all powerful empire led by a man known only as 'Big Brother') begins to have thoughts of rebellion and love for a fellow member. Together they look to help bring down the party.


A story of robots leading a revolution against their human creators. It explored dehumanization through technology and the failure of a technologically driven utopia.

A hunt for a spy, in an hotel in the South of France just before World War Two.
