Johnny Lee Kwing-Kai

Edmond Leung stars as On Do Do, a Chinese version of Popeye who eats Fairy Weed, giving him enlarged forearms and great strength.

The rise and fall of a triad boss in Tsimshatsui.

A beautiful young woman also happens to be the best professional car thief in town. Every man she meets makes a pass at her, except her boss at the legitimate job she has as a cover. She determines to take him away from his arrogant, stuck-up girlfriend.


Simon Yam plays a former big city cop who had a very bad experince with an AK-47. So he's been assigned duty on one of the Hong Kong Islands as a police chief of a small village. He spends most of his time drinking beer and smoking hash while daydreaming. But when a group of thugs armed with AK-47's and .45's invade his terrain, he must over come his fear of that weapon to save his ex-wife and his fellow officers only armed with a .38 and a baton. Can Yam save the day?


Uncle Ying is a fortune teller / Taoism Priest with a failing business and five apprentices. He takes a janitor/nightwatchmen job at a soon-to-be remodeled house, only to find its haunted!


A hot broad is reincarnated as a skin stripperess who sexes guys up, sorta pulls on their skin and stuff and kills them.


A special police squad battles a gang of arms traffickers.


Godenzi plays an acrobatic thief who, after taking part in an elaborate burglary, is double-crossed by her partner (Aurelio) and is captured by the police. On her release from prison, Godenzi discovers that her betrayer is now a highly influential criminal in the area and commands a posse of hired thugs. With a new partner by her side, Godenzi looks to avenge her imprisonment and steal the valuables her former partner had double-crossed her for.


Andy Lau leads a pack of arrogant new recruits at a training center for an elite police fighting force.


Return Of The Demon tells the story of a group of treasure hunters who accidentally unleash a malevolent, soul-stealing ghost who is attempting to reincarnate himself. A series of misadventures follow as the heroes try to contain their foe, including an extended sequence where one of the group becomes possessed by the spirit of a dog and transforms into a werewolf-style creature. Fierce, the leader of the treasure-hunting crew, is played by veteran character actor Shing Fui-On


Ah Wah is an easygoing young man has three good friends. He works in an office, and his manager is the suspicious Shum, who one day asks Wah to carry eight million dollars cash for a business transaction. Wah gives in to temptation and hatches a plot to divert the cash. But his boss Shum is playing a much more tricky game.


Cousins Thomas and David, owners of a mobile restaurant, team up with their friend Moby, a bumbling private detective, to save the beautiful Sylvia, a pickpocket.
