Johnny Butt

A comedy film directed by George Dewhurst.

A man betrays his best friend, a member of a terrorist organisation, to the authorities and is then pursued by the other members of the organisation.


A wealthy recluse is murdered in an absolutely sealed room.


Recounts some highlights in the career of Admiral Nelson, including his battles with the French fleet under Napoleon, and his dalliances with Lady Hamilton.


An actress becomes the king's mistress and persuades him to convert the palace to a serviceman's home.


Detective Nayland Smith, comissioned by the British Government to investigate a series of murders comes up against the "Coughing Horror", Dr Fu-Manchu's servant.

A retired boatswain hires an ex-soldier to rob a widow's inn.

A schoolmistress sets rival lovers to find her father who is hiding in belief that he is a murderer.

A widow weds a bully and tames him by having a sailor pose as her long-lost son.

A poor orphan pretends a married sailor is his father.


A ten-part series of comedies in which a man repeatedly gets into trouble with his wife.