John Branch

With a history of men dominating her fate, a broken woman returns to her hometown to bury her mother only to find a violent organ smuggling ring already has the body and wants no witnesses, but by trying to extinguish her they spark an inferno.

A pair of beautiful female missionaries take it upon themselves to rid their city of crime, even if it means breaking a few commandments.


An apathetic man-child, Ron, goes on a journey to restore the spirit of his catatonic mother.


Loveable losers Deet and Bax, best friends and struggling weedpreneurs, unknowingly help Amanda an undercover Agent infiltrate a South American Drug Cartel and cross paths with an eccentric billionaire.


When the aging Meyer Lansky is investigated one last time by the Feds who suspect he has stashed away millions of dollars over half a century, the retired gangster spins a dizzying tale, revealing the untold truth about his life as the notorious boss of Murder Inc. and the National Crime Syndicate.
