John Kitzmiller

A sadistic plantation owner pushes his slaves to the point of rebellion.


In the pre-Civil War South, a sadistic plantation-owner brutalizes his slaves to the point of them heaving no other choice but to rebel. Always obedient, peaceful and honest old slave Tom plays a central role in this tragedy.


The German police cannot solve the mystery of the seven murders which have alarmed the local villagers. They call in Inspector Doren of Interpol, and the only clue the Chief Constable can give the detective is the fact that, each time a murder was committed, the electric lights in the whole neighborhood went out. The locals believe that the killings of the young girls are linked to the vague shadows in the caves under the local castle and to the mysterious Curse of the Green Eyes.


A kind of Italian Robin Hood leads a fight against a tyrant and his henchmen.

In days of old there lived a son of Hercules, who dwelt near Mount Olympus, and as a result was endowed with godlike powers. A city of civilized people face an army of rampaging barbarians. The people at once go into battle and pray for deliverance from the horror and destruction weighing so heavily over them. Just as all seems lost, our hero arrives to save the day and the beautiful Princess Daphne from certain death. What follows is a tangled web of mystery and duplicity as the son of Hercules falls in love with the princess but finds himself distracted by the earthly form of Venus, “Goddess Of Love.”


In the film that launched the James Bond saga, Agent 007 battles mysterious Dr. No, a scientific genius bent on destroying the U.S. space program. As the countdown to disaster begins, Bond must go to Jamaica, where he encounters beautiful Honey Ryder, to confront a megalomaniacal villain in his massive island headquarters.


Tigre is the skipper of the Santa Maria, a pirate-ship, but he feels tired and decides to leave the command of the ship. Unfortunately he has only a daughter, Consuelo. So he will leave the command and the ship to the winner of a challenge among his men. Unexpectedly Consuelo wins. The same night Tigre is killed, William is charged with the killing and is sentenced to death. But before the sentence could be executed the Spaniards of Grand Duke Inigo arrives. Consuelo escapes, however this is only the first move of Indigo's wife to get to the pirates treasure.


The son of a notorious pirate is placed on the path of righteousness by his love for a beautiful young woman.


In this drama, a widowed duchess finds herself drawn to leader of a mercenary band. The cavalier leader offers to save her from her avaricious, land-grabbing neighbor, but then suddenly goes to work for him when the neighbor pays a hire price. This enrages the duchess, but fortunately, he comes back when he rescues a bride whose wedding has been invaded by the evil neighbor.


Marco Venier comes back to his father's home town with his Black servant Kato.

Adventure's Mighty Era!


The movie presents a moment in the ancient Rome history when Nero was the emperor and christians persecuted. Story revolves around Antigonus's plan, archon of Corinth, to build a magnificent temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite, for which the people are oppressed by new and very high taxes. The sculptor Demetrius, asked to make the face of the goddess Diana, falls in love with a slave, the Christian Lerna, and wants to marry her, but another jealous slave has other plans. In the meantime there are plots and intrigues for power and a plan to capture and execute all christians; but things turn out different than expected.


When the planes bombed a Slovene town, a Slovene boy and a German girl set on a journey towards the valley, in which there is no war. On their way a black American pilot, who jumped of a shoot-down plane, joins them. Although American planes have killed the boy's parents, he accepts the pilot with enthusiasm. The children communicate with him in German and the valley of peace seems like the last paradise place of refuge. The Slovene boy, the German girl, and the American pilot represent a symbolic triangle of peace in this adventure happening in the middle of the War of Liberation.


An Italian woman has a son with an African American soldier after World War II ends.

Cock-eyed reporter Georges Masse enjoys a peaceful vacation in Venice. Which does not please his boss as he is not supposed to be... in vacation! P'tit Louis, Georges' blundering but faithful photographer, is sent to Venice with a mission: pull up his socks. But Georges is not so dormant as he appears. Behind the scenes, he investigates the activities of a gang that cleans out Venice. Quite logically, he soon finds himself face to face with a bunch of shady brutal characters, among whom Zélos, a Greek nightclub owner, and Alessandro Cassidi, a powerful motor manufacturer married to the alluring Clara, twice younger than he is...


In Italy, Checco Dal Monte manages a troupe of traveling performers with plenty of heart but minimal talent. At a small town engagement, he encounters the starry-eyed, gorgeous Lily Antonelli, and hires her as a dancer on the show. Vivacious Lily quickly sells out crowds and earns the resentment of Checco's mistress, Melina Amour, but the fledgling performer has far bigger ambitions and soon sets her sights on a higher-profile role.


An Italian sex worker falls in love with a black American soldier during World War II.


Vivere in pace is a 1947 Italian comedy-drama war film directed by Luigi Zampa.
