John E. Blakeley

Classic British comedy following an accident-prone army Private, played by music hall legend Frank Randle in his final screen role, as he attempts to rescue a Corporal (played by icon Diana Dors) from the attentions of a predatory Sergeant-Major.


Two clumsy detectives investigating the murder of a singer scare themselves when they accidentally reveal the killer to be a respectable psychiatrist, secretly a notorious jewel-thief. A rare film venture by this top radio comedy team.


In Over the Garden Wall, a working class couple (Jimmy James and Norman Evans) are planning to give their only daughter and their new GI son-in-law a right Northern welcome. As always, though, riotous trouble starts to flare up when a young man starts to flirt with James and Evans's daughter!


Northern comedy greats, Jimmy Jewel and Ben Warriss, decide to enlist in the army. Their singing sergeant-major, the Irish tenor Josef Locke, misappropriates the mess funds. When he picks on Jewel and Warriss, the duo’s comic routines come thick and fast.


Flatfoot Mason and his friends are the bane of the staff of the school at which Flatfoot is janitor - and where one of the pupils is Mason's long-lost daughter


Joe Butler, a soccer player whose father is the company chairman, is faced with a difficult choice: should he play the championship match on his father's team or should he play it on his school's team. He chooses wisely and finds love and happiness with a secretary.


The Rogers family head off by car to Blackpool where, after a musical interlude and fun on the prom, they have an adventure in a haunted house.


Three sketches: Donovan and Byl perform comic acrobatics; Arnley and Gloria do a dance routine; Frank Randle plays an elderly shoe repairer.


Joe inherits a run-down hotel which, with the help of his chums he begins to turn around. A couple of unscrupulous property developers try and persuade him to sell it to them knowing that the land is scheduled for redevelopment. His daughter's boyfriend, an accountant, saves the day!


Musical romantic comedy about an orphan and the son of a Colonel and his snooty wife, who refuses to give them her blessing.


Demobbed from the army Nat, Norman and Dan get new jobs, solve a crime and stage a concert party.


Private Randle (Frank Randle) and army pals, Privates Young (Dan Young) and Enoch (Robbie Vincent) are invited by Private Desmond (Pat McGrath) to spend some off-duty time at his stately home. Private Desmond is too busy courting an ATS girl (Antoinette Lupino) to notice the squaddies are running riot in his house.


Army buddies help Private Trevor court the daughter of their commanding officer. All efforts fail - until a hero is revealed and the sergeant masquerades as a housekeeper!


In a North of England training camp, lovestruck Corporal Kenyon (Harry Kemble) is framed and demoted in rank by a rival in love for the affections of the Adjutant's daughter. Four friends rally round to help clear the Corporal's name.


'The Penny Pool' (1937) features Duggie Wakefield and his Crazy Gang who come to the assistance of young lovers Tommy Bancroft and Renee Harland, who have been sacked from their jobs for filling in the penny football pools during work hours. But the Crazy Gang's assistance is not always useful!


An exasperated clerk at a labour exchange tries to find jobs for two idle scroungers.